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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. Especially in WOT where you're not even adding to your post count.
  2. Yeah guys, making multiple posts is bad.
  3. It's like rub on mutant healing factor! :D
  4. Well after I upgraded it did that with XP but all I had to do to get it fixed was call the Support/Registration number that popped up in the dialogue box telling my my key wasn't valid and it was assigned to another computer. I told them I upgraded, told them what parts I upgraded, I assume they looked at their screen, hit some buttons, and my OS was good again. Not that big a deal if Vista works the same way.
  5. But what if she's just a girl?!!
  6. What if the cute girl's just a cute girl?!!
  7. Yay ultra-gore!
  8. No, but he goes in and disables the missles before they launch, and nobody even knows he did it. I totally played this level already.
  9. Sam Fisher FTW!
  10. Sounds like experience to me.
  11. Eclipsed 1. 1. To cause an eclipse of. 2. To obscure; darken. 2. 1. To obscure or diminish in importance, fame, or reputation. 2. To surpass; outshine: an outstanding performance that eclipsed the previous record.
  12. We had a similar incident with one of our cats only we know exactly how it happened. He ran out the door one morning while were were leaving for school without us noticing, went and laid under the car right under the engine. Dad started up the car and he must've done the whole standing straight up with his tail raised bit because he got it caught in the fan and next think know we see a gray blur running up the porch. I got out've the car and let him inside, we hadn't noticed the tail yet because he wasn't acting hurt and he didn't yowl. That night when I was feeding him I noticed the bone sticking out of his tail. It'd already scabbed over and the bone was drying out and it was only the very last two joints so we just left it and it fell off. We have a black and white cat exactly like that. 30 pound male, he's big but also fat, we call him 'Blob' even though he's technically named Farrell (was a stray, play on words). You can pick him up and turn him over on his back and he'll just stretch out like he's dead and let you carry him around like that, very passive cat. He is scared of strangers though, somebody comes into the house he doesn't know and he hides for the duration of their stay.
  13. Also I need another friggin' Max Payne. I'm sure Alan Wake will be good and all, but it's just not the same.
  14. That was done extremely well. was my favorite character in the first game, and he was still my favorite character for most of the second game. I was just as blindsided by his betrayal as Max was, and I wished I could've returned the favor by putting a bullet in his head rather than that hinky shoot the pins out of the scaffolding sequence. Superb friend and villian, superb plot twist.
  15. Are we talking a lesser of two suckers here or what? When all are losers there are no winners.
  16. Bastila sucked mm'kay?
  17. The stealth fatality was more badass with the bush hook. ^_^
  18. Actually it was the Cultist blade, don't remember the exact name though, found in the Hollowbrook near the end of the game. It's stats are the same as the Katana, but it deals agg damage like the flamethrower. :D
  19. No it's not.
  20. You'll never know about it because Third Echelon will take care of it!
  21. You not only live on the West Coast, but assuming you haven't moved we both live close enough to Beale that if a nuclear war started in earnest we'd both get a hearty dose of fallout when they bombed it and die of radiation poisoning. Anybody with any sense would take out Beale first if they're aiming for the West Coast of the US, what with all the spook planes and bombers. But this is all irrelevant because I've already played this level and Sam Fisher totally saves the day.
  22. No love for Ultima Online?
  23. Unless you're in La Fayette Nam. I'm on the opposite coast, Grass Valley, California. Time Magazine says it's one of the top ten best small towns to live in, I guess.
  24. Sleep is my mortal enemy. :angry:
  25. Official policy at my EB Games according to everyone I've talked to is no returns on PC games. They even go so far as to ask every customer buying a PC game if they've checked the system requirements so they aren't upset when they can't get a return because it doesn't work.
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