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Everything posted by mccrispy

  1. I wonder whether if you aren't using a weapon you are not adding the Melee Trait. Just because you are using the Melee skill​ die, it doesn't necessarily mean that the check has the Melee ​trait​ (I'm guessing).
  2. It's probably changed the skill die. Use the skill selector at the top centre of the screen to change it back to D12. (This is a long-standing issue with Blessings, the App tries to be intelligent about selecting the right skill, but screws it up. You just have to keep an eye on it and fix it if it does screw up.)
  3. There has been a status update on this bug - just not here in the technical support forum where all the bugs get logged​ on the Dev Blog
  4. I certainly recognise you description of the behaviour - apart from the banished Villain. I've had several situations where the game has completely lost track of which character is "on turn", to the point where I've had character A take a turn, then character B, then Character A for just a single Blessing removed from the Blessing deck. I've never spotted the trigger, though it is more prone to happen at the Temple (especially with Harpy Monks)
  5. Yeah, I think that you're right about that icon (again, difficult to know for sure with the state of the in-game documentation). If the game got confused about where the caster was (rather than who the caster was) that might explain the problem. It wouldn't let Lem, or anyone at his location, move to Academy because they were already there, but they could go anywhere else. I've had some odd instances where the game has clearly lost track of who/where the active player is - but they have usually involved something like (but not limited to) an encounter with Harpy Monks.
  6. Who was casting the Teleport? That symbol at the Academy means something - but of course it's not explained in the documentation (because there isn't any) - I just can't remember when else I've seen it and what it means.
  7. Teleport is supposed to "ignore any movement restrictions", so you should be able to teleport to the Temple from anywhere (it's hardly a Teleport if you can't). Of course the Devs may have decided that the Legendary difficulty movement restrictions override everything - after all, they aren't part of the physical game, so they can do what they like.
  8. Yup, there's plenty of posts on the interaction between Harpy Monks and Temple http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89924-1143-harpy-monks-at-the-temple-many-many-odd-things-happen-part-i http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89925-1143-harpy-monks-at-the-temple-many-many-odd-things-happen-part-ii http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89898-harpy-monk-temple-location http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90198-115-more-harpy-monks-at-the-temple
  9. I'd also love to see a "Roll" button as an alternative to the swipe gesture. Even on a theoretically "top-of the-line" iPad Pro, I get a little annoyed when it takes a few swipes to do a check. And then there's the flip-side..., where the gesture recognizer is unexpectedly hyper-sensitive and you roll a check without weapons or blessings or anything because your finger strayed barely north of the character's hand... [insert sad "failed check" noise here] LOL! Yeah, had that happen too. I think that you're right and that a "Roll" button would be useful. They might have to implement one when they do the PC/Steam implementation, so it could be an optional UI feature for all versions. Dice animations could be similarly configurable.
  10. Awesome, great job! It does indeed look to be a know issue. Can you mark the thread as answered (there will be a button by iamlagging's post).
  11. You see no benefit probably because your version always recognizes the dice-rolling gesture... When I play, it's not uncommon that I have to repeat the gesture one or more times - and an 'auto-succeed' button would be helpful from time to time. And there is also the time waiting for the dice to stop and the result to be shown. But I know there are some exceptions where the difference of the check matters, for example (like Rat Swarm), and this means this feature could become a nightmare for the dev team. So I see why it might never be implemented, after all... Cheers! Mauricio LOL! You make an excellent point! My Android device (sadly now defunct) was terrible at touch gestures for PACG. Absolutely terrible. I used to get friction burns trying to roll the frickin' dice. Even now on a PC/Emulator the dice occasionally refuse to roll until the second or third attempt.
  12. How rude! It may be obvious to you, but "obviously" not so to the OP or to me. I presume that makes you feel superior in some way to point it out. By all means, correct or improve my understanding - I'll always appreciate it, but please don't insult me when you do so. That being said, it must be fairly close to happening as PC/Steam looks as though it's being scheduled for some time in 2017: it "feels" like an H1 timing rather than an H2 time-frame. It seems to depend on what OBS decides to do with Quest Mode once they've put AP6 to bed around Christmas.
  13. Hang on, what are you saying Hannibal? You say "yes" and "yes" then say "when this is working" so which is it?: "yes this all works now" or "this will all work in the future"? The way you've set it out is very confusing!
  14. OK, I thought we were done with this. Apparently not. And who is snarking now eh? "the card gamers, at least" WTF does that mean? Some sort of elite cadre of players that excludes certain people by sly inference? I call BS on that! Great way to foster the spirit of camaraderie that you wish to engender. Not! (FWiW, I have a complete first printing copy of PACG and am - mainly - a player of physical board games, can I please join your elite group, can I? can I? pretty please? Pah!)
  15. At the end of the encounter the GB buries cards with the Magic Trait that were played. So I'd say that includes any cards played as a result of summoned cards - because they are all played during the GB encounter. It's an interesting point though and I'm not entirely confident of my response.
  16. At what point exactly does the game "get stuck"? You say you've beaten the scenario, so presumably you're no "in scenario" any more, but where are you? There have been multiple reports of the game getting stuck at the rewards screen under various circumstances, so a little more detail (perhaps a screenie) might help.
  17. Yes, it has been requested several times. But what's the difference between hitting a button to auto-succeed and the gesture to roll the dice? I see no benefit. You couldn't have an auto-succeed feature that didn't have a button becuase there are occasions where you would want to fail the check (typically by changing the skill to a D4 skill)
  18. Not had this happen when no progress has been made on the challenge. But I do think that the timeout on that darned bar is way too high for something that sits across my hand of cards. Really irritating.
  19. Yep, I've definitely had a similarly confused instance of a game: where it lost track of where the encounter was taking place, what was being encountered and even who was having the encounter. I've definitely had the situation exacerbated by a VRT, which is unusual as a VRT normally sorts out issues where the UI appears inconsistent.
  20. I'm not sure which question you're asking there waspa: does content purchased in Google Play entitle you to the same content via Apple's App Store without additional payment can you play the same characters that you had on your Android copy of PACG when you play a copy of PACG on iOS I don't know the answer to question 1 (though I suspect that it's "no") and Hannibal has answered question 2 "no, not yet, but maybe in the future".
  21. I guess they must have come to me: I have nine! TBH, I'm surprised that I have that many, I generally only keep a maximum of 6 of anything useful. Mind you, Ibis Lamellar is super-duper useful
  22. For me it's Giant Weasel and Engineer's Work Gloves (not that anybody in any of my parties used either of these, but still...)
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