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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I like complexity too, but not just for the sake of complexity.
  2. I'm not familiar with the Avernum games. Maybe I'll give the demos a try.
  3. Don't be so obtuse. Grow up. Doom > Wolf3D in every aspect, not just graphics.
  4. Stormtroopers = clone troopers...at least at this stage. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the Stormtroopers in ep 4/5/6 were still cloned.
  5. The reduced some shadows for some things. They didn't remove shadows entirely from the game.
  6. I'd suspect you are part of an excruciatingly small minority of people that think the gameplay between the two games are on par. The level design was light years ahead of anything Wolfenstein 3D could do, because of the engine.
  7. Then why cite Resident Evil 0 as an example?
  8. When you put it like that, it sounds so much worse than it actually is.
  9. I happen to agree. A Fallout prequel won't really play in any way like a Fallout game. A resident evil prequel can.
  10. Well....sounds like you already have an idea what the problem is...
  11. I heard they had to change the ending for Japan, as it was a bit too "Go Go America, Boo Boo Japan" or something.
  12. No, I'm one of those "The whole thing is terrifying, actually. Would you mind staying around for a while? Just to keep me company?" "Why would I stay in this dump?" "There's no reason to be rude! You can leave now if you want!" "I'm only kidding, my friend." "Oh, silly me. I should have known you were only teasing. Please, come on upstairs with me." people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, that's not "cut" content hehe.
  13. It's still ambiguous, because Revan had multiple Masters. Could he not have been trained by many different people while a Padawan? It seems as though the Disciple is confused too. Kae apparently trained Revan until she was exiled, but according to the disciple also trained Revan until she left for the Wars. Not necessarily. You could just as easily make a conclusion that, like Kae, Revan went back to his first trainer to learn how to leave. Unless you're saying that Kae went back to herself, which just sounds silly.
  14. Which creature? Some of the add ons that you can "evolve" may be, but there's no reason why they couldn't be procedurally generated either. I mean, I can procedurally create stuff myself (though anything beyond basic geometry is probably starting to get a bit over my head).
  15. Seriously, were Pearl Harbour veterans appalled at that movie? I loved Saving Private Ryan's "big beginning" because it seemed like a decent portrayal of the actual events (according to veterans) of the Omaha landings, and definitely gave me the impression that I would NOT want to be there.
  16. Are you one of those "OMG OMG there's no crossbow therefore this game sucks!" type people?
  17. This thread reminds me of the gongshow these forums were during July 4th, when the mods were apparently having a good time somewhere else.
  18. Life = spam. We don't live in the matrix. We live in the spam.
  19. My birthday is the day after.
  20. "Once" there was spam? I figured it was pretty persistent.
  21. The impression I got was that the way the creatures stretch and shrink is all done procedurally as well. I couldn't imagine it otherwise, or you'd need art teams to work on it for every possible permutation of creature.
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