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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Sounds like the old healing bug is still around. At this moment my advise is to use healing only in characters own turn. Sometimes closing the app and restarting has caused the healing to kick upp again. But it is a bug that has been around a quite a long time.
  2. contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx) They should be able to help you.
  3. At the same time? If different, then it was the same Devil because it did escape to another open location after the first time fight was over.
  4. You only got reward for normal and hard modes during the first Group. Legendary give gold every game play.
  5. At minimum it would prevent you getting any cold if the autosalvage happens... and playing offline not likely a good idea in anyway. I have seen reports that some cards Are not available offline. Maybe just a bug, maybe a new feature I don't know. But if the auto culing is a problem to you wait for the info if the Numbers will be changed.
  6. The problem seems to be that mobile devices run out of memory and that is a optimization problem. The dev have to optimize code so that it eats less memory. So if you have a mobile device with a lot of system memory you don't have problems at this moment. Other devices needs to have code that use less memory, so the term optimization is very right in here. Code is working as it should, the devices just can not run it if the hardware is not very highend. But annoying... definitely! Hopefully They can tweak the code somewhat. In other threath They mentioned that one way of redusing memory footprint means that the game will run much slover. So it is a trade off. They most likely go to run game slover option. I personally hoped an option so that you can shose less memory, or more speed. But supporting different codepaths can be really time consuming, so I Expect that we don't see that option. In the meantime One option seems to be to use less than 13 characters, and the game run more stable. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92778-still-crashing-under-new-patch-1261/?p=1919632
  7. And if the problem is memory, it is more dire in the mobile platforms because there can be devices that have very Little memory compared to PC. In some games there is a slider for how much it will use memory. So you can deside how much content is loaded to the memory. Would it work in this case? Fixed Number is ofcourse easier, but if I can chose between speed and make the game working at all. It would nice to have options.
  8. That Is true. Some people have hunted spesific legendary cards so having only one of those can be bitter to those persons!
  9. It is hard to please all peoples in here. So it is possible that there is no perfect solution. So if user can not chose that (my prefered option) that you have custom Numbers for card caps, like: -Uncommon: x cards -Rare: y cards -Epic: z cards -Legendary: q cards Then having same cap to all rarities maybe 2 or 3 would give higher rarity cards more likely to appear to your locations compared to uncommons if you have more of those epic and legendary cards. So if you already have 3 of each commons and only 1-2 Epic or legendary, you would buy more treasure chest to get Also epic and legendary cards to the same level with uncommons and rares. So you can somewhat affect your rnd. The 4, 3, 2, 1 model is a logical that there Are a lot of "bad" items in the world and only few really really "good" quality item. It is more RPG type of treasure cards distribution and comparable to original Pathfinder card distribution where there Are more cards that you don't want to have in your deck than really good cards. So for that reason the new system is actually quite good. So for RPG people this is good, to deck builders and power players not so... And I am more RPG player, but info about this big changes should always be given to players.
  10. contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx)
  11. Can you open upp what connect with amosmodee button does?
  12. Thanks for the info about the culling. So you more likely see more bad cards than before the culling was taken away, but not as bad as it first seems to be. The automatic salvaging is actually good thing, not so interested in manually salvaging, and the cap seems logical (allthough not optimal). I can live with this, but if I can hope I would like to manually select the upper limits and game could autosalvage depending on my own Numbers.
  13. Did you use trash can icon to go to recharge mode?
  14. You were lucky to get it back. Normally it could just disappear totally. There was old bug that moved the wand to another character who did not have arkane skill and the staff was banished... this could happen when you played the wand off turn. Hopefully it is fixed in this new version.
  15. Cappin would be good! Max it two or three. Then common cards would be like 3, rare 2 and legendary / epic one. Depending on how Many you own them. But it is easy to have 100 of some commons and I don't want to see always that common instead of some other all the time...
  16. I think that the lack of salvage option is a bug... but we don't have confirmation to it yet. Edit: Not a bug, so Yep definitely needs some tinkering. There was idea of hard or soft capping the cards. So that there would be maybe max 3 of any treasure card when making locations deck. So if you have 250567 rusty hankerchief and 34 Holy hand granades, They both have a same change of getting to the location decks. The smaller the cap, the better! Or allowing the Salvaging, but then most people would have 1 rusty hankefchief and 2-4 Holy handgranades in their decks. And if the hankerchief is common and Holy handcranade is rare or epic it would be against the cards normal rarity. Not sure why the dev team desided to go not allowing the salvaging, but that may be one reasons... The best option (IMHO) would be automatic salvaging. I don't enjoy manually salvaging all those millions treasure cards. It is not fun. Automatic salvaging would give two thumbs upp! But I really would like to know how automatic salvaging would work. So maybe allowing to set the upper limit to individual cards would sort this out. Some people would put the cap to 4 and some people like me to 1 (so that I would see different treasures in each game) Edit2: There is a automatic salvaging system allready. So far so good. But it really would be nice to info players the changes... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92894-no-more-salvage/?p=1919316
  17. Yep, try to use it only in your own turn at this moment. And as Yewstance said above, this can Also be a new bug, instead that old one.
  18. Steam link that says that sale will continue to 5th july. http://store.steampowered.com/app/480640/Pathfinder_Adventures/ In the Steam link posted previous post above the dev say that ambassador program should be ready in the next week or two, so They don't know yet.
  19. contact support@obsidian.net with both of your User ID (username #xxxx). They have already done these account Connection fixes. See Also this. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92799-problems-with-linking-merging-megathread/
  20. The Steam price reduction has been continued, most likely because ambassador delay. It would be nice to me personally. Maybe I have stable internetconnection by then.
  21. You can togle the stash off if you like the normal version! The stash that was implemented with Steam release changed normal rules a lot. But if you find cards during the adventure They go to unclaimed cards and you have to use those to rebuild your deck Also in original game. The stash does modify this somewhat.
  22. Yes, that is the poin. Trying out different power combinations and different character combinations in different size groups. There Are Many interesting combinations!
  23. I am sure that all bugs Are equally important, but some bugs Are harder to fix than another. So some bugs takes multible patches to reach a state that it can be considered to be fixed. I think that there still Are some very old bugs still Hanging around. Removing the quest mode Hopefully did solve some of them.
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