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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I never said that they'd be easy to add. The impression that I get is that there is no sewer tileset. I seriously don't see what "official"ness is really required. Sure I can't quickly make a sewer. But if (and who knows, maybe it's a big if) the tools provide me with enough for what I wanted a sewer to be like in my game... You also mentioned a noteable difference. What's the difference aside from it not being an "official" sewer?
  2. What is the difference? (serious question) If the tools exist in the game to make something look like a sewer, though without a specific tileset, then wouldn't you still have a sewer? The biggest thing though would be that it would take more time to do so, since tilesets are there to speed things up. But if it looks like a sewer, acts like a sewer, talks like a sewer, smells like a sewer, then isn't it a sewer?
  3. I think it's kind of splitting hairs. If I can make a sewer with the toolset without a specific sewers tileset, then I'm not so sure what the big deal is.
  4. Hopefully it comes out after my Civ4 addiction wanes.
  5. I am at work, and have 0 familiarity with this crossfire app you talk about.
  6. Sorry, I missed a few pairings Throw a few singleton AI players on Diety level to make things interesting.
  7. An excellent point by Monsieur Sawyer. I must admit that the 20th time I'd seen Knights of the Round and its minutes long summon, it kind of lost its charm.
  8. Throw me in there with a 2v2v2v2v2vONE and I'll r0x0r you all
  9. Ah, but I did solo NWN. I'm pretty sure most people came pretty close as well. The funny thing is, when I played the game with my roommate, we finished the game around level 15 instead.
  10. Chop trees to rush that bad boy.
  11. Hahaha, what an elitist. Maybe it's you that's the bad DM. Sounds like you're the one that enjoys axing your players anyways
  12. I think this sums up your understanding pretty well. If you don't know, try creating some modules with the toolset. You'll find out how easy it is to break stuff once you have a few hundred scripts trying to relate your dialogue together in a coherent fashion. Furthermore, trying to create FIFTEEN HOURS worth of this stuff is enormous. I can spend well over an hour in the toolset myself making a pretty neat dialogue tree that lasts about 20 seconds for the user while playing. It becomes worse as you incorporate non-linearity. Not only do I add RP options for Class 1, but Class 2,3,4,5 etc. So if you want 15 hours of RP fluff, then the branching factor begins to explode the work that has to be done exponentially.
  13. Detecting sarcasm is a tricky thing to do when it's just written words. So sorry for missing that. And the level progression in BG was anything but quick. I think it took me something like 60 hours to complete (it's been a long time) and throughout that my character gained something like 8 levels. Add another 20 or so hours for the expansion and 1-2 levels for that. Unless you were being sarcastic again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Except that I found that I hit the level cap long before I hit the endgame. It's easy to be a low level campaign when you artificially restrict the player. Odd that Hades doesn't seem to mind that bending of the rules though. But they broke it with BG2, and especially TOB, when levels started getting handed out (and phat lewt) like they were going out of style.
  14. Hahahaha. My first time playing through, it was late at night. When I came up to it, I said screw it and went to bed and played through it at 9 AM. I toughed it out at midnight this time :D
  15. Well, I suppose one could argue that just having the topic lets the player fill in in his mind the words that are actually spoken. You could just as easily criticize a game like Fallout because none of the dialogue options are geared very well to what my character would actually say. At least if you're looking at it from an RP perspective.
  16. The fans of the Ultima series (particularly Ultima 7) agree wholeheartedly with you.
  17. I'm playing through Bloodlines again, and I must say I still love the haunted house level. I just finished playing it and I still got the heebie-jeebies at points during it. I'm going through as a female Malkavian, that will likely be specializing in Dementation (of course), as well as my usual h4x0ring, and probably firearms (the Kill-o-matic is just too much fun). I do have Auspex, so I'll probably level that up a bit, and leave points out of wits and perception and just use Auspex when I really need to. I'm just about to attack the Sabbat warehouse. I've always been rather stealthy in there, but maybe it's time for me to unleash some fury....though I've always meant to play through as a Brujah, so I'll probably wait for that go around before I massacre everyone.
  18. Don't be disrespecting Gator!
  19. I got the impression from my Special Relativity teacher (Doug Gingrich) that it's a misnomer to say that time "slows down." Due to travelling at a fast speed, with the relationship between space and time, time affects the person at a different rate. Theoretically, travelling at the speed of light puts you in stasis, but it's still not "time travel," it's relativity.
  20. Right, because CRPGs have always mirrored the PnP experience On the plus side, given your indication of WotC levelling guidelines, sounds like Obsidian is likely being conservative. Your strict adherence to the rules is your failing. Funny thing is that you cite Baldur's Gate as a game that did a good job. What? No complaining about a hardcap in the game? Last I checked AD&D didn't have a hard cap of 89k experience
  21. I played with a permanent alliance in an AI game. Though I imagine it's not quite the same.
  22. Who says you haven't. A proper time traveler would know which period he or she would go to and dress and act properly for that period of history he or she is visiting. We could be living in an alternate time line as we speak where the original time line 60 million people died in the Nazi death camps where a time traveler went back in time and change history that only 6 million people met their end at the death camps instead. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because if travelling back in time was possible, you'd have virutally an infinite amount of time in the future (given the few billion or so years until the Sun starts doing its thing). The probability of just one person coming back with substantial proof that they are from the future is basically the limit of x, as x approaches 1. You wouldn't be getting just 1 or 2 people coming back in time.
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