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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. If your side board is full you can not move cards there. 10 cards. Remove all cards that Are not needed from your side board. And all in all you can only modify your deck if you have too few cards in it in anyway.
  2. Read Also these excelent strategy tips! http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/adventureCardGameStrategy
  3. Then it is best to start new Group and delete the old croup. The new croups does get new loot rewards. If you don't want to reserve the old stuff.
  4. Yep... I have had extremely good Luck and extremely bad Luck month in the app and real tabletop game. IMHO it seems to be that I have better Luck with dice in the app than real world, but I have not collected hard facts, so maybe it just feel like I am less lucky in real world. But have not seen extra bad dice rolls in the app by my self. Except the normal that you sometimes roll 3 times one when rolling 4 dice, but that is just normal to me in the real world so I Expect to see them Also in the app. Maybe I am more conserned with dice rolls in real world because other players succes Also depends on my dice, so I remember those bad rolls better...
  5. Yes, before the battle actions happens before you have a change to do anything. You can use reduce damage power to reduce the damage. And it works exactly as it should in digital version. So no worry, it is just fine!
  6. Yep, opinions Are opinions, but rules Are rules for some reason the game developers in Paizo did deside to make them so that They Are today, so there is reasons to them from the game developers perspective. I think that we all want to have less bugs, because... But I think that most players Also hope that the digital app fellows the official tabletop rules as closely as possible. And Obsidian has done guite good job in that. Most thing that I don't personally like in app Are things that Obsidian has done differently than in original game, but that is just my own personal opinion So e of the changes Are even better that original game, so I have to give credits to Obsidian developers. It is hard to change something that so Many has learned to like. And even sometimes better the original.
  7. Melee and ranged works fine. Do not use spell, because They have attack trait and do not use weapons than have mental trait... Reading rules tells how and what traits the check has. But normally you can read them from the left side of the cards.
  8. I sometimes win in 5% checks... it is how propability works. It is only propability. In some scenarios the propability is not calculated rigth though. Like in scenario where 1-3 Are counted as 0 the propability Number is not show'n rightly!
  9. I always follow that rule. So now the statistic is 50/50 with two Person. I have not seen any complains from this in Paizo conserning this so most likely it it 99/1 in reality. Or even smaller. Mainly because it is the official rule... The game is too easy allready so all rules that makes it harder Are good...
  10. Contact mailto:support@obsidian.net with you player identification code from the settings.
  11. Yep, the power that replase the "natural" way the game handles situations seems to cause problems with those challenges.
  12. Good arguments! Yep, the rules does not prevent any of those, but They definitely cause some extra bugs and weird situation where Computer is out of its leaque and real people can/could compromise and keep on going
  13. Maybe, because it is replasement power... but Yep, it should work I think.
  14. Just checkin. What location and what closing check the location did have? Ruling out location spesific problems.
  15. Maybe so, but the original game is basically adventure card game, with some rpg elements And allmost none collective card game elements. Trust me I own three of the four released tapletop version of this game... and have played the fourth Also. In some games I have newer encountered the best cards. Those has been tough but if you start losing, you deck is getting better so there is self balanging factor in there. The toughest (and most random) has been the Wrath. But my favorite has been the Mummuys mask, because your development is more steady and deck peeping has consequences! I really hope that some day those get digitalized Also. And if you ever have chance to play the tabletop version. Try out! It is fan albeit much slover than the digital version.
  16. In original tabletop game you only could transfer cards between the same group, so the digital version already is hacked to do more. I personally would remove the transfer right all together, but who knows, maybe direct transfer would be better than stash... the problem with stash and other transfer cards between croups system is that I can see so Many new bugs related to them. Not the system itself because I can always chose not to use that feature, because IMHO it is cheating from the point of original rules. But as I said, if someone is cheating in the games it is not my problem. Possible bugs Are.
  17. You can only use one card of each type in the same check, so you can not use two items in the same check. Easy to forget because those items Are so different.
  18. True, but one click more every time you use the power... some people would be very annoyed...
  19. You find them from locations like all other cards. Because your wault have only one of them, it is very hard to find them, like you have allready find out. So you just have to play and play and eventually you may find them if you Are lucky.
  20. If card have power for both options, then there should be both options because the user may deside that banishing is the better option. But there can be wider cap between those buttons. I don't want to press recharge button accidentally if I want to banish a bad card... But that is UI thing. How wide the cap can be so that it works in 40" pc screen an 4" phone screen. It is always a compromise. So thumb up for bigger Gap, thumbs down to removing the option to banish because there always is that other Person who want to do it differently.
  21. Only some cards have hard limit and some don't. Card that have hard limit Are: treasure cards, adventure rewards and promos. Or at least it was that way in the past. So if you have for example 100 lightning bolts or for example spesific normal blessing like Erastil there is always change of finding a new one. But if someone in the Group has hard limited card, the same croup does not find more of those cards. A character in another croup can find those if that croup does not have met the limit.
  22. We Are getting old when we start remembering good old bugs with warmth in our minds Yep, those were the gold old days. Then even bugs had more bite than today! But, Yep good news.
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