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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. It's not so much that the QA is crappier on PC as there's a whole lot more variables. PC it's "Hey dudes, will this game work on every single PC configuration within the Minimum System Requirements and all the way up to the uber 1337 future PCs of doom?" Console it's "Hey dudes, will that game work on...an Xbox?"
  2. You just gave S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as an example of a project with good time management and/or purposeful and well thought out schedule/delays?!! Tell me you're not this dumb; that you're just pretending to get a rise out of people. Right? Right?!
  3. 1 2 3 5 7 8 13 14
  4. Oh yeah, well just wait until I get a camera and take some pictures of my surroundings!
  5. Yes. Wait no. No, that's what he said.
  6. I liked it.
  7. 3D sprites in a 2D sidescroller. You couldn't play them in 3D but they were rendered that way. It was a big deal at the time man.
  8. The Donkey Kong Country games were in 3D too.
  9. NWN Mobile Oblivion Mobile
  10. Well that's all well and good for combatting the flouridization and other mind control drugs the government puts in the water, though it'd probably be cheaper in the long run to just drill a well. But what I'm talking about is the chemtrails. Clearly the only way to fight these is to use the aformentioned orgone generators to summon the extraterrestial Sylphs of the Gas Giants. Only then can we breathe freely.
  11. I'd suggest taking approximately a dozen soda cans (depending on the size of your head) and cutting them open. Discard the ends, and keep the long flattish parts. Duct tape them together in overlaping segments until you have a helmet shaped apparatus. This should keep the ELF waves out. Now you just have to worry about the chemtrails.
  12. Guys the threat of ELF waves is a clear and present danger. They're being broadcast from so called 'cellphone towers' every day. Link
  13. Because tinfoil hats look really silly. Duh. Actually that was in response to tarna's post. This topic's just so active. Speaking of tinfoil hats:
  14. Well since PNJ is a Paper Mario sequel I think that after they finish up NWN2 Obsidian should make a Donkey Kong RPG.
  15. Jar Jar was awesome you guys, I don't know what all ya'll are smoking.
  16. Nah man, they made it to the moon....but they didn't tell us about the remnants of a civilization that built their cities out of glass! Layers within layers of deceit dude.
  17. 1 3 10 20 21 23 24 25 26 29 31 33 41 42 44 45
  18. Of course it's crap, it's
  19. Dual shortsabers, red. Ninja style.
  20. Goddamnit Kiro.
  21. Force Wave+Force Storm with my Sith Lord. Wave does initial damage and stuns most of the opposition so they can't run up on me and attack while I'm shocking thiem, Force Storm is...fun.
  22. What about Matt Damon?
  23. I'm sorry for not doing this guys, I really am. My life kind of exploded right after I was planning on doing this. School ended up taking a lot more of my time than I thought it would, work ended up taking still more time (Ha! Not anymore!) and really I won't be able to reliably run anything for about two years give or take a few months. LOL REAL LIFE COMMITMENTS!
  24. Ben Affleck. People love that guy.
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