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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Lock yourself out? How so? I for one like the fact that the game doesn't let you do whatever the heck you want with no worry about the consequences of your inaction. Though perhaps the game could have let you continue playing after Vault 13 gets annihilated, but for as open-ended as people like to champion Fallout, it still has a set story that you still have to at least half-assed attempt to complete. I feel they did better with Fallout 2 for "just letting you play."
  2. The British ones were much better this time around. Less lonesome SAS type experience. I didn't like the ending as much though....the final level was meh compared to CoD's ending. I remember getting goosebumps down the stretch when we were storming the Reichstag as the Soviets. Overall I enjoyed it, but not as much as the original. Probably because it was less "wow" because I had already received a CoD experience before
  3. Yes, people aren't up with just playing "run and shoot" type games cleaning level after level. That would explain why games like Halo, Half-Life 2 (and the original) and all that were not very popular... As good as Deus Ex was, and financially successful, it still doesn't touch the success of those games that have just mere clearing out of the levels. Just like Half-Life's AI didn't matter much because it was just a cleaning level after level type game, or Halo's.
  4. To be honest, I think the engine for FEAR kicks the living crap out of the Doom 3 engine, which is probably why you can run Quake IV so much faster. I was able to run the FEAR demo pretty good with my Athlon64 3500+ and Radeon 9800 Pro at 1024x768. Though I'm not someone that needs to have Anisotropic filtering, and I never use FSAA either (unless I'm looking for them, I have zero problem not noticing the aliasing). I'm still planning on picking this up, now that Christmas has passed and I didn't get it (got Civ4 and CoD2, which were higher up on the list)
  5. Hehehe. I'll remain cautiously optimistic about Bethesda and Fallout 3. Sure it's possible that it might not be much of a "Fallout" experience, but on the other hand, as mkreku mentioned, at least it's being made. If Bethesda wasn't making it, would the chances of a Fallout 3 be zero percent? Given the interviews, it sounded like Bethesda has a ton of Fallout fans working for them. This would lend me to believe that it will be more than just Morrowind with guns. Ultimately though, as long as the game is fun, I doubt I'll really care a whole lot if some concessions are made with the setting (though sticking to the setting is what made Fallout so much fun, so it can't be completely unrelated ).
  6. My biggest "beef" with the game so far is that my parents got me the CD version...all 6 of them. I don't know if there was a DVD version out there or not, but they might as well have just tossed a DVD in there as I can't imagine it having that much of an impact on the cost anyways! Still installing :D
  7. Apparently Troika isn't irrelevant, as this entire thread was basically a complaint that they aren't doing it, and blaming Bethesda for Troika's fall. I also agree that Fallout is just a setting. It could use the OMFGZ0rZ system instead of SPECIAL, and as long as it has a setting that is cool and similar to Fallout 1 & 2, I'm not going to care.
  8. You might have had him confused with I think Alexander Semin. I don't know how good he is or anything, but I know he's a Russian prospect for the Caps.
  9. I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume: 1) That Troika would still be around today had they gotten their hands on the Fallout license because suddenly a publisher will agree to give them some money. If the idea that they had developed for a post-apocolyptic game wasn't worth sponsorship without the Fallout license, I doubt that adding that license would suddenly make it a good investment. Troika made games that didn't particularly sell well, and were riddled with all sorts of other problems. I wonder how much the license would have actually helped. Furthermore, to blame Bethesda for this is asinine. 2) The previous games of Troika, all had issues with them. Whether it be gameplay balancing, bugs, etc. They didn't have a solid track record with their games. As a result, what assurances are there that THEY wouldn't bugger up Fallout something fierce? In my opinion, they were still cashing in on their original Fallout fame (and only Fallout 1 AFAIK....I don't believe Tim Cain was around for the second one), and hadn't really done anything that made me think they could duplicate the success. Would it be better for Troika to make a crappy Fallout 3 rather than Bethesda making a crappy Fallout 3?
  10. Yup. THough I wouldn't be surprised to see Malkin playing with Ovechkin in the Olympics.
  11. If you're looking for a story, then this game is not for you. My roommate has been playing it, and has made some pretty hilarious videos. An interesting thing is that the game doesn't seem to care about homosexuality. This is probably done to protect themselves, but it was kind of funny watching a movie that featured (by accident too!) two men in a very intimate relationship.....in 1930.....and it was the highest rated film of all time! He made a hilarious action movie too, that was all over the place. It got 1 star, but damn was it funny to watch.
  12. Errr, there will be no winning against Edmonton. Of course I wholeheartedly support your crusade against Vancouver. Tell you what, we'll agree to beat you in OT so you still get something out of it :D
  13. Well, Roenick should know that since he's not playing well this year, ol' Mike Modano and his PPG clip have recently surpassed him. 1139 points and 1133 points. Kris Draper brings a different element to the table than both Shanahan and Kariya. Doan is a questionable pick, particularly based on this year's play. Some Gretzky influence probably wouldn't hurt. Again, I don't think seniority should have much to do with it. It's all about making the best team (which often isn't just taking the best players). As for Bertuzzi, people are hanging on to the past too much. Just let it go already. I'm not a Vancouver fan, nor am I a Bertuzzi fan, but jeez move on. The incident happened almost two years ago now, and the only reason why it became an issue is because Moore got hurt. If Moore hadn't been hurt, no one would even remember it happened. He's a good player and he's going to help the team. That's the only thing that matters. I hope he does really well at Turino as well. And if Shanahan rejects the spot he may be given due to injury because of some sort of bitterness, then good on Gretzky for not picking him. I wouldn't want someone like that on my team anyways (which I doubt anyways, since I'm a huge Shanahan fan).
  14. If I am playing a reasonably intelligent character, lets say Intelligence 14 with a WIsdom 12 or higher, and is given all the clues in character I don't see why my reasonably intelligent character cannot figure these things out on his or her own. Now if I had a character with an 8 Intelligence and a 6 Wisdom, then now. The character would be a little of the dull side to figure them out. It is a role playing game after all and I don't see it as being too much to ask for. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hello ginormous branching factor.
  15. The one thing about the international rosters, is that I think "previous accomplishments" shouldn't mean as much. If you do nothing but take the people that have been there before, eventually you'll be left with a situation where you have nothing but young guys. Players like Nash, Lecavalier, Thornton, Richards, etc. are all going to be mainstays on this team for quite some time. The only surprise I have is that Nash made it despite his games played this season. Based on talent though, I have no problems putting him on the team. He played very well in his last international competition. Furthermore, we already have Bertuzzi that can play the power forward as well. As for Roenick, well maybe if he showed he still knew how to play by contributing a bit more this season, then there'd be less bickering. I'm not sure what he means by "I know how to win." What has he ever won?
  16. I have no real beef with the roster. The biggest "surprise" to me was Rick Nash, who IMO made the team because of his previous play in the WC. He's a good player though.
  17. Nope, there was a Mechwarrior 1, released by Activision. One of my favourite games growing up. That's a Jenner vs Shadow Hawk believe it or not.
  18. I agree Shadow. Hindsight bias is a pretty powerful one.
  19. Well, you can always keep waiting for something that's even better coming out shortly. But if you do that you'll never buy anything.
  20. I wasn't taking any damage when driving around and getting shot though :\
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