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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I know there are some that refuse to take back opened PC software, but those aren't the places I buy my PC software from (like I return any of it anyways though) usually. Do these places still accept returns on opened console games too? I mean with HDs becoming popular and modding consoles and whatnot, it certainly does seem as though it's just as easy to make illegal copies of it as it is with PC software. Places like EB games (at least in my neighborhood) will still buy older games, though you won't get much for them.
  2. I believe they're planning on rectifying those faults for Oblivion, if I'm not mistaken.
  3. It is a long game, and while I haven't played it recently, I still have great memories from it. Full physics and Source effects would be sweet. With lip-synching and full voice overs to boot!!
  4. That's quite the tax rate you have going there. Don't know if Allanitar agrees with your complete control over your economy though, while I do like the strong social support net.
  5. 326 million people? Didn't you just have 5???
  6. Can you blame him Hemsky had a great game by the sounds of it against Vancouver, and wowsers did Peca ever roof an amazing breakaway. By that ability alone he's already way better than Marchant :D Getting geeked up for the season. My roommate and I even subscribed to cable, just for the sports stations. And I also have tickets to the game on the 21st against Colorado. GOOOOO OILERS!
  7. Sort of like Ender said, if the game is good, you'll get over the interface changes. Ultima VII was a big surprise for its interface, but in the end it became easily my favourite Ultima game (only rivalled by Serpent Isle, the quasi-sequel), and one of my favourite games of all time. Good games are good games. People will soon forget, especially if the interface is actually more intuitive. Unless your names is Hades. EDIT: As for Gorth's statements, I wouldn't disagree. But those are more design decisions, rather than "nice graphics" and whatnot. I'd happily play a fully 3D, Source/Unreal/Oblivion Engine game of Baldur's Gate, if it still had its mechanics like full party control and whatnot.
  8. Meh, it's always cool getting something to work properly, especially if you don't have much experience doing that sort of stuff.
  9. If there's nodes ala UT Onslaught, then I'd consider it.
  10. Hmmm, I would tend to agree. Huge amounts of time in many of the older games could be spent effectively doing nothing, wandering aimlessly without even finding a generic mob. To some though, this type of exploration is very popular, and even I don't mind it too much, as long as there's something to do at the end of my journey. A huge empty wilderness that is ultimately a dead end would definitely be a dud.
  11. I know a few places in my area that will take returns on opened computer software. Though it's only for cash value, and within a period of time. All of them allow for replacements based on damaged software, meaning you can replace it with the same copy of the game. Unopened software can usually be exchanged for that dollar value. If you want cash, then it's a little tricker (as businesses like to hold on to cash). My local EB Games does buy back PC games though.
  12. I joined. The Democratic Republic of Allanitar
  13. You have no chance to survive, make your time!
  14. A veritable guarantee that NWN2 will be the bestest game ever then. I predict 100% ratings, with the easiest, yet most powerful module tools in existance, and an OC that makes you go "What was this Baldur's Gate thing?" and "Fall-what?"
  15. Not much time for me to play. School and all that jazz.
  16. Slightly inspired from Ender's Open Source thread in WOT, but I put it here because I feel it is part of the "Computer" in "Computer and Console." If any mods want to move it to WOT, so be it. Basically, do you guys see the Open Source movement eventually gaining more and more steam? On one hand, you'd have excellent supported software (in theory anyways), constant updates and improvements (hey, just fix it yourself if you can!!), and free software. At the very least, good ideas won't be contained to one particular developer, which will spread their merits faster. On the other hand, Open Source typically means free. This means that making money and having "official" support becomes more problematic. And outside of those familiar with computers and using Open Source documents, could be a deal breaker. I also wonder if you'll get less people involved in Computing Science and programming, as making money IS a nice perk of that CS degree you just received. If everything became Open Source, then it would definitely become less lucrative. Share your thoughts.
  17. I'd argue for poverty as well. I'm not 100% sure how welfare is handled in the States, but I definitely hear not so glowing reviews about it. Though people can be anti-American. I'm not a fan of "sink or swim" either. Things were like that before the Great Depression IIRC. Plus, leaving people to die and starve seems, well, rather cold to me. I have no real problems with the idea behind welfare. The problem is that there are always those that take advantage of it. But I think it still serves the greater good of society. But I'm Canadian, which makes me a Socialist and borderline Communist right? :D
  18. over: Calgary Flames under: Edmonton Oilers :D :D :D
  19. Well, there's still topics in Way Off-Topic, they just aren't on-topic for the other categories! Besides...this is the "Way Off Topic" forum. Not the "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Off Topic" forum
  20. I'm not a baby fan. Sorry Ender. Though I'm sure I'll change my tune when I start having some of my own.
  21. Looking back Shadowstrider, you keep reiterating the validity of the complaint, which I actually never explicitly questioned. I just asked why is it only a problem now? As for the Oyster analogy, I'm not sure how accurate it necessarily is. I would consider that Commissar IS taking issue with it, since he continuously posts in this thread. Plus your position on whether or not you like oysters is a bit smaller in scale. Besides, you expressed your dislike and did take issue with the offer, in declining the offer. Not taking issue would be to accept the offer anyways, which is essentially what Commissar is doing. Commissar claims to be adamantly against something, yet doesn't consider it a big issue (though his posting on this thread would make me think otherwise). If it's not a big issue to him, then how could he be adamantly against it? http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=adamantly "Stubbornly unyielding." If it didn't bother him enough to make a kafuffle out of it before, then he wouldn't be adamantly against it, as he's already making concessions because it's not worth his time or whatever. But this is waaaaaaaaaaay off topic. If you really want to continue this part of the discussion, I'd be willing via PM.
  22. Hundreds of thousands in irreparable damages? Haha
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