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Everything posted by MaxQuest

  1. So, this means this (RMaM4A) is actually the 1st code? Because it was published 1 day earlier than the first "twitter/bestiary" code? And btw, how did you even spot it in that particular picture? For example I still don't see it) P.S. Played a bit more with baconian substitution. Tried substituting digits with their binary representation. Still nothing: P.P.S. So far the frequency of letters used in codes are closer to substitution than to being randomly generated: But we still need a larger dataset)
  2. On first run: I stopped the machine, with the intention to comeback later (probably with some captured leaden key agent), learn it's secrets and after that safely destroy it. Was quite dissapointed that it's not an option. It's not even posible to tell lady webb/duke/guards/or whoever responsive, to continue keeping the quarantine and disallow settling at least untill the machine isn't demolished) So on subsequent runs (and relying on meta knowledge): I was desotrying the machine; and adding "Gift of the Machine" via console. Wonder how it will carry to Deadfire now
  3. Pretty much that. Or to be more specific (from auto-attack perspective): - it is almost useless if your current PEN-AR = -2 (50%->100% going through); or -4 (25%->50%) - it is good if your current PEN-AR = -3 (25%->75%) (that's a x3 damage increase; and in this case it's ok to have your recovery doubled) - it is bad in other cases, meaning that enabling this modal actually decreases dps, by up to x2 times
  4. Tried to apply this cipher: http://practicalcryptography.com/ciphers/baconian-cipher/ #Attempt1 - discarded digits - 0 for lowercase; 1 for uppercase; - used baconian substitution table: A = 00000 I/J = 01000 R = 10000 B = 00001 K = 01001 S = 10001 C = 00010 L = 01010 T = 10010 D = 00011 M = 01011 U/V = 10011 E = 00100 N = 01100 W = 10100 F = 00101 O = 01101 X = 10101 G = 00110 P = 01110 Y = 10110 H = 00111 Q = 01111 Z = 10111 BtF nW w Pd u SHbEXB cCedpo twCgw BMahh 101 01 0 10 0 110111 010000 00100 11000 10101 01001 10111 01000 00010 01100 0 X K Z I/J C N #Attempt1b - discarded digits - 1 for lowercase; 0 for uppercase; - used baconian substitution: 010 10 1 01 1 001000 101111 11011 00111 01010 10110 01000 10111 11101 10011 1 L Y I/J Z ? U/V #Attempt2 - discarded digits - 0 for lowercase; 1 for uppercase; - used separate mapping for J and V: A = 00000 I = 01000 Q = 10000 B = 00001 J = 01001 R = 10001 C = 00010 K = 01010 S = 10010 D = 00011 L = 01011 T = 10011 E = 00100 M = 01100 U = 10100 F = 00101 N = 01101 V = 10101 G = 00110 O = 01110 W = 10110 H = 00111 P = 01111 X = 10111 Y = 11000 Z = 11001 BtF nW w Pd u SHbEXB cCedpo twCgw BMahh 101 01 0 10 0 110111 010000 00100 11000 10101 01001 10111 01000 00010 01100 0 V J X I C M #Attempt3 - 0 for lowercase; 1 for uppercase; 2 for digits - J combined with I, V combine with U (like in baconian table): A = 000 I/J = 022 R = 121 B = 001 K = 100 S = 122 C = 002 L = 101 T = 200 D = 010 M = 102 U/V = 201 E = 011 N = 110 W = 202 F = 012 O = 111 X = 210 G = 020 P = 112 Y = 211 H = 021 Q = 120 Z = 212 BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw BMahh7 101201 021020 110111 010000 200100 110002 101 201 021 020 110 111 010 000 200 100 110 002 L U/V H G N O D A T K N C #Attempt3b - 1 for lowercase; 0 for uppercase; 2 for digits - J combined with I, V combine with U (like in baconian table): BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw BMahh7 010210 120121 001000 101111 211011 001112 010 210 120 121 001 000 101 111 211 011 001 112 D X Q R B A L O Y E B P #Attempt4 - 0 for lowercase; 1 for uppercase; 2 for digits - used separate mapping for J and V: A = 000 I = 022 Q = 121 B = 001 J = 100 R = 122 C = 002 K = 101 S = 200 D = 010 L = 102 T = 201 E = 011 M = 110 U = 202 F = 012 N = 111 V = 210 G = 020 O = 112 W = 211 H = 021 P = 120 X = 212 Y = 220 Z = 221 BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw BMahh7 101201 021020 110111 010000 200100 110002 101 201 021 020 110 111 010 000 200 100 110 002 K T H G M N D A S J M C #Attempt4b - 1 for lowercase; 0 for uppercase; 2 for digits - used separate mapping for J and V: BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw BMahh7 010210 120121 001000 101111 211011 001112 010 210 120 121 001 000 101 111 211 011 001 112 D V P Q B A K N W E B O TL.DR. Uff. Not found yet)
