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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Take it... Due to your level/CHA/FP-regen in the half-to-end-game the additional FP penalty is neglectable... Poor neglected balance...
  2. link 1 Link 2 It is called Dxun
  3. Bring Bao-Dur to the caves, and pickup the sensors there. Then return and face the Administrator with the proof... Not that it matters in the end (except maybe cheat you out of some items/XP 'cause of bugs)
  4. http://mantis.team-gizka.org/view_all_bug_page.php
  5. Dual Wield Silver and Viridian DS HK-47 Nar Shaddaa (most stuff to do; most interesting plot of the planets) 7.5/10 till TSLRP proves me otherwise (which it will!)
  6. Linkie Improves all the music (or almost all) for better pleasing of the ears
  7. Prepare to wait then... for quite some time still. If you still want to play "vanilla" Kotor2 do install their patches though; and the music patch (link found on Obsidian Main Page) Ways the PC is better than the X-box: Mods (if you're into that) + custom patches Ability to look better (if your PC is up to it ofcourse) KSE But no; there is no "new content" (that's Kotor1... till X-box live gave the x-box version the same stuff)
  8. No idea what you're talking about Just seeking for info about the destruction of Dantooine No idea where they planned to have the guy dumped though...
  9. Quick read through Dialog.TLK gives: Bastila after the escape on Taris: Also mentions about how the destruction of Taris is awfull; and Master Zhar feels like it is no longer save on Dantooine and they might leave there shortly. Also; another fun one (someone has an account with Team Jawa? )
  10. Juhani: "But the Jedi soon left to fight their war. And I was left with a dream...I swore that I would become a Jedi. As soon as I had enough money to do it, I bought passage on a freighter headed for Dantooine.And we both know what has happened since then." (Replaced with full quote from Dialog.TLK)
  11. Every inhabitant of the planet knew about it... not very Hidden then, eh Also it seemed that it wasn't "hidden" at all from off-worlders (Juhani knew they came from Dantooine and flew over there).
  12. Yup. They couldn't just go and implent him because there was a chance he died in Kotor1... (well; they could then just delete if you set a DS Revan; but that was prob. not worth the effort)
  13. Hmmm... yes; the PS:T variation of the IE engine had severe issues with me as well... Altough not with floating text (that was all fine) The only sollution was to downgrade drivers to 22.xx or so; so I rather sticked with it; considering I was a fighter anyways...
  14. Make sure you have only the needed windows-background programs running... the more the higher the crash-chance...
  15. Hmmm... I've had reboots and critical error warnings with Freelancer, while having an onboard soundcard. Problem there was the 3D harware sound or something. However you say totally disabling the sound completely didn't fixed anything it is worth a shot just turning off this one option? And if it is a dual-core issue; ever thought about shutting one of before launching KOTOR?
  16. Having HK program droids before Atton was locked up is impossible; seeing as HK arrived AFTER Atton was locked up... As for the promised ship; Nihilus' with the Sith Troopers? (still Peragus' most odd plothole)
  17. Just went through Peragus again; and this was my conclussion: HK-50 found you on the Harbinger; and crippled the ship to kill everybody and claim you his bounty. However the Sith Battleship with Sion/Assassins and the EH with Kreia/T3 caused trouble; and they kidnapped the Exile onboard. HK-50 follows. End Harbinger... Enter Peragus. Upon arrival HK-50 gets assigned at the maintance office. Coorta plans on trying to smuggle the Jedi out of the station; by locking all the miners in the dormatory and then contact some-one to smuggle the Exile away. However, as noticed, he never comes so far since HK-50 backstabs him for not agreeing with his ideas after helping in the begin to trap all the miners. As for how HK-50 tries to escape... I would suspect he was awaiting one of the regular Telos-expresses to arive and hijack it. That also seems the only way how Atton came to Peragus; altough I have no idea WHY he should be there...
  18. Yup. And as for the "Rims" folder. NO idea what is is for (empty here too; however Kotor1 has files there... probably some leftover OE didn't delete from the installer)... It isn't the Override folder for mods...
  19. Yeah; I would run too... But it is not enough What they call "Overkill"
  20. According to you they ARE; as they WERE making K3 internal... before that idea got scrapped. @JWEBSR: The reason why no releasedate is given is because that is impossible. First they need to find a dev to make it; then that dev has to buy/make an engine... then write down the plans... and only THEN you might have a planned amount of time it might take. Otherwise it just gets pushed back and back and back; and do you want K3 to "go DNF" or even "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."?
  21. Tried: Q. The game starts windowed. Even setting it to fullscreen ingame does not help A. Open SWKotor2.ini found in the map where you installed Kotor2. There find [Graphics Options] and change FullScreen=0 to FullScreen=1 ???
  22. I am pretty sure putting your stats too high can cause issues with the alignment of your teammates...
  23. They made a nice effort; but obviously one cannot beat the superior Axis Forces...
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