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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Brilliant way to keep up those good trade relations though. I'm sure the U.S. really didn't mind Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Forcing countries to pay back their loans in full would ultimately hurt the U.S. too. Furthermore, how exactly do they plan on seizing assets? And you do realize that trade sanctions will also hurt the United States, especially when dealing with the foreign loans. A huge amount of the foreign loans have strings attached to them, which generally call for an opening of the economy to allow those foreign nationals come in and start setting up shop. It allows many U.S. companies to get excessively cheap labour. The U.S. (or any country) doesn't hand out those loans because they're nice people. They do benefit from them. Decided to impose trade sanctions onto a country that you are benefitting from by trading with them will also hurt the U.S. EDIT: To Battlewookie The US, despite the Great Depression, was still becoming an economic powerhouse prior to the second world war. The ironic thing here is that you criticize them for not getting involved, or only getting involved when there was money to be made, in WW2. However, FDR sympathized with the plight of Europe, and there were concerns as to whether or not the population would support the war. There's even the idea that the US knew about the assault on Pearl Harbour, and used it as an excuse to get involved in the war. It does seem convenient that all the "useful" ships like Carriers were notably absent during the attack. They were very isolationist, much like how you would like them to be today, though you criticize them for it in the past. On a final note, I highly doubt that your country would just "give" stuff away as well. Furthermore, I doubt that the Lend-Lease was really the primary catalyst for the US economic dominance. On July 8, 2002, Lord McIntosh of Haringey still considered it to be an advantageous loan to the UK. The Lend-Lease was created in an attempt to redefine "neutrality" so that the US could remain neutral, yet still help countries whose defense was vital to the defense of the United States. They also provided excruciatingly valuable supplies and equipment to the Eastern Front as well.
  2. I am a hermit and I like it. I don't get in the business of government and the government doesn't need to get into mine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah but you aren't. You're interacting with the outside still. You have a job? I bet you have a SSN. Other things such as addresses, various forms of identification, etc. To maintain absolute privacy, you'd have to literally disconnect yourself from the world.
  3. Numbers man, the points Guardian Legend brought up were directed against Lyric Suite, not you. That's why it seemed like he was putting words in your mouth. And the precursor to the UN was the League of Nations.
  4. The thing I don't mind about WW2 games is that it's a large scale "modern" conflict where both sides had their ups and downs. I mean, we could play that Grenada game, but no one wants to play on the side that lost after a few minutes
  5. I bet that that is probably the situation in Canada as well. I find it kind of funny, because IMO privacy is a myth. Unless you're a hermit.
  6. Why would a Gunnery Sergeant in particular be nuts?
  7. A huge chunk of my google searches are as follows: <subject> +Wiki
  8. Is privacy actually a right in the US? I live in Canada, a place where most people believe they have a guaranteed right to privacy, but I remember in one of my Sociology classes it was brought up that privacy is not a right granted by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  9. I'll admit that my interest in the minute details of the CPU market has dwindled. I remember the Athlon's being crazy hot before...just figured they'd still be today. I think according to the BIOS of both of our computers though, my CPU does run hotter than his CPU. His just has a lower warning point, at which point his mobo starts beeping and underclocks his CPU. Funny stuff.
  10. My soldier's name is alanschu, so don't worry. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I used to have an soldier named Iceman. I really couldn't think of anything else, so I justified it by saying it was because he got iced so often. I had a 1-3 kill:death ratio. :"> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm pretty good in a tank. I also like the Special Ops guy. Very satisfying taking out tanks with the C4. I'm a good Helicopter Gunner, but god don't ask me to fly. I love using the TV guided missiles as air-to-air weapons though. I once got a plane (that was flying right at me though). Great for shooting down helicopters however.
  11. They may run hotter, but they're designed to work that way. Ironically, the only person in my rather hot (in the summer time) apartment that ever has heating issues is my roommate and his P4.
  12. Yup yup. Masters of the Universe. Had a young Courtney Cox in it as well.
  13. Was still reading the thread. When you make a boondoggle like that though, it sort of brings into question your understanding of exactly what's going on in Iraq though. Hard to take you seriously. Also interesting that you criticize others for looking only through "US-coloured" glasses, then continue to post "references" from a single source. When you can start corroborating evidence, it tends to strengthen your argument. When you use a single reference, that has an agenda which supports your claims, your arguments tend to lose weight. Back to the topic, don't know if anyone else heard and can confirm this, but my roommate mentioned that there are political parties running in the Iraq elections that have it in their mandate to remove U.S. forces. I also remember seeing something about an Islamic fundamentalist political party running. It was also a day that saw the least amount resistance fighting, with insurgent groups stating that they will not attack polling stations. There was also such a turnout that they ended up keeping the polls open for an extra hour just to get the people in. I don't know, but it doesn't exactly sound like things are as bad over there as many seem to be making it out to be. Unless the liberal media in Canada is unabashedly pro-US wearing their "US-colored" glasses. To be honest Battlewookie, it sounds like you've been brainwashed just as badly as the soldiers you criticize.
  14. Man, you're full of it. Tell you what. Walk into work tomorrow and inform your boss that you're not filing the TPS reports because you have a free mind and will, and are not a slave. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uh, you do know that there's a new procedure for filing the TPS reports right? Did you get the memo? I'll send you another one.
  15. Bzzzt. Wrong answer Hans. Would you like to try Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change? The U.N. Sanctions on Iraq were imposed in 1991.
  16. It does! I'm looking forward to Monday's game! Good luck!
  17. I've grown to use Wikipedia more and more.
  18. A game like Quake IV might be up your alley. From what I've heard from Quake fans, it's good old fashioned quake goodness.
  19. Goooo Oilers! Nice work not giving up! As for Penguin relocation, if they move to Houston, then Columbus would probably move into the Eastern Conference.
  20. Cliches are great. I live in an igloo, and they think I'm slow..eh.
  21. RIP is the Ranger Indoctrination Program which is a 3 week assessment that shows if you will have what it takes to move on to a Ranger battalion and start working your way to Ranger School. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it just me, or did anyone else get goosebumps seeing the word "indoctrination" in there? Good on you, seems to be something you are happy with
  22. Ethan is playing like a crazyman. I'm glad too, because it seemed a lot of people wanted to run him out of town at the beginning of the season because he was getting a ton of penalties.
  23. And that's on realistic? Doesn't really look it from what I see, and keep getting tranqued all the time is just having a death-wish (even on easy, but it seems like you had one) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yup, it's on realistic. Are you sure you aren't confusing the tranquilizer with assorted plasma shots? Maybe the spit of the grekin (sp) thingy in the sewers does initial damage? I'd show you it from the start, but FRAPS only lets me do 30 seconds of film.
  24. Blah, let me get the expansion and I'll probably be on sometime in the future. I just finished my last exam.
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