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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Yes, please, and Melindra, pretty please.
  2. You mean you'd consider giving Ranzak anything other than Cure?
  3. Also, we need Chuffy and Mogmurch. We need them. Ok, I need them.
  4. I happen to rather like Tontelizi, and think he'd be more effective than in the card game because of all the polearms available in treasure. I expect it to be Flenta though as she's just a bundle of fun. It should be Reta Bigbad from Goblins Fight as she's technically a sort of fighter and because goblins.
  5. Interesting - it has now shown up (at least on Android). Must have just been impatience at my end!
  6. Thanks for the prompt reply! Does that also apply to the Goblin Golem?
  7. Just upgraded through the Ambassador Programme and whilst I seem to have everything else, I don't seem to have the promos. Not sure if the Pillars promos are ready yet (be nice to see Eder again mind), but I know the Golem exists (even if I don't have it). Am I doing something wrong?
  8. I can understand why this has been done, but can't say I'm happy with it. I have been carefully curating my treasure cards so they don't show up all the time and now I have a stack of them - I'd like the option of being able to say 'actually, I'd like less of these cards than the maximum allowed. I mean, I like me an Orb of Ice, but not when it's the only Item I ever flippin' draw.
  9. *bites lip* I seem to have acquired some treasure rewards I haven't earned. I have an unreasonable number of Red Dice sets (no biggie, but not completely sure what I am supposed to do with 24 sets), I've got a whole bunch of the Edge dice (about 12 extra sets apiece) and most egregiously of all I have a set of Nathan's Tribute dice that I must have earned just for being awesome (which I am, to be fair), rather than for getting any Quest Mode characters to level 25, which I didn't do on account of just generally being rubbish at Quest Mode (but still totally deserving the dice). Also I seem to have a lot more treasure cards, which is noticeabke as I make sure to only have 1 copy of each Treasure Card (except for blessings, a couple of spells and the level 6 ring of protection as that's essential) so that I actually see cards from the physical game from time to time, but I don't know how that's supposed to work. I think I only have one copy of cards I got through the free PC DLC and didn't have already, but I seem to have a bunch of the more common treasure cards that I already have. I post this not to brag (that would be crass), nor to actually ask the devs to take stuff from me (that would be daft - although fair), but to demonstrate that there's something amiss with some of the way rewards are distributed and that it's not as simple as people not getting stuff they should have (unfortunately). slight update Just went to check what I had by logging back in and I now have 30 sets of Red Dice. Are they actually Tribbles? I think we should be told.
  10. I thought this had initially happened to me but then found that a new PFID had been created that had all my PC content on (and some of my tablet content). I merged the two IDS and everything appeared on both devices. It could well be that this is the issue on some of these cases.
  11. I'm not mad. Frankly I don't see why anyone should expect to get a free game on a completely different platform simply because they have it on another. You have the game already, and a lot of the free stuff in the Ambassador Programme are things you would normally have to pay for. Getting parts of the Goblin campaign to boot? Pretty decent deal. Now, if you have been a vigorous member of the community and actively helped the devs to improve the game, I think there is a case that folks in that position might be entitled to hope for a little reward if they think in a very transactional way. But if all you have done is rocked up, bought the game, and played it, then I am not sure why anyone should feel angry about not getting freebies.
  12. Same here. I'll just kick it old-school without all the extra cards, as nature (well, Lone Shark) intended - not exactly a hardship!
  13. Whiskey? This I would call a overkill Can't say he doesn't deserve it!
  14. Take note that Augury allow you to look only at your current location while Scrying allow you to look at ANY location... which is a huge difference. One that justify higher checks... They are both amongst the very best spells in the game, but Scrying is significantly better.
  15. Considering you'll remove the Quest characters, any chance we get a boost to the Story mode Party/character limits? The numbers now are really insufficient (yes, I do NOT want to delete my characters who have already completed the campaign :D Very much this. Especially if there are goblins in the offing. I am going to have to complete the campaign with all goblins , after all. And I do mean 'I have to'. My psyche leaves me no choice in the matter. Every day that there are goblins and I haven't goblined all I can goblin with them will gnaw at my mind.
  16. Interesting - I wonder if, when I find it in-game, it'll show the same? I'll have to play more to find out!
  17. Are you sure? As of, it looks like the Slaying Sword lost the Elite trait and gained the Magic Trait. My copy in the Gallery still has the Elite trait and not the Magic trait. I haven't found it in-game.
  18. Still an issue as of today's patch
  19. Bit late to this party but doesn't look to me like it's been fixed.
  20. Thanks for the realistic answer Flounder. I think it's obvious that the app presents technical challenges. FWIW any new boxes are an instant buy from me (well as long as they're priced like Runelords). Going to view the PC version a bit as a disguised Kickstarter and grab a copy
  21. Like the look of it - and it will be strong later in the game where there are tough locations with Wis requirements. I think you'll have a lot of fun with that group.
  22. Tried that one myself and they work very well. 3 healers and three who burn cards makes an effective team. On the physical game, I have an all-gnome team of Lini, Tontelizi, Balazar, Raz, Cogsnap, Qualzar and Melindra. That's a very entertaining group to play. Plus, of course the Six Goblin Party.
  23. Good reasoning, but I agree with you you will find the lack of a good Dip/Char dice/other closing option troublesome in Party 1 as there are so many places where Charisma is useful (helps a lot with Allies as well, and there are times when snaring a stray Ally and immediately using the explore might mean the difference between scenario success or failure). I think you want Seelah in Group 1, Amiri in Group 2 and Val in Group 3 to ensure you have a Charisma option in each - and for the fun of a Lem, Val, Harsk assistance-fest. The downside of that is Group 2 will need Lini to carry a lot of healing as Seoni, Amiri and Merisiel all have a tendency to burn through cards. You shouldn't have a lot of trouble ending villains with that party though!
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