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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. New party get rewards when doing scenarios in legendary difficulty. All in all party is an quick start to spesific characters. Also you achiements Are related to the party, no individual characters (not counting the character development ofcourse)
  2. Heroic difficulty story mode Location shimmerin vail of pride Charcaters: Lini. Lem Valeros Monster: attic whisperer Wild card: an ill wind. Version: When I was doing wisdom check against attic whisperer. Every time I did win the wisdom check I was forced to do another wisdom check. And the problem was that it was impossible for Lini to fail the check, so there was infinite loop. The vareros did met villain. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z5y6f051lhczjkk/Photo%209.4.2017%2023.23.18.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oi0cu7mqupfj88a/Photo%209.4.2017%2023.23.26.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oakhobzs9y7wfap/Photo%209.4.2017%2023.24.17.png?dl=0 Seems to be quite similar than then old haund of lamashtu bug. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91867-infinite-loop/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91088-possible-bug-infinite-hounds/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90973-hound-pounding-for-fun-and-profit/
  3. Most likely there will be Also bugfixes in the next release... there always is. And Also new bugs to hunt down. Programs Are like that normally. And because the soon has been longer, they most likely have already found some bugs that needs squashing before the release.
  4. Old of turn bug, I supose. Good to have new versions of it recorded!
  5. I think that "Soon"TM. was mentioned again two weeks ago, so I think that "Soon"TM. can happen soon (or a Little bit later)... This temporal writing is/was/will be quite hard some times...
  6. It is and the silence can be a long in some cases. But when They have said They Are cooking something it has happened Sooner or later. So something will happen, the timetable is just open...
  7. True, but I think that we allready know that devs don't give relese Dates untill the release is ready One new bug and release can be postponed several weeks. It is not easy to satisfye die hard Pathfinders like us!
  8. This is the last official info: http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/8/entry-201-pathfinder-adventures-valentines-special-and-quest-mode-update/ It all depends on how those Goblins Are implemented. There can be a lot of work, if They Are completely new characters, less if They Are new skins to existing characters. Interesting to see! The most interesting part is that "Check them out. We'll have one for each iconic character out there and some "We Be Goblins!" content will be coming soon." part in the end. But I Expect to see them, when I see them... not before.
  9. Then it means that next update is not yet ready and not ready be released... 5 Person team release updates when They Are ready, and next one is most propably big if it contains the Steam release... a lot of to do and a lot of to test. Can take many, many months to do. Though I am not sure if the next release include the Steam already or not. If it only Goblin costumes to old characters, then it can be allmost ready at this moment. Ofcourse the powers and stuff like that requires a lot of playtesting to smack down most of the bugs.
  10. The vault is dynamic. There Are some rules how to manipulate your vault. There Are some cards that have fixed value/amount in the vault. Most other has flexible value/amount. When you put card back to the vault it does not change the vault directly unless that was one of those fixed cards. Here Are some clues http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90840-the-vault-and-extra-characters/
  11. https://pixabay.com/fi/ninja-kannettava-tietokone-155848/ https://pixabay.com/fi/ninja-merkkej%C3%A4-symbolit-miekka-28715/
  12. It should be possible with new group with new characters before the first scenario... and only then. But, if you run out of some card type (your party needs for example 10 allies all together and you only have 8 allies, the game opens the vault, so you can fill the planks. It is possible that character 1 has only 2 spells and he need 3, but someone else in the croup has extra spells, you have to use those and do not get vault trip.
  13. If anything else does not help. Delete the party and form a new by using same characters from the experinced characters.
  14. Whiskey? This I would call a overkill
  15. Well there Are less bugs now and not so Many new players around. When Steam version is released, these forums Are full of new and old bug posts! Also there is no new content so it Also causes things to slow down.
  16. Hard to say. In pads it seems to work fine, except some hunwey models. With emulators it is much harder to tell because there is extra program layer between hardware and the app.
  17. How Many experienced characters you allready have? There is a limit...
  18. Did you try to discard spells first? Your spell seems to glow. Also Hag says that you have to start from the spells.
  19. I did encounter strange Divine check in 6-5. Using heroic difficulty. You can make Divine check or continue... https://www.dropbox.com/s/osy4mapqxql8ghe/Photo%2018.3.2017%2016.53.28.png?dl=0
  20. Fighter, mage, rogue, cleric work just fine! Same as one of my parties. Other combinations works Also too. All divine is safe, and Also working combination. Not sure if pure arcane would work though...
  21. I personally have newer needed mule characters and have done all in legendary a couple of times.
  22. Yep. I have accuired 3 Augyry and some other scout tools during the Gaming.
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