  5. If this was posted in order to compare the feedback with the views of other forum members, then here we go: Neutral on this. From description point of view it makes sense to swap them. From power-building point of view, I would 'more often' max INT on godlike (think of moon-godlike paladin/chanter/priest), or PER on elf (usually cc-specialist). Thus... staying neutral. Absolutely agreed. From the moment you have navigated to a CC screen, it's related shield icon could become click'able, for faster navigation back-and-forth. Character Creation in general requires extra polishing, since it's the place where we will spend quite a lot of time, multiplied by the number of party members. Personally I would combine sex with race selection screens. (Maybe) would combine class and subclass selection as well. Hairstyle selection slider would welcome onmouserotation interaction. And Backspace could be set as shortcut for Back button. It's minor stuff, but it adds up for a more pleasant navigation. It's ok to leave it after attributes screen, since character's origin adds an extra attribute point. Btw, fix the Deadfire origin please) (it's bonus point is missing) As a non-native English speaker, am ok with american accent. And regarding voices, I liked the voices/tembres of: Eder, Aloth, Llengrath, Sagani, Calisca and DoC. Neutral towards the others. Am actually ok... with current party size itself; but do agree with second sentence. More members -> more banter and interactions, also it indirecly stimulates a finner specialization. In current beta I'm feeling pushed to build 4 out 5 characters in the same way. You could just make 4 devout-hellwalkers in beta1; 3-4 wayfarer-berserkers in beta2; or 3-4 paladin-stalkers in beta3 and be golden. I want more optimal variants and these variants to be somewhat equal in terms of power and impact. As a non-smoker, pipe doesn't bring negative associations to me. Sometimes am remembering Eder waiting near the tree in Gilded Vale... I don't like that it's animation is stuttering though... I think it would be a nice touch if "loadscreen waiting" animation would be rotating between different elements: pipe, wave, ship's wheel. But that's minor. Personally I usually don't like firearms in fantasy RPGs. Reason being that one would expect them to completely trump other ranged weapons, or bring questions like: "why can't I snipe that mage from 200m, while he doesn't see me". But am actually fine with them in PoE. Agreed. Tab hotkey should highlight such stuff. And Ctrl-A could work for selecting all party members, out of the box. That's a fantastic and must have feature. One thing through: switching from fists to x, should be probably faster than switching from dual-pistols to x. That would be a nice touch. But probably not top priority if it's long to implement an intuitive set of such interactions. But definitely a decent feature for the first expansion.
  6. Iirc Josh mentioned that some reward talents (like Gift of the Machine, Mental Prowess, etc) might carry over, even if modified a little.
  7. Btw, how do you guys feel about the new weapon recovery values? Do you like it? Does it feel too slow? Or this slowliness is even welcome, because there is no Slow Mode?
  8. One more probably not-intended thing: the Reload Speed bonus (from Potion of Spatial Alacrity) is getting lower when you invest in alchemy skill: image
  9. First goes a result <div> container for mainhand, then one for offhand. Thus I am showing mh_att - mh_rec/rel - oh_att - oh-rec/rel. Technically I can add additional logic and change the order when firearms are dual-wielded. Should I? Ingame it goes like this: shoot, shoot, reload, shoot, reload, shoot, and so on. But gotta check the order of hands.
  10. Added alchemy support, and updated arbalest and crossbow modals for beta 3. Link P.S. Gunner talent currently decreases Reload Speed instead of increasing it. And I don't even know how to add it to calculator: v1. how it works now ingame, or v2. how it should work)
  11. B1, B2 and C were fixed with the new beta 3. B3 - have to retest it, but iirc Rushed Reload still does nothing. A1, A2, A3 were broken in different direction. Instead of having lower reload duration than shown by tooltip, they now have longer reload duration than in tooltip. Here are the current (frapsed) values: Arbalest: - tooltip: 6.0s - beta 2: not tested - beta 3: 6.93s (consistently 208 frames) Arquebus: - tooltip: 6.8s - beta 2: 6.1s (consistently 183 frames) - beta 3: 7.3s (consistently 219 frames) Blunderbuss: - tooltip: 6.0s - beta 2: not tested - beta 3: 6.86s(205-206 frames) Crossbow: - tooltip: 5.0s - beta 2: 3.0s (not a typo, was indeed consistently getting 90 frames) - beta 3: 6.1s (183-184 frames) Pistol: - tooltip: 5s - beta 2: 4.67s (consistently 140 frames) - beta 3: 5.86s (consistently 176 frames) Btw: am aware that values in bb_attacks.gamebundle do match those in tooltips. It must be something related to animation length calculation in AttackFirearm Gunner talent is also bugged. Instead of increasing Reload Speed, it decreases it: image. Btw it's not UI problem, since reloading indeed gets longer. Edit: found it in bb_statuseffects.gamedatabundle. The baseValue of Gunner_SE_ReloadSpeed should likely be 1.2 not 0.8.
