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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. A lot of dice allso help... some of them actually do something.
  2. Sound a lot like your PFID was changed for some reason. Contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx) and ask them to check this out. In the meantime you may try to close and restart the google play and the app.
  3. As a officially supported feature. As I said I hope that it will come back as a beta or other similar way.
  4. It is, but who knows if it (not likely) come back in few years. I liked quest mode more than story mode, but if the team has no time to make quest mode working properly it has to go. My personal hope is that the team will release the quest mode as a beta release, if They have no time to make it finalized version. So then nobody Expect it to work properly. At this moment it only causes bad publicity.
  5. Yes, but user can only use one card of each type in one phase. So if user user armor to increase his attack value in combat, he can not use armor in the damage phase, because he allready have used armor type card during combat phase.
  6. I have not seen that kind of bug Anytime. Most likely user have used the armor to get agility bonus, or some other bonus. Or the damage is not reduceable. So most likely one of these reasons.
  7. Click the banish button. It seems that you have used armor earlier in the check to some effect, or that the damage can not be reduced. Another posibility is ui problem, then drag card to the upper left part of the screen, where there Are metal chain.
  8. Or have a separate device without pathfinder upgrades...
  9. Sometimes all healing powers just get turned off. I have used that club succesfully most of the time. Then it can happen that club does not heal, cure does not heal, staff of healing does not heal. So for some reason the healing powers all together just stop working. And in the next game or after reboot, the healing works again. So I supose you have the same problem going on.
  10. Maybe contact the support http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89757-purchasing-validation-error/
  11. Yes, there seems to be infinite looks if you succes Also in other checks too. You just have to lose to stop the loop.
  12. How Many characters you have totally? Have you tryed to remove the croup and make new croup using experienced characters?
  13. I did remember it wrong... staff of hungry shadow was what I was looking for. A loot item.
  14. The app restart spell seems to have worked again...
  15. Do you have the staff of thunder? It helps a lot other characters in the same location. You need a healer that can fight and a fighter. So three shall it be. But a hard choise. Sheelah, Valeros and Seoni if you have the staff would be my quess.
  16. Try smaller croup. There Are some scenarios that Are much harder with so Many characters. Try to have characters who has high combat die... some scenarios penalice having Many dies...
  17. There Are Many cards that Are better in lower levels, but in this case Scrying is superior. It can be used to inspect any location, augury only works in your own location! Another thing is that this game is based on real tabletop card game and all the card (well at least most) Are based on that so, if some card seems to be super bad, it is by because original card was designed to be so. So definitely not a bug. Actually Obsidian has made some original Paizo cards different so that They suit better to the digital format. http://paizo.com/pathfinder/adventureCardGame/riseOfTheRunelords http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gk http://paizo.com/download/pathfinder/PZO6000-Rulebook.zip
  18. Most likely related to: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91758-lini-shapeshift-animal-trick-bug-report/ The modifiers stays even if the cause disappears. So far try to avoid all cancelling actions...
  19. Just use spell even if it is Locked, the game ask after that if you try the arcane.
  20. It requires even more character interactions! What each character says to eachothers. The combinations increases very rapidly...
  21. It say actully It does not say anything about releasing We be Goblings adventure path, but I like how you Are thinking So most likely some Gobling characters and some Goblin items / other stuff.
  22. Yeah! Ogrekin has some serious existentials problems. To be or not to be!
  23. So true, there Are no bad characters just different types of playing them!
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