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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Peca notched his first goal too. Hopefully this will get the retards on this hockey forum I visit to stop demanding we trade him because he "sucks."
  2. Nah...they were impossible to get. Plus I had an essay to do for today (which I finished at around 4 AM! ). I am going to the Colorado game on Friday though. There was some good things this game, but still need that 60 minute effort.
  3. I bow before Infinity Ward. I think this is a new engine, and it runs great on my "old" 3500+ Athlon64 and "ancient" Radeon 9800 Pro.
  4. There are times when not wearing your seatbelt can save your life too. There's always exceptions to the situation, but they are in the minority.
  5. Given Call of Duty 1 was arguably the best FPS (fantastic sound), the demo of Call of Duty 2 did little to surprise me. Definitely on my Christmas list. There is one thing I noticed though: How exactly did "it show" that they were using all three cores? I mean, would it really play any differently if they had equal distribution over all 3 cores? It certainly didn't slough or look bad on my single processor here at home. I went to an EA recruitment session, and he mentioned something interesting. According to the speaker (Dr. John Buchanan), current games on the PS2 and XBOX use about 5% of the resources for Artificial Intelligence. He expects on the new consoles for that number to jump to 10% (which is a big boost, because 10% of Cell/Xenon is way more than 5% of the PS2/XBOX, far more than double). I wonder if Infinity Ward really has an entire processor dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, or if there isn't more happening on that processor. Dedicating an entire processor to it would make me assume (perhaps erroneously) that it would be approaching 33% of the processing power for AI.
  6. Awwww, no responses. In any case, the second that Hades said "A computer is a computer" we expanded beyond the scope of merely a "PC" Though I think people might get a kick out of this: http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/?t=archives&date=2005-02-05
  7. Nothing you can say will undo what you have said previously. Credibility = zero. Have a nice day.
  8. How are consoles and PCs so different that a unified architecture just cannot work on a PC? What was your reasons for the usefulness of 64-bit processing again? What exactly IS logic in AI programming? How are consoles and computers different really that different?
  9. I disagree because most stuff you say is factually incorrect. But yes, you are the AI guru, that realizes that people use 64-bit numbers for the extra precision, where a console totally 100% benefits from a unified memory architecture, but computers don't because consoles aren't computers. I'm enjoying the entertainment, and I'll go back to lurking now
  10. WE certainly do. Like when people say this: You might as well not post anymore, because you literally have no more credibility after that one. First you boondoggle the usefulness of 64-bit processing, and then later comeback and say "I was only talking about benchmarks." Then you basically tell the entire field of Artificial Intelligence research that all the work they're doing on statistical analysis to create more rational agents is nothing more than "choice" decisions. You then ignored my question pertaining to what you thought "logic" was when determining AI (I'm curious how much you really know about AI programming, and I think you started tossing around logic so much that it had begun to lose meaning). I can add another question to that.....how are consoles not computers? And going back a little bit further, what significant differences for computers (or even "PCs") exist over consoles that would make a unified memory architecture (which apparently is infallible for the console) not work for a computer?
  11. I've already copy and pasted your quote into my signature. It was clearly "computer."
  12. In the other thread he states that consoles aren't computers. That one was priceless.
  13. A console isn't a computer, regardless of what people think, Hades_One. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And I thought the 64-bit numbers gaffe was bad. Consoles indeed are computers. I'm curious what you think makes them not computers.....
  14. Well, he's only had one game so far that was stellar. I think it might be early to go jumping on the bandwagon already.
  15. That depends. Onboard video chips that utilize the same memory as the system perform worse than equal memory amounts that are separate on PC boxes. Shared memory isn't always better.
  16. It's called marketting hype. It's been around for quite some time now.
  17. As other people have said, the biggest advantage of the console is standardized hardware.
  18. I guess that's why almost every Xbox title used FSAA to a great degree, and all X360 games will use it 100% of the time, while displaying everything at a 720p minimum resolution. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not going to work on standard televisions?
  19. Play of the game was totally the save on Hemsky. Oilers pot that and they cut the lead to one, and gain some momentum. Kiprusoff's save was just a slap in the face. Hemsky should have passed it into the net rather than shooting it maybe
  20. I think that only occurs when you don't already have something. Plus, your example is a singleton and unfortunately anecdotal. If you're planning on purchasing something, the one that has free things that come with it often do very well. Maybe my example isn't much better, but we basically have 3 top brands of beer at a liquor store I used to work at. The one that had the free giveaway was always the best seller, because it's getting more for your money. People ARE leery of free, but the "free" in this case required a previous purchase, so people see it as more bang for the buck. People love free online games, and I'd wager games like Starcraft, Counterstrike, Diablo 1 & 2 have done a lot better than the MMO games. In fact, Guild Wars was released with a free online mode (and it's an MMO) because ArenaNet and NCSoft felt it could be more profitable to sell units rather than make money on subscriptions. Free stuff WITH something else is an excellent marketting program. And as long as increased sales cover the cost of the free goodies, it pays off in the long run.
  21. An interesting snippet from my very first lecture in my AI course this year:
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