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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. So you need explore speed. Enough healing and a lot of extra explore by discard or via a recharge spell aka haste. You have to burn the deck before the bury burn you.
  2. Definitely not! I would be very worried if They all would be pearls of wisdom... Happy Pathfindering to everyone!
  3. Well we all are speculating here. If the staff has been assigned to new project and They still Are making some stuff in this project you could call it as limited support, like win7 is in a limited support. But as long as we are making a quessing game, Well it is just a quessing. Sooner or later all programs goes to that state. This most propably not untill Steam release. The Obsidian management will make estimations about the cost and Profit according this project when They make new plans ofcourse. But those plans Are newer part that the customers Are taking part. So no announcement untill there Are desisions. (Corporate secrets you know.) We know it when and if the staff from this project is a part of another project. But we don't have any clue about what that project will be, or nothing we say in these forums does not change it to one way or another. That is why I keep an saying. "Just wait and see", because there Are no alternatives to it. Ofcourse you could tap on Obsidian core Computer, but that would be considered an espionage So sit back and enjoy the Ride! What ever that may be... last updates has been announced about the same time as it has been loaded to google and Apple store. Not sooner. It has happened before and it will happen again! https://youtu.be/6bOy3RNyWME
  4. I just said that your ques is guite possible. Nobody is kept in the same project infinitely. If the new project is new pathfinder adventure or something else, only they know. The dev team itself would like to make more. That is what they have said Many times. Also that there will be new Goblin content so that much is most likely to happen, Also Steam release is quite possible now that They have the base game ready. But after that nobody knows untill there is new info. I Expect to see new announcements when They Are done. If the time "before" the summer is right. There still is a month or two before next upgrade. Interesting to see how much and what is packed on it.
  5. That is a good ques. Most propably people have been assigned to new projects and Pathfinder adventures is in limited support so it means longer delays between upgrades, because development team has others task to do Also. So Also less time in this Forum. The bosses in Obsidian will keep every Person busy, that is sure!
  6. And wiki http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Pathfinder_Adventures
  7. And these too: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2r0py?PACG-Demoing-Questions-and-Advice#2 http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljpt?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljnz?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljjm?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljf8?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljdt?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lja4?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lj7c?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lj3k?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Strategy-1-The
  8. Try these: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86431-comprehensive-video-explanation-of-the-rules/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88128-pro-tips-from-nathan-davis/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89115-paizo-blog-strategy/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87693-ideas-for-the-best-3-4-person-party/ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86965-looking-ahead-to-roles-no-not-prestige-classes/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87947-all-heroes-rated-and-described-the-unofficial-authoritative-list/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86446-thoughts-on-all-characters/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87737-character-overviews-a-video-guide/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87235-best-two-characters-to-pair-with-kyra-and-merisiel-but-are-also-a-good-duo-themselves/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86567-which-3rd-character-to-get-after-kyra-and-merisiel/
  9. Every character has their own weak point and stron points. You now have the nimike agility thief and Divine caster healer. Go next either to arcane caster or close combat specialist. There Are Many conversations in these forums about characters, but all in all it depends on you Gaming Style. Starting tips: improve you decks. See what type of cards Are in each locations. Hunt down bows and slings to your thief. Good melee weapons to your cleric among some good Divine spells like cure, augury and Holy ligtht. And collect all cards that allows you to check cards in the location deck like spy class and similar. If third character is melee like Valeros or Amiri. Pack magical weapons and magical armors to them. If you go for the arcane caster like Seoni or Ezren get some arcane attack spells and maybe some Augyry too. Then everything you find should be usefull to someone in The croup. Collect allies that allow exploring!
  10. You do the customization before your first scenario. After that it is what you find from locations, or if you have to replenish missing cards. Why, because the original tabletop game has these rules. In story wice it is about a story. You have starting equipment and you go for adventuring to find fame, loot and XP. If you don't find anything good your equipment does not improve and sometimes some of those equipments get, broken, lost, stolen etc. aka banished and you have to manage whit what you happens to have.
  11. Works fine. Everybody check out their hand and the say to active player if They Are willing the help or not...
  12. Have tryed to completely close down the ap and restart it from the game Center or google play? Sometimes some stopped items arrive only after complete restart.
  13. You have to banish that quaterstaff and not get any new weapons. Then you may accuire any low level weapon to you deck that is two level below your your level.
