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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Well that is basically the player deck. When They get more experienced, They can carry more stuff aka cards... Yes, the rules does not make thematically much Sense in some instances but you have to have rules and even now the rules Are guite long. 15 spell book is everything that this Wizard can carry. Everything else is thrown away, because They weight too much! ;-) No, that is not better. It is more game balanging issue than a rpg in a piece of cardboard.
  2. Yes, traits would be nice to see, but it does not remove the confusion about why certain traits Are not in that check. It would be complete combat tutorial that would handle all things that Are possible in the combat and that tutorial would be really long... But to this spesific question... Only one card can define the traits normally and it normally has to be played by the character who make the check.
  3. They Are in the rulebook... Or faq... Yep... The list is long! Rules: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8x6l Faq: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gk This game need a long and complete tutorial... There Are so many things in this game that you just have to know...
  4. Yep there Are some archtypes. Spy class - see one card - see two cards (maybe arrange, maybe not) - see three cards (maybe arrange, maybe not) And so on. And a variation, where you can see cards at the buttom of location deck. Yep, there Are those too... So we see "same" card with different names many time in this game. Most of the above Are used in some Waynen the game. Some Are character powers,msomemare spells, some Are allies, but the basic funktionality is the same.
  5. Normally those magical bows only give +1 when you use them as Main weapon. I don't have that flaming bow, so can not be sure. Normally They only give D4 when assisting another player. Check out the exact wording of the cards (Discard this to .... Another location...) But rules say that only the card that defines the Main attack type add traits to the check. So if someone help by using a bow, it does not add any traits to the check. So no Magic, or anything else neither. The same Also consider helping spells, items etc. The exeption is, if the card specially says that it add a spesific trait to the check in its game text. Only the Main weapon, spell or item that is used on combat check add its traits to the check. And only the character who makes the check can define the attack type. So for example Lini does not have a weapon or Animal in hand, so she goes to hant to hand combat with shadow. Her std is D4. She discard a card to change to a Animal and gets str d10 Merciel help with her magical bow and gives D4 and Seelah use her Divine blessing giving another D10. Lini rolls 19 and is lucky to beat the shadow, but because the only trait comes From Linis str, the shadow is not defeated.
  6. Yes, it can be done with a lot of armors and evades! Healing power after hand wipe can Also,be usefull )
  7. Use only same level characters at this moment. I am at level 16 in quest mode at this moment and only problem is that iPad owerheating so badly that it hangs on and I have to give it time to cool down, untill I can keep on playing... There Are some Many problems with different level characters that I would leave that untill we get update that says that that part is fixed. Also make a zip file From your save files and send it to the developers, so that They can find out why different level characters cause so much problems.
  8. Rogue is creat when you get her weapon profiency and Sneak attack can kill enemies even without weapons! She is Also essential in game when there Are a lot of traps and she is one of my best fighters Also! She just has to be alone! Because her Sneak attack only works when there Are no other heroes to distract her! Only put her together with another character, when you have to heal her. After that let her go and kill some enemies and unlock those pesky traps...
  9. But it is so fun. I have plaeyd those story mode scenarios so, Many times that it is pure fun to make something different. Yes, it would be nice to see higher level gear, but be don't see higher level banes neither, so actually quest mode is easier to farm the gold. I have now basically level 2 heroes fighting level 0 monsters and the monsters Are definitely getting beaten up badly. I have to play with heroic level to have any challenge at all at this moment. And when I get to level 20 aka 3 adventure level, the situation gets even worse to the banes... They still Are level 0 against my level 3 heroes... I think that I have to start playing at legendary level when I reach level 20, to give those pool minions a fighting change... Save the Goblings! Trolls have feelings too! Give a penny for the undead retirement home costs! )
  10. Yes that seems be so Also From my experience.
  11. Good, more detail is always good for bug hunting!
  12. So true! I Also have plaeyd From the Beginning again and again and again. It has been fun, and most of the time the game has worked. And when the bug has eaten my game (again) I will just start again From the scracth. I am now on level 15 in quest mode, and I met my first bad bug so far the game hang up. Let see if I can continue or not. But it does not matter. I change croup and try again and bring my findings to the developers so They can kill one more bug. This game is so much better shape now than it was during release that at this rate this will be just fine before the end of summer and level of win10 in the next christmast! ) Have a fait and have a fun! Ps. My iPad was just overheating and was stuck for this reason. Now my Group is at level 16... Twenty I am coming! So quest mode is still running like a Charm! Too much playing and my tablet is running too hot. So it was not a bug, well not at least in traditional way. Still no higher than b level boons though.
