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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. You don't get black arrow longbow, it should go to the wault. Not sure how it work with stash... but all in all those legendary end rewards Are not rewards, They Are opened card locks and thats why work differently.
  2. Outch... I am not sure but I supose that Obsidian support can check out if you for some reason hapen to have two accounts at this moment. There has been some instances where os update has caused the player id to change and that cause that player does not get back to his original account. So it Sounds that contacting email the support is only way in this case. support@obsidian.net
  3. I did it using combination of those things. Those who had armour used it. Others burned a lot of blessings (own and others) to not lose badly. And did spread the team and used Augyry and spyclasses etc. to find right cards from the decks.
  4. Check out what user is logged in at the game Center or google play. It may be possible that you have to log off "wrong" Person from the previous (game Center ios) (google play Android)
  5. Also to add the above, the responce time can be anything between one day to a couple of weeks. And the solution to memory problems mentioned above has been deleting player characters to reduce temporary memory usage. But most likely if your problem is related to that the devs Are trying to find common solution so that They don't have to delete players characters as a temporary solution.
  6. Solution one: Use armors to reduce damage to zero by banishing or burying the armor. Solution two: Find skinsawman first and win the game by temporary closing everything else. Edit Solution four: Evade! (Merciel is the dame in this scenario!)
  7. There seems to be wrong names in adventure Path Burnt Offerings. I have always done the whole adventure with same group so I don't have had those catch up problems... Not sure if that different named scenarios Are the reason for not getting rewarsd to those persons who come back to fill unplayed scenarios. There is another threath that handles this problem of having wrong named scenarios in level one adventures.
  8. Check out in the steam what extra dls you have in there. The only difference is that there Are some extra dls in ambassador version. If there Are some missing contact the Obsidian support. support@obsidian.net With your PFID.
  9. Contact support@obsidian.net With your PFID. Tell the problem and what device you Are using.
  10. How Many characters you have? The maximum is about 20 and Many users have problems with more than ten. If you have more you can contact the support@obsidian.net with your PFID and ask them to remove the extra characters. Or if you have less, to look if there is some other problem.
  11. There seems to be some problem of those cards shoving. I Also did buy one of those and have not seen it. So I have been vaiting the next patch to show it. There has been other similar instances. You can contact the support support@obsidian.net With your PFID. And They can checks this out. My ques is that is more general problem with the appearence of those card than individual purhases, but I does not hurt to contact the support so you can be sure!
  12. That Sounds about ok. Using last blessing can be risky. If somebody can help in Emergency, then even that can go.
  13. Card games can be complex and this is quite complex as a card game so no worry. Good if you managed to solve the problem by your self! Mark the problem solved and keep on gaming!
  14. How much you use allies and blessing to explore multible times in one round? (aka discard them) Do you use Augury spells and similar to find hensmans and villain earlier, or to put unwanted cards to the bottom of the deck.
  15. Steam v. Story mode Normal difficulty Seelah, Lem, Lini and Merciel Lem meet Most High Ceoptra at The Lengs Device location and wins (no card left in his hand) Lini recharges spell and game was stuck at confirm this action text in the screen. Most likely waiting for reward screen to chose card type. Going to vault did freeze the program. When I did shut down the program and restarted it, I was able to continue from Linis spell recharge attempt and then game did go back to Lem and continued normally.
  16. Strange I have played 3 croup past that point before the last patch and one group after the last patch and I have newer had problem with that part of game. Other parts... yes Many times... So it should be a account related problem, or device related but hard to see how the last option could be possible because you have managed to play so far. The customer service has been busy with the problems with the latest patch, so it may take some time to contact you. But what I have been following these forums They eventually will and in most cases has managed to solve those problems. Hopefully They will be able to help you too! This game, even with its bugs, is nice game so I hope that you Also can see the other half of it!
  17. Steam v. Story mode Normal difficulty Seelah, Lem, Lini and Merciel I started new fresh croup and speed played it to the level 6. When I finishes 6-1 Cabin in the snow, I did get power feat and card feat (extra card slot). The power feat was what it should have been, so the card feat was an extra and that is a bug.
  18. Contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx) and a proof of you purhace aka reseipt of the purhace. They can check out what is wrong.
  19. Good find! A special case. That has slipped through.
  20. Go to options/settings and check out that your Game Center is active and same with both devices.
  21. With two devices... be sure to get the Gaming device to Wi-Fi before you start using another. Otherwice They Are not in sync.
  22. *sigh* the devs have allready ansvered this question in this same treath, And Many other threats. "They Are going to try to modify the code so that it does not eat so much system memory..." See the MrBishops ansver above. And, no the situation is not too good because Most iOs devices seems to be affected by this problem and most likely Many Android devices too and it needs to be remedied. Too Little testing has been a problem with this project From the beta release. I have been following this project From that time and customed to read these threats and try to give collected pieces of information that has been / is all around these millions of messages to people who ask questions, if the devs has allready given ansvers or some other Reader has found the information. So no defending the devs actually, but They can not give better ansvers Until They have one that can solve this and Many other problems.
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