  14. Feature I think. It was taken of quite some upgrades ago. Don't remember anymore if it ever was implemented. Most likely it was somewhat not usefull. You can now pas the phone to next player even though there is not that option and you still should hand that device back to him if you want to have him play a support card to your check, even though game does not explisit ask for it in normal mode. How would it work if there would be pass and play mode. Harsk turn. Harsk meet a monster and start combat check. The game pauses and the responce goes to player x. Player x chose if he want to help or not. The turn goes to player y, player y chose to help or not and so on... until all players have had a change to do something and maybe repond to other players responds. It would be quite ugly guite soon... very clumsy.
  15. Ofcourse it is possible that it was this and there will be no more. But even that has not been announced and the delays in this game has been long Also before... If the game will not get any more updates, there will be announcement, just because it would be something new announced so far. If the game has been an economic catastrofe, any sensible company will cut it of. You don't want to kill a company by stubbornly supporting a sinking game. But as I said, if there will not be anything to do for this game there most likely will be announcement of it. Sooner or later. The last announcement was some Goblin stuff. So a new announcement is needed to contradict that. The interactions between characters was/is hardcoded to the scenarios, so it is not easy to add new characters. That is why we did get new versions of old characters because those character interactions did not need to reprogram. Also any new character power Are real pain in the... to code. So it definitely takes some time. But that is whole another matter to discuss. That is why I Expect that those Goblins Are/were/will be just new goblinied versions of old characters. Ofcourse this may be very wrong prediction Hopefully the servers don't go down just yet. But that remains to be seeing. Ps. I am very positive Person to any subjects so this game is no exception to it I like the original Paizo game a lot and the new Mummys mask is my favorite among them so far. The Obsidian version is very promising, but it still has not achieved the full potential. The quest mode was even more promising, but that is balanced by being even more not ready to fullfill the full potential it has. So I remain hoping for the best and not be too conserned about the worst. If the worst happens, there is not much I can do to prevent it, so it is not worth of my times and resources to worry about it. If it happens, it happens. So I hope that my optimism is not disturbing peoples too much. It is not mean to be personal, even though it is a part of my person. I think that that is my way of saying that I am not of fanboy of this game, or then it can be said that I am a fanboy of everything in the life... who knows But forexample at this moment I spent much more time playing Civ6 and other games along tabletop games than this game, but I still see a lot of potential in this fransize and in this game so I am always willing to give my helping hand if it helps to bring that potential to real product.
  16. It will take a couple of years for new hero Bundle. So it will take some time. So far there has not been announced that there will not be new patches. And if thennext patch will give new outfits to old characters, then it is not too long time to do it. If it is about new scenarios, then it will much longer expsecially if there Are even less programmers doing this. Is there one or two Person coding this at this moment, so it gets slover. If it is Steam release. That will take somewhat longer, if They still hunt down and destroy bugs. It can take really big time if the team is as small as it is. Ofcourse it could be possible that Obsidian has give up and the game is now ready, but ten I will Expect that They make announcement that Rice of the Runelords is ready. But I Expect at least one upgrade where They remove the quest mode before that... but who knows. We will know Sooner tm or later tm.
  17. You can only Edit deck when you start new croup wit the new characters before the first scenario, not later unless you have too few cards... All those other cards in your wault Are possible boons that you can find durin your adventure/scenario. If you find some nice cards by playing the scenario, you can chose to include those found cards to you deck, and leave some old behind.
  18. Most propably has happened that the wand was transferred to another person during the test and the new Person did not have the skill so it was banished. Has happened from time to time. So a bug. Another posibility is that you did not check all cards tab. Sometimes some loot items does not show correctly in item and you can only see it from all cards when building decks after the scenario. But the first option is most likely. Have seen both though.
  19. Day challenges Are automatic. Weekly, if not proken like today Are collected manually, under the tab.
  20. Yep, They have to drop those programs that don't bring Profit... interesting to see what.
  21. AH. Good! Nice to hear that there was simple reason this time. Happy adventuring in the future.
  22. For that purpose yes. I personally am so old fachioned that I keep my parties separated
  23. If you have done the same scenario with any croup you only get gold reward in legendary difficulty. But those skill feats problems Sounds more serious and should be checked out by devs.
  24. No, those has to be done only ones. (If you mean those rewards after completing one level in legendary.)
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