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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Hard to say, but the normal prosedure is to: 1. Select character one 2. Select the role for character one 3. Select power for character one 4. Select character two 5. Select the role for character two 6. Select the power for character two ... And so on to each character and then press the continue. If there Are still problem contact the Obsidian customer service. support@obsidian.net With your PFID. Hopefully They can see what is the problem with the characters.
  2. You need to install the Steam version so that you can get the link code. See this instruction. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92893-how-to-merging-desktop-and-mobile-accounts/
  3. You have iPad mini2. It has 1Gb system memory and that seems to be too Little a this moment. You Are talking about storage memory, not ram. 6 Gb storage memory is just fine, you Are running out of ram memory. And this is a big problem because most iDevices have only 1Gb ram. Only the iPad pro and new iPad, iPad mini 4, iPhone6s, iPhone 7 and iPad Air2 has more. Most phones has less than that too, so most available iDevices have this problem at this moment and when most of those devices have a problem... well it is quite bad. I hope that the next patch come Sooner than later, but They have to reprogram a lot of things, so that the program eat less system ram.
  4. 6Gb of system memory? What portable device you have. Oneplus5? Hmm... you have iPad, so is it iPad pro? I didn't know that it has so much ram. It should be enough, so then there is some other problem. I have iPad Air 2 and it only have 2 Gb system memory and it is enough. Running nicely with 12 characters without any problems. Those who have iPad Air1 only have 1Gb system memory and They have problems. Not to mention some older devices that have 512 Mb ram or even less...
  5. Steam is notorious about it sales... if it could sell mobile games you could get them cheaper. It is the walmart of pc programs. But if you want to get it cheaply to your mobile. Buy the Steam version and then download the game to you mobile device and link those two accounts. After the link is made all your purhases from the Steam Are Also available to you mobile device.
  6. Yes, enter the code first! You get the discount and when you buy the basic game the extra content is added to you account.
  7. Do you have cards in the unclaimed tab? They Also eats memory, so removing all cards from the tab and stash can help a Little. More memory seems to help too. I have iPad Air2 and I has been working without any problems when people with iPad Air1 have had problems. (Air2 has 2Gb memory Air1 Ha 1Gb memory) Also some people has said that They can run the game in their PC and PC most likely have a lot more system memory. So if you have a device with 1Gb or 512Mb memory should stay using only one croup / max 6 persons and keep those unclaimed and stash as clean as possible or wait for the patch that reduce the memory footprint.
  8. You can delete the party and that should free those characters and Then you can delete those extra characters, be sure not to delete the wrong ones! Other alternative is to ask the Obsidian support to delete the wrong chraracters. Be sure to give good instructions to find the right ones. I personally have now four croups Every one in the first Group has a Name A Everyone in the Group two has Name B Everyone in the Group three has Name C Everyone in the Group four has Name D So it is easy to me to see what characters belong to what croup by the extra Letter at the end of their names. So everyone with C at the end of their Name belong to third Group.
  9. Did you delete the characters too? Having party is not a problem. Having too Many characters is because They seems to eat memory at this moment according to devs.
  10. The lack of memory could be it. I have iPad Air2 and it is working like a charm. Only 14 characters and 2 Gb memory when iPad Air 1 that seems to have problems only have 1Gb memory.
  11. So true. The board game version is so much slover that you don't want to play scenarios again so we don't do it in real life. And so it has becoming kind of rule, but Yep the rules don't require it. In reality replaying is a balance issue. If you lose scenario, you at least get some loot that can make your deck better and the next run is easier. If you win scenario your deck is good enough to push through the next one. Until you hit the wall next time But Yewstance is very right in here.
  12. Yep that force Expertice should apply. Did forget that power. I my self very seldom play with Ezren.
  13. It works just as it should be. Arcane trait is different than arkane skill or arcane die. So wand of Force missile gives 4d4 damage and the damage type is arcane, Magic, attack and Force. It does not give arcane die because it does not give arcane skill. For example Spell force missille gives arcane skill + 2d4 and the damage type is Magic, arcane, attack, force So you Also get your arcane die.
  14. Mainly so as above, but You can get near, if you go to options and turn the treasure cards off from the settings. And if you turn on perma death. And if you don't use stash, and don't replay scenarios if you manage to win the scenario. There still Are some things that Are different from the tabletop though. Better take this as an reasonable entertaining alternative to original. But those things above make it as near as it is possible at this moment. Edit: replaying scenarios is permitted by rules. See below.
  15. Would it be even better if there would be a stash button in the options, like there is a button to treasure cards? Then you would not have to push even one button. Just chose if you want to use stash at all or not. But sell all cards button would Also be nice option.
  16. Check out the completion tab to see if you miss any scenario.
  17. contact support@obsidian.net with your User ID (username #xxxx), And ask if They can find you Wizard from the server. They need info about the nick Name and croup I supose. But this is a bug so it is good tho have this info for it. Add the device that you Are using. It may affect the reason why bug was happening in the first place.
  18. Flounder did say that the feature has been temporaly turned of. So that means no hard upper limits at this moment. They will pring some system online when the new implementation is ready.
  19. Any news if this nickname problem is still valid or is it remedied? Just wanted to check out Until starting new croup.
  20. The weekly challenges was turned off during the latest updates. It should soon be turned on again.
  21. Just to check it out... Did you use the tunic to increase your dexterity. if you did you can not use armor to reduce damage. If you did not use it, then it sounds a bug... But I am quite sure that it is the previous. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1145496/snakeskin-tunic
  22. Does the strength die include your melee strength modifier? No, your melee skill is not the same as strength die. Can Lini use shapeshift to turn her d4 strength die into a d10? Have to try, but most propably not, because it is not a strength test. If you play a combat strength blessing, will it add 2 dice to the combat check? It is dexterity ranged test so it should not add two. Can you use the stone item that let's you add 1d10 to melee strength or non-combat fortitude to your combat check? It is dexterity ranged test, not melee strength test, so no. If Valeros, chooses the weapon master role and proficiency that let's him use his melee strength for ranged attacks, does he get to roll 2d10? His ranged die dexterity die is replased with strength die, so yes. Does revealing Ebon Armor let you add 2 piercing damage to the combat check? No... se below. Edit. Wrong ansver in the armor section
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