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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I don't care much for their games either. Doesn't mean they aren't a high quality production studio.
  2. I think Blizzard is one of the highest quality developers out there. THey're still supporting Starcraft with new patches, and it's 8 years old! They offered a free online playing service for their games as well. Excellent production values on their games too.
  3. The old games such as Ultima are absolutely laden with bugs. I'm not sure why people like the buggy mess that is Ultima 7.
  4. That was a bad design bug because as a gamer I know werewolves are not indestructable in the White Wolf game. No creature that can get into direct combat with the player should be indestructable by any weapon the player has. Sure it can be tough as nails but not indestructable. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fixed! Sorry I couldn't resist!
  5. Why would we want to ask you that? No. I don't recall saying that I would either They don't.
  6. *Sigh* That was a reply on Lovewolf's "if the objects are quite obviously linked to the plot"... in this case this key was not. If I had stored it somewhere, who knows I could even link it with the door I needed to open. Is that me being an idiot? Maybe...but I wonder how many gamers will recall the use of that one item with a name like "Iron Key" 100+ further into the game... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. A hardcore bug.
  7. Bingo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I also liked the degree of assonance present ^_^
  8. Unbreakable in normal gameplay, but not to player stupidity. If you are going to be stupid, live and die with the consequences. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, the player is an idiot if they dropped a "Rusty Iron Key" they found at level 1, which would then be needed at level 50 to open one particular chest in the end game? There's two extremes there, hand holding by not allowing quest items to be dropped, or screwing the player over completely... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be asinine design.
  9. Edmonton weather isn't that bad at all. I was a bit disappointed with how warm it was when I got back from the Dominican Republic. I was hoping for cold cold cold while I was gone.
  10. Like some given keys. Tried to drop all for some testing and couldn't drop one because "quest item"... due to the lack of a decent name it took me quite some time to figure out for which of my quests I needed that one... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm, they probably intended for it to be obvious. BugCount++
  11. Slighty paraphrased? How about FORGED! I never even mentioned typo's... never notice them in a game nor being bothered by them... what DOES bother me is unfinishable quests/gamebreaking bugs/exploits and heavy graphical issues/CTD's <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not forged at all. Your posts clearly indicate that you believe typoes are bugs.
  12. Except for the hours and hours of gameplay invested prior in order to develop that secret. I bet any one of those people put in a significant factor of time more than you did into any of those games to be able to beat it that fast.
  13. Report away. Have fun. I have heard that definition before, and know few programmers that adhere to it in that way. Mostly because it also encompasses trivial things like typoes. It's also why Microsoft critics are able to inflate the number of bugs in Windows. Oh, Microsoft missed a comma, bugCount++.
  14. Our precogntive skills are quite amazing.
  15. Very, very surprising, and the first I have heard of it. I wonder if someone released a virus that calls its process StarForce, because I don't have any processes on my machine that have starforce in the name, but I know I have starforce installed on my computer.
  16. If poor design allows one to become stuck than it is a bug. Otherwise Testers would never be needed on Adventures like MI...but they are needed, mainly to make sure you CANNOT get stuck in the plot by doing something in some wrong way combination (like loosing the cat to scare of the dog while you still needed it to hunt the rat 4 screens beyond)... Nope. But what do I know, I forgot that you are the one with mountains of experience in this field, given all the "smart" things you are always saying. Besides, the situation you describe is quite different from a player selling quest items. Failing to protect players from their own stupidity is not a bug. Otherwise, letting someone even DROP a quest item would be considered a bug.
  17. I wouldn't apply that condescending and dismissive maxim to this case. The speed runs would imply that people don't have enough time and so must finish a game as quick as possible! " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was thinking the same thing. I chose not to comment though, as I had a feeling you were thinking the exact same thing as well, and figured you'd be more creative in the deliver. Excellent decision on my part :D
  18. It's all kind of moot if you don't actually care whether the developer makes more money.
  19. Yeah, but the amount of anti-smoking stuff was just laugh out loud funny. My roommate and I were in stitches when the Surgeon General's warning was on the screen.
  20. Well, at one point the Surgeon General's warning against the effects of Tobacco takes up the entire screen.
  21. It's kind of stating the obvious when someone says they wouldn't mind an excellent game to be longer. Just magically making the game longer does not guarantee that the quality of the game would remain constant though.
  22. Constantine might have been interesting if it wasn't a huge stop smoking ad.
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