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Everything posted by Celedhring

  1. Okay, seems I won't be touching the game for a few days, just in case!
  2. All my preexisting parties are gone (Android 7.0). The characters are in there - I can use them to create a new party - but the existing saves are gone. That's... annoying.
  3. Shadow is a Deck 1 character, so the chances of having acquired Magic weapons when you first face it are greater. That said, Deck B has the Spectre which is really annoying at that point in the game. Sajan starts with an Amulet of Mighty Fists, so he can deal with magic only monsters.
  4. If you bought the RotR bundle, just go to the vault and check out the Promo Card weapons. At least until the next patch comes around, you've should have a copy of each new card "on loan". Thanks! That worked like a charm (pun intended). As expected, the ones with real flavor/usefulness are the expensive ones. But I have been wanting to contribute to the game and this kind of unique content is what entices me to spend. I have sunk so many hours into this game that I still come out way ahead.
  5. I can't seem to be able to zoom on the promo card pictures in the store page. Can somebody be so kind as to post the stats on the new cards? Trying to decide whether to purchase the base or improved versions of the Valentine bundles.
  6. I don't see the "God" case for Merisiel. She's a slow explorer, and her combat prowess is highly dependent on being alone - which is hard to manage in large groups or towards the end of the scenario, when most locations are closed. Her evade is pretty great though, particularly when talented so you can chose to leave the card on top. But that's about it. Sajan is a strong brawler but "one and done", and his utility is extremely low, even if you go for zen archer. Drunken Master looks fun on paper, but pots are very weak. I tried building a Drunken Master with loads of healing pots so he could recycle his deck like crazy, but it was too many hoops for too little reward. My tier 1 players are Ezren and Sheelah. Amiri jumps there if you do Legenday, I'd say she's mandatory. Tier 2: Lini, Seoni, Lem, Amiri Tier 3: Merisiel, Harsk, Kyra Tier 4: Sajan, Valeros
  7. Seoni or Lem through Local Heroes is fairly trivial too. 5-10 minutes tops.
  8. Might be a wording error? They changed the Holy Candle to banish too (it's bury in the physical game) to avoid players exploiting it by stocking several copies and thus rendering the blessings deck meaningless. So maybe it's working as designed, but they didn't change the wording on the card to reflect it.
  9. You cand pile up more +X via spells. Encounter a critter, give her +18 via strength spells, explore again, and then add improved guidances for the Alpha Strike. You can play around hand and deck limits by having characters in the same location and giving cards to Amiri (or to each other) to maximise the strike, too.
  10. Really struggling to beat Thessalonian Sins on six player Nightmare. Any advice from the pros? The difficulty of the checks to beat the villains just ends too much out of wack, and Nightmare rules make it way hard to try to work around this.
  11. Congratulations! PACG is also the winner of the very prestigious Celedhring's Mobile Game of The Year award.
  12. There was a workaround posted in this thread that may work for your situation: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90070-harpy-monk-card-persists/ Try these steps. 1. Make sure the card is visible. You might need to start a new scenario and do the first exploration. 2. Forfeit. The card should still be visible while you're in the deck resetting phase 3. Drag the card into your hand. It should disappear. 4. Click "View All". This removes the filter so you can see this Monster type card now in your deck. 5. Drag to the bottom to discard it. 2. Hit Forfeit. The card should still be visible. 3. Drag the card into your hand. You will then be able to diacard it. Thanks a lot! This has done the trick and I can play that save again. Consider yourself digitally hugged.
  13. I have a similar issue. I forfeited after encountering a henchman in the Town Square, since I decided I didn't want to banish a card and it was best to just retry. Somehow the Ghlorofaex card stayed on the screen, and now every card I draw triggers a battle with him (which freezes and cannot be finished), even when I play other scenarios. So right now my main progression save is unusable, which is kinda sucky.
  14. While we are at it, I would love to have a setting to speed up rolling/card animations. Some encounters that incorporate a lot of steps (say, roll x dice to increase difficulty, then roll for a "before combat" card ability, then roll for combat once or twice, then roll for an "after combat" card ability, etc...) can become really cumbersome.
  15. I'm also going to toss a #4 in there. 4) It's different, but there's really no practical way to address tabletop-style culling when you can play scenarios over and over or even go back to earlier Adventure Decks. Not only is it the best solution to the meet the "infinite replay" feature of the app, it probably culls more Basic/Elites per scenario than you would have had a chance to naturally do so in tabletop play. It's pretty unlikely that in the ten scenarios of AD3/AD4 you'd have encountered and removed nearly every Basic boon, but the game does exactly that when you hit AD5. I completely agree with this. It's just pointless to implement the tabletop approach in a setup where it's trivial to replay scenarios. I have played more than a hundred games in my main campaign save. I think the Obsidian approach is the best possible for this medium. And "manual" deck culling is one of my favorite rules in the tabletop game.
  16. Was hoping for a fix to Thessalonian Sins...
  17. If they were selling lots of gold and treasure, they would have no need for specials. The fact that there are specials every month, for me, it's a sign that things are not so well... But who could blame the players? To buy gold is an awfully bad deal, and chests are better only if you buy 50 of them. And if a special is only marginally better than chests, how can they expect it to sell? US$ 25 makes a very expensive tablet game. The company should be happy to have that kind of money from each of its players. Buy if you decide not to pay for that and use the money on specials instead, you would be doing a bad deal. In my opinion, they should sweeten the specials to make them at least close to the benefits of the full price tag... Cheers! Mauricio PS: And they should also consider giving players reasons to buy the full package after he/she already unlocked some characters/campaigns with gold. We should at least be able to retrieve the gold we have already spent, but the way it is now, old players are decouraged to pay the 25 bucks if they regret not doing so earlier... Loads of successful mobile games have time-limited specials to drive buys. It's neither a good nor a bad sign. It's just business as usual.
  18. I hope so, although I guess that after Runelords is completed they will take their time cleaning up and consolidating the engine (still lots of bugs outstanding), and developing quest mode/multiplayer/PC release.
  19. Deploy your character on locations with high Ally counts, be extremely aggressive when exploring. Hold absolutely nothing back. Try to clear fast locations like the Academy or the General Store as a priority, too. The Black Maga can still attack empty locations and lose a turn. I never have much trouble with it, honestly. The key is being really aggressive when exploring, burn everything that gives you extra explores in a turn.
  20. Can't wait to try deck 5 during my lunch break!
  21. What I like about Kyra is the lack of needing to carry around healing spells to begin with, so I can max her utility. I also don't mind not recharging spells - In fact, I actually prefer discarding them outright and just healing them back, so they get shuffled instead. She's a great support character. On-demand healing allows you to play pretty damn aggressively, and finish scenarios quicker. I just don't find the point in Sajan though. I guess you could build something out of Drunken Master, but I haven't found the right potions for it (I guess I need to get more chests).
  22. Thanks for the heads-up! I barely check the store section and this interests me.
  23. OP has convinced me to keep track of how many chests I open. I hope that I don't regret it when I look at the figures in a few months' time...
  24. My only real money purchase was the RotR bundle back in June, and I haven't got the offer. I hope that buying chests with gold obtained ingame doesn't count as a "purchase".
  25. You also get 5 gold for closing down a location permanently.
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