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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Heh, yes. You should have zero problems running the game with that rig. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope your right. My buddy has the same setup as me, except a 3.2 P4 and a 6800 GT... It's run alright for the most part, but some of the out door areas butcher his FPS (20!). I don't understand it either... Source runs like a dream, but this doesn't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have an Athlon64 3500+, 1 GB of RAM, and a Radeon 9800 Pro. The only slowdowns I ever experienced were when the memory leak caught up to my memory. Quickly exit and restart the game though fixes this. Mind you, I'm not one of those people that just HAS to have 1600x1200 w 12xAF and 8xAA or anything like that. EDIT: And yes, the Mac-10 equivalent does suck. But having skill 10 (max) with the Kill-o-matic (the Uzi) is just hilarious has you have pinpoint accuracy at full auto. Good times good times.
  2. Just jump into a tank and drive around shooting stuff....it's what I do On a side note, what's the expansion like? It sounds neat!
  3. I was thinking the same thing about the Bruins. Kudos to them for fighting back as well.
  4. Heh, yes. You should have zero problems running the game with that rig.
  5. What would make you say that? I've only seen his two threads, regarding MMOs and this one.
  6. Hey, they always had good waffles. *munch munch munch* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> as well as the best beer and chocolate in the world + we invented fries! damned americans just figured "French" sounded better than "Belgian" <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps they were just referring to the language??
  7. It's just a single player RPG. It does have hefty system requirements, but despite some bugs I really enjoyed the game experience.
  8. Err, surely you mean "let's hope he is an absolute, unabashed bust, that the flames do not realize until he has numerous giveaways that result in losses against the Oilers!
  9. The thing I didn't like about the NW MMO was that there was an insufficient amount of slots for the amount of players.
  10. Spaceballs! I would imagine the "balance" IS the lightside. Being all peaceful and serene and non-confrontational and all. The darkside is a horrid blemish!
  11. I had heard that the big concerns for Boston was their defense. The one hockey forum that I visit seems to echo the sentiments of Stuart being the key cog. Not that Sturm is bad though.
  12. Yup, that is definitely the case. EDIT: Bloodlines was playable by me out of the box too. I did have a bizarre bug at the end where it seemed like I couldn't remove an obstacle. Though upon reload it seemed to work fine, so meh
  13. I've never been a huge fan of resource managment in RTS games. I prefer RTS games now where you don't have to worry about those things anymore. Perhaps I've just outgrown them but I find it way to micromanaging.
  14. Actually, I think considering that the average score is around 75%, would lead me to indicate that 75% isn't "way above average" score, but in fact an average score.
  15. I get the impression that the analysis makes an assumption that a score of 50% (or at least lower) means an "average" game. According to IGN's ratings guide, games with scores below 7 are "barely passable." Games in the 7s are good games that tend to have "obvious flaws." A high 7 means that it might have some first rate elements. 8s are scores that "[miss] the boat in just a few key areas." 9s are fantastic, must have games, with the uber-rare 10 being virtually flawless. PC Gamer has similar ratings. I consider games in the 70s to typically be the "average" game. EDIT: A few things that I noticed:
  16. I've always wondered where you magically pull these numbers out of?
  17. Hehe, I saw that episode. I laughed!
  18. I will consider it. A bit busy at the moment Speaking of Gothic, Aspyr is going to publish Gothic III over here! :D
  19. Sounds like there will indeed be a map of the galaxy. This game has definitely piqued my interest.
  20. I don't think so. I think the big thing person San Jose had to offer was Brad Stuart. By the numbers you are correct, but I doubt Boston would have taken that deal.
  21. Wow! I wonder how many Oilers fans are gonna be pissed because Lowe didn't get him. I figured the only way he'd be out of Boston would have been via free agency.
  22. Homosexual slang starting with the letter 'F' is the most common one I hear. Well, aside from "n00b" which is said so much that it's really lost all meaning. The only people I consider to not be "n00bs" are the ones that never use the term themselves
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