It's the sweet spot. I actually read an article on this awhile back, don't remember what it's called so I'm not gonna bother tracking it down, but the gist of it is, in a PG-13 movie they can put just about all the violence they want into it, and a lot of most bad words (only one f-bomb allowed I think, other words are gratuitous enough that there should be no shortage of intensifiers), and lots of sexual content so long as they don't go to full frontal nudity. For scaling back on sex, F-bombs and other highly offensive words, and maybe toning a completely off the wall gorey scene down, they get to have pretty much every kid who wants to see the movie see it. They don't card anybody for the movie, and even if the parents are there they're able to feel good about taking their kid to see the movie because "It's not rated R." The only thing that bugs me about this is the lack of boobies.
I'm on to you Hollywood.