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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. If you wanted the Darkside experience, than you should have played darkside. Don't compromise your character simply to make people that you ultimately wouldn't care a whole lot for happy. I love the concept of the influence system. The only setback of it IMO is that it wasn't fleshed out as well as it could have been. The characters wouldn't really change, which resulted in Atton giving me crap when I was evil, even though he was more darkside than I was. A shortfall of the game (much like the previous KOTOR) is that the lightside perspective is more polished. But don't blame the influence system because the darkside part of the game was not done as well as the lightside. As for the complaints because it made it too hard to "jedify" or be good buddies with every character.....that's precisely why it was put into the game.
  2. I've had it happen a few times where a post I made gets placed into the wrong thread. I wonder if Fionavar just had that happen to him. In the future I'll make sure to not make any conjectures that the Oilers always win when I don't watch them
  3. Not surprisingly, I was unable to watch the game.....Oilers win.....against Calgary!
  4. I always remember Ghosts 'N Goblins being very, very hard.
  5. As a matter of fact I can. One more day to go on the project, then it is mine! Muahahaahahhahahahahaha (evil laugh seemed appropriate).
  6. Bloody Hell!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't have 5 figures to spare?
  7. I'm introverted too, but talk like crazy on the Internet as well. I'm guessing the Structural Functionalists would consider the internet to be serving a function in my life (i.e. expressing myself). Though I'm much less shy/introverted than I used to be though.
  8. I remember the XBOX had some release problems. I think the PS2 did as well. How about the DC? I don't remember any release problems with the PSX or N64. Neither do I remember them with the SNES/Genesis and previos generations. Is this a new thing?
  9. OMFG you bastard! Must resist downloading until after Friday!
  10. I agree with Metadigital that the main selling point of consoles is that they should not have to go through growing pains. They should work immediately.
  11. That's not shock and awe. Those bombs were dropped very strategically with the intent the cause casualities!
  12. I missed the Oilers game. I seriously think we're undefeated when I don't watch the game
  13. Otherwise known as a Barrett M82 isn't it?
  14. I wouldn't say it's sexy. Quite brutish IMO.
  15. Hopefully you sent it to the Edmonton Igloo!
  16. Copyright is a statutory or common law right of authors, artists, and developers (or other holders of a copyright) to publish their works, and to prevent others from copying their works. Infringement includes the unauthorized or unlicensed copying of a work subject to copyright. For example, Title 17 of the U.S. Code (which pertains to copyrights) defines the exclusive rights of copyright holders. There are also several provisions which create crimes for copyright infringement. http://www.techlawjournal.com/glossary/leg...nfringement.asp
  17. Send me yon digital camera then I thought so too!
  18. . Financially hurting someone does not equal theft? If I post slanderous information about a company, it financially hurts them. But it's not theft. When using the term "stealing" it actually does matter if it's physical. Copyright infringement is a 1000000% better term. And you should count it differently than the theft of physical items because it is different. You're just being obtuse about it. Stealing from the government is not treason. Unauthorized access of sensitive information and distributing that information and compromising national security is treason. And I never said that doing it against commercial companies is totally free (which it's not). Thanks for the straw man! <sigh> Yes, I'm totally rationalizing crime For the record I'm exceptionally adamant against software piracy. My first posts on this forum was in a piracy thread. I even [erroneously] used the term stealing much like you are now. The fact of the matter is, you state straight up that it "financially hurts" the company. And then you use examples involving tangible objects as support. If a person had zero intention of legally purchasing the game, then how does a pirated copy "financially hurt" the company. The same does go for the person that cannot afford it. Is it still a lost sale if it was never going to be purchased? Again, this is why you cannot compare it to a physical object. When someone steals a physical object, that physical object is no longer there for the owner to do anything with. And when on Earth did I say that a gamer is free to pirate software? Please show a little respect by not putting words into my mouth and passing judgement on me. It still doesn't work. Theft of physical objects cannot be rationalized as a "victimless crime." It's why many people have no problems downloading music or pirating software, yet not everyone is going off to their Ferrari dealership and taking the cars. Stealing a physical object creates an undeniable loss to the owner of the object. Stealing intellectual property is not an undeniable loss. Widespread Piracy does financially hurt companies. But it's virtually impossible to predict how much. The computer companies consider every pirated piece of software when determining their losses due to piracy (which I probably would too). But it shouldn't take much to realize that those values do not reflect the actual loss of revenue. I'd still use those numbers because people have used the software without properly acquiring the license. But it's easy to see (or so I thought) that those numbers, if piracy did not exist in any way, would not have been purely translated into capital for the owner of the IP.
  19. It was more based on the "Can't pay but must play" that some have... But, you say if they DL a copy they can still sell that copy makes it any different I have to object. Alright, it might not be the same copy, but you still take away cash from the developers. You steal it without any "physical appearance", but it is still stealing. . Playing the semantic game, it actually is not "stealing." However, many people (myself included probably) do consider it to be a loose form of "theft." But it's still exceptionally different than stealing a specific, tangible object such as a Ferrari. . Well, what exactly are you "stealing?" You're certainly getting access to unauthorized information. Would it still be stealing if you found a way into the CIA offices and read the information off a piece of paper without taking it? Copyright Infringement. Assuming the information was copyrighted. The crime most likely committed in this situation is probably treason though. This is where the shady ground comes in and why pirates are able to rationalize their actions. There is some merit to their assertions that if they had to pay for it, then they probably wouldn't play it (my roommate is living proof of this). If you were to build a Ferrari-like car with the exact same parts with legally acquired goods, you could do whatever you want with it and would not be breaking the law. It's why people can make facsimilies of famous paintings and not get in trouble. The second they start claiming it IS a Ferrari though, and selling it (or giving it away) as a Ferrari. At least from a copyright perspective. It's possible they have patents, but that is different than a copyright. Ferrari also doesn't lose money in this situation, since they still have the material good to sell to someone else. If you insist on using Ferrari's (or material goods in general) as a comparison, then you are basically claiming that what we buy is the CD. However, what we are really paying for is the ideas stored on that CD. When we buy a Ferrari, we're buying a car made of tangible materials.
  20. What? No Tobey: I do have a quite the similarity to him.
  21. Oooh hahahahahha We came into this world as a muppet Look into these eyes, you'll see that they are googly. Big bird in his nest, and Oscar in his can, Ernie is a guy, that lives with another man HEY Kermit's on the scene; You know it isn't easy being green! But, I did it all for the Cookie! MMmm The Cookie! Mmmm The Cookie! Mmmm And we can took our cookie, And stick it in my Yum! Stick it in my Yum! Stick it in my Yum! Did it take so long? Why did we wait so long, to give me cookie? Hmmm? Me got me cookie in my fur! It is blue, make me purr! Me so hungry, Does Elmo have me cookie? Does Gordon have me cookie? Who has got me cookie? Me just a sucker, with chocolate chip in my throat Made a mistake, I should give them a break, My heart'll ache! Eat a cookie! Cuz I did it all for the cookie MMM The Cookie! MMM The Cookie! MMM The Cookie! MMM And I can take that cookie, And stick it in my yum! Stick it in my yum! Stick it in my yum! Bramblem afmvme scld On a side note, apparently that Cookie Monster picture came from the very Department I'm enrolled in at my University. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca What are the odds?
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