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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Not directly. Completely shutting down the app and restarting normally helps in this. Some people do take Local backupps for the save files, but it is easier in Android devices.
  2. Use dropbox link or similar for the picture. You can Also try vault trip. Go vault and back. It sometimes help in situations like this.
  3. I think that the customer service is closed to 1.1.2017, so you should get your respond after that depending on how big pile of post has cumulated by then by other people too.
  4. 25$ Bundle offers some Paizo promos and not needing to crind the basic content of the game. It gives you all the tabletop characters and scenarios. Then you can use your game gold to other content. Well worth of money in my mind. I personally have not so much time to play games, so getting whole game is very suitable to me. The best promo you will miss without the Bundle is the Poog of zarongel.
  5. Have seen this with Harpy some times...
  6. You can Also banish it in town scuare and similar places.
  7. It depends on if count as a spell is same as a spell. Have to check faq for this.
  8. Most propably the same bug as in this case http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90070-harpy-monk-card-persists/?hl=%2Bharpy+%2Bmonk
  9. iPad air 2, i0s 10.2. Story mode. Seelah, Seoni, Sajan and Lini. Heroic difficulty, The black tower scenario. Game version A Shelah met harpy monk in the courtyard and Lini in the temple was not allowed to roll the wisdom check. I did vault trip and game got stuck. Then I did end the app. Played with another croup another scenario got back to the original Group and then I was able to forfeit the scenario. Then happened interesting craphic bug, where Harpy monk keep me a company whole time. It has to be really Lonely https://www.dropbox.com/s/pb9unechhphoadq/Photo%2024.12.2016%2021.58.59.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pz3qo6708zcsyz9/Photo%2024.12.2016%2022.41.19.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/xi36lp0x06f85co/Photo%2024.12.2016%2022.44.40.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwp6cuzqvzrhvvx/Photo%2024.12.2016%2022.44.51.png?dl=0 And now the Harpy monk is always in all scenarios the first card. Like for example in here Ogres aint right. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7sbazrgnx3vuhq/Photo%2024.12.2016%2023.14.54.png?dl=0 And the game is stuck completely for that Group. I did send pfid to the Aarik so that the dev may check this out sometimes next year.
  10. I did just find my sweater few hours ago. So good hunting to you!
  11. Not sure about the first, maybe scenario rule? Basic blessing copies the effect of the top card of the blessing deck and some blessing grants extra dice for certain checks. There can be some ui errors that you can not see the card. You still can move it or interact with it. Sometimes going to vault and coming back clear these ui problems. There is only one party slot in the quest mode. You can drag characters in and out of it. You can delete characters by selecting three dots button in the character screen. You can manage characters decks only before the very first scenario, or if you have too few card left after scenario or too Many. But you can fully change only ones, in the very Beginning. Happy christmast to you too!
  12. Santa has some competition in this christmast
  13. I have seen now cases where the dice just disappear. Going to vault and coming back pring back the dice, so there seems to be a trick to avoid it at last sometimes.
  14. There was ones a problem that allowed the use of the same item multible time. Maybe a ower compensation? But good Finds!
  15. You have to find the sweater from the location deck and accuire it by successing the accuire check.
  16. I think that it is ok to send the pfid in private post to the dev and/or the customer service. I Also would not put it in these Forum posts, but the dev team in anyway has access to my Gaming account if needed, so giving the direct "address" where to look for problems is ok IMHO. Aarik-D has been most helpfull for example. But at this moment most of them Are in christmast holiday off 24.12-1.1. So any responce may take extra time.
  17. Yep The dev may make updates and fixes Also to quest mode, but story mode in in priority at this moment. There is no new content to quest mode after ad4, but there has been some bug fixes. Hopefully They can continue with the quest mode after story mode is up and running. I Also like quest mode a lot! And as it has been said in the link above. They have not yet gives up the quest mode, They just not have enough manpower to fix bot story and quest mode at the same time. So the Main game aka story mode has taken priority. But the dev have an interest in the quest mode too, so there come fixes in there too, but not at the same speed as to the story mode.
  18. I personally renamed (nic named) all important characters and did remove the rest. I did have 4 copies of the many character, so I only saved the newest ones that I know that were working. Now I have something like 10 Empty character slots instead of one or two... Not sure why I did have cloned characters. My best ques is that I have had Connection problems that have caused those new versions, but in any way nick naming the essential and removing the extras did help my situation.
  19. Because of this... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90721-1161-compensation-bonus/
  20. Good points in there. My favorite armours Are mentioned there and Also the armor is much more usefull in the Wrath than Runelords as it has been said. So the experiences above match my own when playing tabletop version of Runelords. Armours that take of Many types of damage Are more usefull as well as armors that have other uses. Or the scenario / adventure has to be build so that the armor is usefull (more freguent combat damage by banes and locations)
  21. Hmmm.. ok. Could be, the Unity game engine is guite heavy, but I have iPad Air 2 iOs 10.2 and it has the same amounth of memory as Air1 has, so it could be something else.
  22. Hmmm... possibly corrupted game files? Have you tryed to reinstall the game? You lose quest mode, but everything else should remain.
  23. Could it be possible that some characters get duplicated and you run out of character slots?
  24. A bugged holiday gift Well it happens!
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