  13. Yes salvaging is the ansver. I have salvaged allmost all cards away From my vault. I have only left one of each card in the vault, so that there is more variation to the cards that you can find From locations. Otherwice you could saturate you vault with so Many treasure box cards that you would not see normal card at all. I hope that there is one pool to normal cards and one pool to promo cards and one pool to treasure chest cards when the game generates locations. Otherwice it can het quite silly, if and when you have more treasure chest cards than you have actual normal cards. Something like 80% of card pool come From normal cards 5 % From promo cards and 15 % From the treasure box cards or something similar, so that most part of the location boons would be normal stuff, but From time to time you could get something special and unick! Hope that we one day will get more information how the card pool bor scenarios boons is made.
  14. Yes the levelin/scaling system seems to be broken in the quest mode at this moment. I am in level 15 and has not seen any other level 1 cards, but Villains and henmans. So no higher level boons or higher level banes either. So the system that tricker the adventure level, seems not to be working. Interesting to see, if we will seen level 2 hensmans and Villains, when we Are at level 20 and higher. Also veteran enemies that scale according the adventure level Are not scaling so that seems to confirmation my idea that adventure level does not increase when heroes get levels in the quest mode at this moment. It should tricker at level 10, 20, 30 and so on. B level treasure cards and B level promo cards From the Season pass appear in the quest mode, so the integration to you wault is Working. I have both Poogh and the pro blessing From the Season pass Bundle in my quest croup.
  15. Yes, that alchemical trait can be really usefull. And having two spy Glass and some of these will make scouting so easy! Want to have!
  16. So the game consider haunts being defeated. Hmm... This is somewhat tricky. It is a perspect of view, if this is a but or working as it should be. Now it consider haunt automatically defeated, does it tricker any player effect that consider minion defeated?
  17. There seems to be other bugs Also related to summoned monster, so that prosedure is something that developers should look for.
  18. The quest mode seems to not work with characters of different experience levels. So at this moment try to use same Group all the time so that They get rewards Also same time.
  19. Not sure. The only thing that I know sure is that some cards Are unique and They just Are allowed twice (but not exacly how it has been done). But it all depends on what is the place where the information is stored. But I would supose that because valeros has reached the end of scenario X, he personally can not get reward From that scenario. But some one else in his Group propably because They have new vault aka box to take cards... The testing of all these possibilities would take some time, but it would be interesting to find out truly what would happen! This has been most interesting conversation so far! We can mayby reengineer what is really happening, but that would need serious testing.
  20. So true! Every characters has it weak and strong points. How you best utilise your croup is the key. There has been good examples how some characters work.
  21. It can happen to allmost every card that you cancel. A long lived bug. But seems to be hard to eliminate.
  22. But the party has got it... That is why there is that new party button. Not sure if it is characters. Or is it in the party save where that information is stored. It is working as planned. You just can not get extra loot items to the same party. If I don't remember wrong, if you combine two characters From the different party, who both have same loot item, one of them is replace with something else. Or at least that is how it should work according to developers.
  23. Good video is always good way to learn new thing! That 4 player party can Also help, because it gives you some extra time as mentioned above.
  24. Yes, there Are cards that only come From chest and They Are cards that you only get From season pass.
  25. Seems very spesific problem... Send your save file folder in zip mode to developers. It may be spesific to your device, but it Also can be possible that you save file has some oddities that causes this. 2.4 is te cult exposed. So there can be something wonky in there. Newer had crash in it, but the Main Villains power is Little bugged with scenario power. But your game crash even before you met the willain, so this is something else.
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