Okay, I know you lot all love Fallout so very much and can see nothing at all wrong with it, but I'd like to make my case for the combat system being utterly convoluted and stupid.
You're micromanaging the combat, cool. My personal preference is closer to the Real Time w/ Pause found in pretty much every other recent CRPG, but you know, micromanaging can be fun too.
Oh, wait, I've got several turns just to move close enough to my opponent I can strike them, and even if I'm using a ranged weapon it's not really worth it because my accuracy is so off at this distance?
Well alright I guess.
Oh wait, every turn takes an exponentially longer amount of time to cycle, even if they're ****ing rats?!!
Well, I'm getting a litte miffed here, so I'll just switch out of combat mode and then switch it back on when I'm closer.
Oh wait, I can't do that because there's enemies in sight.
Well shoot.
I mean, my experience may have been marred because I never chose to hit the enemies anywhere other than their crotch, but I should have been able to hit them in their crotch with less hassle.