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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Were they using sub-dermal scanners?
  2. From what I understand I'll probably end up making less money if/when I break into the games industry than I will be in two years when I finish up my Network Security degree and have a few computer certificates under my belt.
  3. Dude, the linked computer is a straight up beast and the poster is basically exaggerating to stir up some ****. Processor Brand Intel
  4. Not really. Hulk ripped him in half a little below the rib cage, between his stomach and intestines. Only bones there would be his spine, and that's jointed all the way down. EDIT: Also Origins was really cool. Beautiful art. EDITx2: Sinister isn't even a real mutie. He made a pact with Apocalypse for his services Apocalypse gave him extraordinary genetics tech and he mutated himself. Cloney. He and Wolvie were born at around the same time.
  5. Danish is hard from what I hear.
  6. English too...
  7. Hey, this one time I got the snot beat out of me by a black guy who was about a foot taller'n me, my face was so swollen up I couldn't even see and I was bleedin' everywhere and stuff. Man, that's another reason to hate those darkies.
  8. America and Co.: Hey Iran and NK, check it out, we've gotten rid of all our nukes, now you can too! Iran and NK: O RLY? America and Co.: YA RLY! Iran and NK: NO WAI! America and Co.: SRSLY! Iran and NK: <launches warheads> America and Co.: OUCH! That really hurt, now seriously, we got rid of ours, now you're supposed to ditch yours. Iran and NK: <launch another volley of warheads> America and Co.: Guys? America and Co.: Well ****.
  9. But if I can't jump it's not realistic enough.
  10. I never knew you felt that way Hades. All you had to ever do was ask...
  11. Just encode it with each print then have the end user make up a key using fingertaps. Add more taps for more security, keep them in your head, easier to remember than computer passwords since there's an active component.
  12. I'm pretty sure I saw fingerprint tech in one of the newer luxury cars awhile back. Maybe a fancy Nissan? Anyhow, they aren't easy to fake if the scanner's good. The cheap ones, only scan the surface and they're easy to fake out. The good ones go and scan all three layers of skin and they're near impossible to fake out. Handprint scanners are even better, as they scan the individual veins in your hand.
  13. The solution to becoming bilingual in America is to become a highschool teenager in a latino community just outside Watts. It worked for my dad. Also, blingualism is a fascinating subject as well.
  14. Two years of a foreign language, usually French, German, or Spanish. This sounds good in theory, but two years of a foreign language in highschool is like one semester in a college and all you really do is become briefly accquainted with the way the language works.
  15. The 'he doesn't age' schtick has been around for awhile. I mean, I'm not familiar with the really early stuff but at least pre-Dark Phoenix. Also don't forget about the Wolvie vs. Hulk run in Ultimate where he gets ripped in f*cking half by the Hulk and crawls a few miles using his arms to get back to his legs so he can put himself back together.
  16. I only know English and a smattering of Spanish (read useless remnants of highschool Spanish). I want to learn more Spanish and pick up Mandarin but I just don't have the ding dang time right now.
  17. Shoot, this was supposed to be an email to myself from school. Sleep deprivation is bad kids. Carry on.
  18. Write conceptual essay on 'end'.
  19. Time for Xmen/Star Trek slashfic!
  20. No, she's drinking blood from a milk carton.
  21. It is my destiny! You cannot deny me my fate!
  22. Shock! Horror! I have been revealed as the fraudulent homophobe I truly am!
  23. I didn't say I was pulling out. I said any dude who volunteers to break half the board rules with his bid gets my vote. "
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