No, no, no. The plan is to kill Eldar.
And meta, and Walsingham, and Lady Crimson, and Darque, and Dark Raven, and Lucian, and Fionavar, and Hydrogen, and tarna...
Hrm. I've been busy.
First six collections of Y. I bought/read the first two before Kaftan brought them up but I don't venture into this thread all that often.
Just finished Watchmen and I am soooooo pissed off that
was killed off like that. Geez.
Africa is worse off than the Middle-East, but no one cares?
Well duh, they're black.
This is a joke, please don't anybody take this seriously.
That's all I ask man, that's all I ask.
Actually I thought you were a spambot there for a little bit, but the sarcastic followup post disproves this. My apologies.
Actually I think it'd be funnier to get out a couple BG1 screenshots and put them next to the NWN2 models just so everyone can see how the 6 pixel (number pulled out of my arse, obviously) heads look so much better.
Honestly though, he's not too geeky for Obsidian, he and Hades just need to get together sometime and discuss everything that's wrong with the designer's visions and how theirs are so much better.
Oh, and Soulthief, using how strong you are in real life as a comeback is just one step above threatening to beat someone up over the internet.
Ah. I was gone all day and didn't see the original post. I was hoping maybe one of their random word generators they tack at the end of the emails/posts had just turned up some particularly hilarious results.