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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Edmonton! THere's an NHL thread on this same page however that will likely have these.
  2. It would not be able to load it on the hard drive since the hard drive would be too small. The old 286 motherboards had a hard drive size restriction. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be much easier to work around than the processor.
  3. I Karaoked it while in the Dominican Republic, which resulted in it jumping up my list of favourite songs
  4. Just like you'll never play a console. Just like you gave up PC gaming. Just like (my personal favourite) you were leaving this forum and never coming back. Just like.....etc. etc. You'll buckle. You always do. If a game is good, I buy it. If the publisher makes a ton of money with a style of game that I enjoy playing, then they'll be more likely to make another one like it. Boycotting for the sake of boycotting is about as effective trade embargoes (i.e. not very).
  5. Oh, as for the "fallacy" of social constructs we have and how they influence us, I'm sure that the findings of Zimbardo's famous experiement were completely bogus, and the volunteers that took part in the experiment were actually repressed psychopaths that were just given an acceptable medium for which they could channel their anger and aggression. Stanley Milgram's work I'm sure was also completely bogus, as is Bandura's and Asch's.
  6. Well, of course i can't prove any of that. Maybe somebody could ask what type of music people from mensa listen to... So, wait, let me get this straight. Not only you are accusing every single human soul that has loved and supported classical music for, say, the last 400 years to be in denial, but we are also all facists now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, just you. And it's not because you love and support classical music (and no where did I make such a claim). It's because of your self-righteous judgement of those that you quite obviously see as inferior because they like pop. Other statements also include your very obvious elitism, placing yourself at a higher level because of your desire to understand the constructs of classical music. You have said straight up, that people who like pop bands like NSync are incapable of "truly" appreciating/understanding classical music, because they lack the intellectual capability. You are then implicitly claiming intellectual superiority over these people, because of your interest in the music. Then I guess I got confused somewhere. Contrapuntal is the adjective form of counterpoint (in essense, you were sort of saying counterpoint polyphony, though that sounds like ass so they break it down via latin to develop Contrapuntal as the adjective). I did a quick search of the net, because I had learned that they both meant the same thing: using more than one melodic line at a time. These sites all confirmed what I thought the words meant: http://net.unl.edu/musicFeat/bach/bachforms2.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counterpoint http://cnx.org/content/m11634/latest/ http://library.thinkquest.org/15413/glossary/glossary.htm http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tut...edot/motet.html http://www.empire.k12.ca.us/capistrano/Mik...ms/glossary.htm http://classicalmusic.lifetips.com/cat/575...tory/index.html http://www.classicalarchives.com/dict/counterpoint.html http://www.dolmetsch.com/musictheory33.htm Some mentioned that multiple melodies with singing is often referred to as polyphony, while instrumentally it would be counterpoint. At best, a quick skim (at midnight for me) would indicate that counterpoint is a subset of polyphony, which would still make contrapuntal polyphony wordy, as you could replace it with just counterpoint. The wikipedia (a horrible source, but I feel it's fair game since you yourself used it) comments that "Counterpoint written before approximately 1600 is usually known as polyphony." Both of their defintions of Counterpoint and polyphony are the same though (musical texture with two or more independent melodies). It's possible wikipedia is wrong, but other references found lead me to the same conclusion. Show me (or at least refer me) to something that indicates otherwise and I'll be happy.
  7. Seriously, don't even joke about stuff like this.
  8. I know you're just being silly, but when you post the same joke multiple times I am erring on the side of caution. But I'm sure you know that a 286 is completely incapable of running Oblivion, even hideously slowly.
  9. Real quick response....there's limited proof for an against. I challenge you to find proof that people of "inferior" intellect are incapable (as you claim) of appreciating classical music. Or that people that like classical music are somehow more intelligent. That's because you're in denial, because it challenges your perceived superiority. It's not uncommon for fascists to be against extensive research that goes against their inherent misconceptions that they utilize to hold themselves to higher accord. And no, I don't believe that everything is. Which is why I suggested that it's a possibility. Especially given the numerous parallels it holds to other elitist beliefs. Finally... Look at what you read here, and think very hard about it. Very hard. Yes. So much so that I recognize that using the statement "contrapuntal polyphony" is excessive (and mimics the wordiness that high school English students use on their essays in order to sound more intelligent). Contrapuntal refers to the same thing as polyphony. Furthermore, the fact that it's a fugue is a pretty big indicator that counterpoint is present, given that the fugue IS a contrapuntal method. As a matter of fact I did. Which is why I didn't state an author. Thanks for coming though. And I know it's not that complex of a piece. My brother could play it. Furthermore, you put your supposed appreciation into question when you refer to it casually as Toccata and Fugue in D. You would have been better off to drop the key, or perhaps refer to the violin key (which escapes me at the moment), rather than list the D-Major scale.
  10. I disagree about the strategy. It seemed no different than weilding say a big hammer and crunching a guy.
  11. That Zelfram Cochrane part isn't actually part of the song is it?
  12. I have played the game that meta described. I did not know it was the first ever computer game though. I thought that that went to "Spacewar"
  13. I would like it if combat had much more effect on the world as well.
  14. Net Trek and 25th Anniversary = Good. Though I don't think the Net Trek game was official.
  15. Um, actually yes. Games such as UO, Eve, and I think EQ as well (didn't play it much) have made it perfectly viable to be very successful without being a chosen one. Eve would probably be the best candidiate, as I find it to be the most versatile and open of the worlds.
  16. Which is why metadigital said most people. It's not really hard to fathom why your perspective is not really all that popular. It's funny that you complain about MMOs, because MMOs are probably an environment best suited to the experience you want.
  17. The 25th anniversary Star Trek game was crazy fun. As was a reaaaaally old game for the Mac called NetTrek (multiplayer space combat back in 1988 baby!)
  18. Sound familiar? (That's a rhetorical question: no need for an answer! ") <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That caricature is actually pretty similar to me...what with the four arms and all.
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