  12. Actually you are right. Current crossbow reloading duration is 6.1s Current sword (+ shield/nothing in offhand) recovery is 6.2s when in plate armor (=4*1.55)
  13. Not any longer. Beta 3 has stealthy changed the reloading durations as well. Check the 2nd part of this post, for more info. Edit: as for starting post: - agreed on UI (tooltips!) - agreed on stacking rules - agreed on power level - agreed on weapon balance (as still trying to figure why would I take pike over quarterstaff, warhammer over stilleto, or flail over club) - agreed on casting times - agreed on (non-soulblade) ciphers (especially single-class)
  14. Yeah, out of those only the highest bonus is applied, while others get suppressed. Btw, added the hat. It's effect stacks with Sure-Handed. But can't test if it stacks with Pistols' Modal - since that modal doesn't work ingame atm. Maybe, some day As for DEX - you have the right impression. In PoE1 it's coefficient was aggregated multiplicatively. In Deadfire... it turned out to be taken additively with other multipliers. Fixed) Armored Grace was really good in Beta2. But it was nerfed in Beta3: 0.20 -> 0.10. Here's the related post. Updated the calculator. Crossbow turned from awesome to poop overnight. Suddenly it's reloading duration was doubled. I have checked all firearms' reloading 15 minutes ago. And here are the results (on a naked lvl 1 character at 10 DEX): Arbalest: - tooltip: 6.0s - beta 2: not tested - beta 3: 6.93s (consistently 208 frames) Arquebus: - tooltip: 6.8s - beta 2: 6.1s (consistently 183 frames) - beta 3: 7.3s (consistently 219 frames) Blunderbuss: - tooltip: 6.0s - beta 2: not tested - beta 3: 6.86s(205-206 frames) Crossbow: - tooltip: 5.0s - beta 2: 3.0s (not a typo, was indeed consistently getting 90 frames) - beta 3: 6.1s (183-184 frames) Pistol: - tooltip: 5s - beta 2: 4.67s (consistently 140 frames) - beta 3: 5.86s (consistently 176 frames) P.S. Updated the calculator with these new reloading durations. P.P.S. Not really fond with tooltips not matching real values. DW firearms does not benefit from DualWielding or TwoWeaponStyle recovery reduction since they don't have recovery. DW pistols seem to be mainly for Quick Switching... Fire two pistols consecutively, switch to the next two, repeat-n-times.
  15. ^ It's interesting how Armored Grace still doesn't reflect what it does exactly in it's updated tooltip:
  16. Something wrong here? Definitely, but Aarik also added the following under the spoiler: So what they meant is that Armored Grace value was nerfed from 0.20 to 0.10. Or to be more exact, it goes like this: Base values: - Heavy Armor : x0.645 Recovery Speed (same as +55% Recovery Time) - Medium Armor: x0.740 Recovery Speed (same as +35% Recovery Time) - Light Armor : x0.833 Recovery Speed (same as +20% Recovery Time) Beta 2: Armored Grace was adding +0.2 Recovery Speed back: - Heavy Armor (with AG): x0.845 Recovery Speed (or +18% Recovery Time) ((55-18) / 55 = 0.67 -> AG removed 67% of Armor Recovery Penalty) - Medium Armor (with AG): x0.940 Recovery Speed (or +6% Recovery Time) ((35- 6) / 35 = 0.82 -> AG removed 82% of Armor Recovery Penalty) - Light Armor (with AG): x1.000 Recovery Speed (or 0% Recovery Time) ((20- 0) / 20 = 1.00 -> AG removed 100% of Armor Recovery Penalty) Beta 3: Armored Grace is adding +0.1 Recovery Speed back: - Heavy Armor (with AG): x0.745 Recovery Speed (or +34% Recovery Time) ((55-34) / 55 = 0.38 -> AG removed 38% of Armor Recovery Penalty) - Medium Armor (with AG): x0.840 Recovery Speed (or +19% Recovery Time) ((35-19) / 35~= 0.45 -> AG removed 45% of Armor Recovery Penalty) - Light Armor (with AG): x0.933 Recovery Speed (or +7% Recovery Time) ((20- 7) / 20 = 0.65 -> AG removed 65% of Armor Recovery Penalty)
  17. Beta3 broke ability preview for multi-class characters. For example: I've chosen fighter as first class, and now selecting rogue as second class: image. Clicking on "Preview Ability Tree" instead of showing rogue abilities, opens fighter's ability tree. Same thing happens if I am on second class' subclass selection screen. Clicking preview again shows up fighter's, not rogue's tree. If it helps: I've chosen single-class option first, then went back and chosen multi-class. Edit: oops, a duplicate of this report.
