1. What is your age?
2. What is your favorite color?
3. List some interests.
Reading, videogames, computery learnin'
4. What kind of music do you like?
Most genres, so long as it's not rap about beeotches and hos or looping electronic music.
5. What genre of movies do you like?
I like all of them but I don't have near enough time to watch them.
6. What genre of video games do you like?
I can enjoy just about everything except for sports games, mostly FPSs, TPSs, Stealth games, Platformers, and RPGs though.
7. What quality do you most admire in a person?
Honesty and Loyalty
8. What quality do you least admire in a person?
9. Do you think of yourself as a negative or posative person?
I'm pretty cynical but it's a relative opinion. There's always someone gloomier or happier than me just around the corner.