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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Try this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92799-problems-with-linking-merging-megathread/ or contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx) with your both user IDs.
  2. It did took several months to port this game to PC. So it would take several months to port this to Linux...
  3. Think them as a tweaked variants. So, Yep... They Are different from originals. It was the easiest way to "increase" characters without increasing character interactions (combinations) in sub-conversations. Ethic is gettting faster in each day
  4. It nice if the gog Also gets ambassador program! I am happy Steam user, but there Are peoples who won't touch Steam, so different posibilities to customers is most welcome!
  5. Based on bugs, the customers service has its hands full of cases at this moment. It has happened before with big updates and will happen again. We just have to wait Until They found out why this is happening, and after that They start redusing the problem Flood. The support@obsidian.net will take care of this like They have done before, but I remember from earlier releases that in the Beginning there can be quite long delay, even more than week in some cases. So "hoom, don't be hasty!"
  6. True. The team would have to be Many times bigger than They have now, so not likely.
  7. They have to take people out of Goblin dls, or postpone this after Goblin dls is ready, so one of them is going to take time to wait another to be ready. But Goblin dls has been under development some time so who knows how much is needed. My ques is that Ambassador release is done first, because it is more simple than Goblin dls, but even that has to be tested Somehow after it has been coded. And database coding is easier than Pathfinder power interactions.
  8. I have PACG account, but I mostly play organiced play seasons at home with friends. No time to visit Gaming events... I own all class decks released so far and am in preorder list for all those class decks so I may qualify for this Group... barely but still. I really hope, if there will be multiplayer, that it will use rules from organiced play system. It would work best in multiplayer format IMHO.
  9. Yep, so it will take some time to do it. A couple of days at least, most propably a couple of weeks, because a lot of stuff have to be made from Scrach. They have to include a way to check out the user, the account, how much have been used in mobile. So some data maining is needed!
  10. Not Until you get that code before that. So if somebody want to get the discount They have to wait untill the codes has been released.
  11. I think that they referred to original game where you indeed cooperate with other players
  12. Not at this moment. There Are no funds or immediately plans of doing it. Only hopes from the devs and gamers. I think that devs promised a posibility if game sells millions in Steam. ... not likely but we can always hope.
  13. So this Sounds a lot server overload problem. Does anyone else got back their characters or Are They still missing? Contacting support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx) With the problem is the fastest way of getting these handled.
  14. Hmmm... it may be related to the thing that PC version includes all those cards... or it is bug. But needs a confirmation from the developers. This is big change so hickupps Are most expected. Lets wait a couple of days and see if there will be confirmation to this matter too.
  15. The Obsidian edition seems to include character alts released so far and new coming first Goblin dls and upcoming two new Goblin characters and some Obsidian promos. Any other new content will be bought able content. Not sure what this mean in mobile. We can see if you can use gold for those Goblins or do you have to buy them like in PC version. So it seems that old stuff will remain free to play in mobile, but we don't know the new content. All content should be shared across all platforms, so if you buy any content in the future it should be available in all possible platforms. That is what I got from the dev q/a. But I supose that the next q/a will ansver these questions.
  16. Long, long way! Hopefully we all see Many more years to come!
  17. It is actually very easy... use augury and other seeking spells to try to find the allies. Ofcourse you have to have enough blessing and allies that you can get all those allies that Are in the top of the deck or They Are easy target ti Magga. Also consentrate your firepower to locations that have most allies. You normally can do 3 explore each turn, so if Magga gets 2-4 you have better change because you have deck scouting abilities. For example if there Are 2-3 card in the top of the deck that Are not allies. The Magga can eat those and come,bac when Magga has destroyed those cards!
  18. They do. The list in the wiki is very old. But They can be as a base line for updated version. The Numbers Are most likely from early heroic level difficulty and the -+ values Are higher in the Legendary level, so this list should be updated to include two collums for heroic and legendary levels.
  19. Hmmm... have They been removed? Try this http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Wild_cards_(Pathfinder_Adventures) http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Portal:PAD
  20. Yes and no. You can sync your account to Steam, but you have to first buy the steam version of the game before you can combine the account. Ones combined, it does not matter what platform you use, every Gaming session goes to same game save folder.
  21. I personally think that quest mode would work better as a separate app. It is very true that it caused a lot of problems is the story mode, so separate app with quest mode and nothing else could be solution, but even that would require more work force than They have now... so not likely to happen but I really hope that it will come back after the Rice of the Runelords have sold millions of copies that may allow the multiplayer and even some new content to Runelords.
  22. http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Pathfinder_Adventures
  23. The dev did say that They try to keep all versions as similar as possible (otherwice the crossplatform binding would not work!) I would personally be vaurioista when new update arrives. We know that for example Apple store and google store updates does not arrive exactly at the same time. So it may be easiest to wait Until the same patch has arrived to all platforms that you Are using. In most cases it ay be no problem at all, depending on how massive the changes Are. Normal bug fixes should be quite easy.
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