  18. Hmm, 1. personally I'm fine with tenacious suppressing another tenacious, since it's same status effect. "Why both of them use tenacious" is another question. 2. I'm not completely fine with two different (!) and passive (!) effects not stacking with each other. 3. I'm completely not fine with a temporary buff, not stacking with a persistent (!) and passive (!) effect.
  19. What hat?) Do you have the name or id of it?
  20. I've been tinkering new Action Speed Calculator for Deadfire. Here's the current: alpha version Questions: - since the game doesn't use frames, only seconds, should I remove f units? - have you seen any other speed related modifiers? Maybe I missed something. - if you find that something missmatches from ingame values, feel free to write it in this thread) Plans: - re-test firearms (I'm using 3.0s reloading for crossbows and 6.1s for arquebus, like it was in beta2) - add alchemy
  21. I agree that upper-case characters do not seem to denote original capital letters, like at all. So my thoughts on this are: - either there is a 62-char set - or there is a 36-char set, and some of letters of the encoded string were capitalized on random just to add confusion - or it's a 26-char set, and digits are added either to keep block length at 6, or just because (if length is irrelevant). If it's the first case, I would think that they were used in order to shorten the final string. Like various url shorteners out there do. I have checked goo.gl, bit.ly, tiny.cc and is.gd. Nothing. Found the /BtF6nW and /cCedpo as links on tinyurl.com. But it's not what we are looking for) First leads to some outdated porn, and another to some article on osnews.com from 2009. Also rechecked how do steam codes look like. And nope, there is a different schema. It's also not a hash, since we wouldn't be able restore the original string from it. Well... there are some rainbow tables, but I have no idea how to use them; and additionally the current groups don't even look like md5, sha or crc. That would probably be the easiest way. As for alternatives, I was thinking it could also be an encrypted url, together with domain not just query) Or some pass-phrase which one could google, and find the webpage with further indications.
  22. A little GoogleFu coupled with the love of figuring stuff out, goes a long way We can't really check until we have a 6th group, I think. This is all assuming the 6th group will be the last one we'll get. Beside the 6th group and (optional) keyword (which can be omitted if there is no transposition), we also need the encrypted text itself. If this cipher is the one used, we would expect a sequence of arbitrary length, but having not more than 6 different characters in it, something like: FBDEBBBBFEAFDFEDBAFBABFD) (but it could be any characters, not necessary from A to F, could as well be from U to Z). Edit1: Hmm, it's unlikely to be this cipher. Just noticed that all characters in that matrix are unique... which logically thinking is required for substitution mapping. While the characters in the currently revealed groups have duplicates Edit2: Playing with substitutions: BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw -> EiG6hT t6Ro2u BLeDNE sSdorm 8itSat -> EiG6hT t6Ro2uBLeD NEsS dorm8itSat -> EiGhT tRouBLeD NEsS dormit Sat -> Eight troubledness dormit sat.. P.S. waiting for the next group, as it will allow to check if selected substitutions do not result in gibberish...
  23. - no repeting diagrams, so probably not playfair cipher - there are more than 5 different characters, so it's not polybius cipher - is not divisible by 5, and doesn't seem to be 0/1 encoded, so it's unlikely to be Bacon cipher - there are no '=' signs, so it's unlikely to be Base64 - it doesn't look like cipher text from ADFGVX cipher (but could be used for it's matrix?) - it's not rot1..rot13..rot20 (checked) - it doesn't look like Vigenère cipher - it could be substitution cipher... but not enough data for frequency analysis (although have no idea how to do that analysis anyway) - maybe the currently revealed groups could be the matrix for this cipher? But in this case, besides the grid we would also need the keyword, ciphertext itself and the 6th group: BtF6nW w6Pd2u SHbEXB cCedpo 8twCgw (6th group)
  24. Almost) 1. yeap, they are added together. But must note that the maluses are "inverted" before adding. +(1 - 1/malus) 2. yes. except that Armored Grace is not taken into account after the R has been calculated, but during #1. For example if you had 0.645 speed malus due to heavy armor, with Armored Grace it would become 0.845. Dual sabres probably slightly surpass them, if you have enough PEN. But yeap, sceptres are definitely top tier. ) Btw, anyone tested Blunted Criticals? The tooltip said "-25% crit damage" in beta1, and "+75% crit damage" in beta2.
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