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Everything posted by aweigh0101

  1. you calculated the stats wrong. you have 10 points extra. POE char stats are, 18 pts in addition to all states set to 10. unless i read your post wrong and those are somehow your planned final end -game stats? technically, it's actually: all stats at base 10, + 15 to distribute. then you get bonus 3 pts from char Race, and char Background. yes, eve dwarves, remember they have -1 dex, even tho they have +2 might and +1 con. ppl always forget that. edit: never mind, i apologize. those are your calculated end game stats. i'd love to see a detailed breakdown ! edit #2: yep, you have the priest stat spread perfectly laid out. They're the only casters who can dump PER. gotta love that! not even ciphers can dump PER, even though cipher spells have the highest +ACC modifiers out of all the caster classes: they need to hit the enemy non-magically first in order to build focus. priest laughs at such petty foibles while clasting tons of **** that won't even have to check against a defense haha. there can be great synergy in a priest's high MIGHT, since he needs it for healing and it can serve to deal damage be it melee or ranged. the obvious problems are that: 1) base priest deflection is 15, although his base acc is 20, which is... something. at least. 2) endurance and health multiplier same as rest of casters. i.e. pumping con is a waste due to percentage-based nature of the diminishing returns. 3) due to the nature of the games miss/graze/hit/crit system and minimum-maximum percentages even with fighter-level deflection a caster/priest will never be able to hang for long trading hits due to his nerfed end/health multiplier. however, as you say, skaen deity opens up a previously lacking +dmg modifier for the priest class, as well as a talent that equalizes their ACC (with specific weapons) up to +25 base acc tier, i.e. chanter/paladin/monk. sounds interesting mate. i notice you're missing one +ACC talent that's incredibly useful: gallant's focus. +4 ACC to everything, including spells, melee swings and ranged shots. never mind that it's an aura, it's good to get just for personal benefit. weap. focus + gallant's aura + deity +ACC talent = tons of ACC.
  2. after robbing gilded vale of every single nut, bolt and scrap of value (which had the final consequence of an entire town turned against me; the presence of of sympathizers notwithstanding such as the smityh and aufra, who were more than willing to let me run their errands regardless of the blood running through the streets every time i exited a house) and making my way to caed nua, and THRU caed nua, all the while making sure to murder the Aloth, Eder, Durance and Kana, of course, since my custom posse needed to see what was what; finally I'm almost there, almost at Defiance Bay, and have just entered the map where Sagani is waiting for me. I kill sagani. I give her fine hunting bow to my boreal dwarf monk with weapon focus: peasant. he appreciates it. I could've entered the city. I was right there. I passed quickly by the backer NPC near the campfire in the left-most exit of that map to stab her and take whatever loot she drops (a fine hatchet! nice), grab the camping supplies next to her and instead of clicking on the world-map symbol and entering the safety of the city and going onwards... I decide I should go go get Hearth Harvest. Those lions ate well :( :(
  3. i checked the wiki and: Halt: 12m range, fast cast, +10 ACC vs WILL, not reflex, i apologize. that's even better, btw. no wonder it hits so much. duration: 10 secs. repulsing seal: 5m range, 1.25 radius (you can fit 3 ogres if you're good) +15 ACC, foe-only. average-casting time. barring death's door: fast cast, duration 10 seconds, during which you can't reach 0 endurance. i'e never tried it but i assume you can then immediately withdraw yourself to guarantee safety. shining beacon: average-cast time, foe-only AoE DoT + debuff, +15 ACC, range up to TEN METERS 10m, vs. Will, inflicts burn dmg per tick and -10 deflection on first tick. champion's boon: average-cast, duration of 15 secs, gives +10 might, +10 per, +5 dr shields of the faithful: average-cast, duration of 30 secs, gives +25 deflection etc, etc. note that these spells can be cast while wearing a large shield without a care in the world as they are self-buffs. so... yeah. priest's are p. good. btw, in case you were wondering a full duration of withdraw with 18 INT and 18 MIGHT restores 380 endurance.
  4. priests can buff their stats to high heavens, and the moment they're in trouble they can withdraw themselves, or later on start a fight right with watchful presence and and as a safety measure barring death's door. might be tricky getting out one of those 3 life-saver spells solo while getting focused, but it's definitely stuff other classes can't do. closest to it is rogue's shadowing beyond. high dex high int priest can Fast Cast repulsing seal and hit/crit mobs for 10-13 sec prones, then take that moment to cast priest buffs on himself like holy power that raises all his stats by 7, it is Fast Cast as well my friend; he can also +4 DR at any moment for any reason with armor of faith the lvl. 1 spell. the other hidden treasure in lvl. 1 priest spells is halt. you can use halt right up until end game. you can "HALT" freaking one of the dragons for 10 seconds if it crits. it's a reflex save after all, with built-in ACC bonus. all priest spells have crazy ACC bonuses, second only to ciphers'. but of course priest comes into his own for real when you get shining beacon. that is the single best spell in the entire game. take scion of flame to make it even deadlier. a good sequence might be: 1. start with fast cast watchful presence 2. fast cast either holy power, crowns of the faithful or minor avatar depending on if you're mid or high level. yes they're all fast 3. and/or skip step two and just repuling seal them, either as they rush you cast it on your feet (LOL!) or set it as a pre-placed trap (can be cast before combat) 4. shining beacone two times will finish off even TWM enemies. it's a DoT that does massive damage per tick, AND lowers their stats, AND for some ungodly reason it STACKS WITH ITSELF. not infinitely though, only twice. it's one of those under the rader things. 5. if things are turning sour you can immediately break engagements on you by casting withdraw on yourself, casting repulsing seal on your feet, casting HALT on the enemy (i keep bringing it up, and it's for good reason. even on potd that spell will hit a lot, and 8-10 sec "stuck" is gold, oh, and of course it is FAST CAST) the priest's biggest weaknesses are his abysmal base deflection, so take cautious attack + sup. deflection, and no, caut. atk. DOES NOT AFFECT CASTING TIMES, only your shooting pew-pew stuff or the melee. which is basically the things you will never be doing once you're mid-level. and remember you can just uber-buff your stats with one of the 3 main priest buffs that are only for him, they are easily found in the list because they're the only priest buffs that aren't for allies. btw, priest's revive is an AoE "trap" if you time it right you can cast it on your feet just before reaching 0 endurance and reviving yourself but that's not something i recommend relying on lol
  5. i rolled a eothas priest in my new potd/trial of iron run, this time gonna use all henchmen. i already slaughtered aloth and eder lewl. i picked that deity for the freebie supress fear/terrify ability. seems like it'll come in handy throughout most of the game, especially on ToI; as opposed to the other deity spells/abilities, with the obvious exception of skaen. summer flame spell WITHOUT blindness? come on man, get real! arkemy's dazzling lights with less duration !? jesus christ obsidian have mercy on us. since i decided i'd roll a henchmen rogue the only deity that seemed useful was eothas for that spell/ability. flail/mace is nice too, can take weap. focus adventurer and aldo the deity talent and have +16 acc with flails, and +6 with warbow for ranged, and then just have every single other pick be one of the extra-spell ones. Warbow doesn't hae reload animation to interfere with spell casting, does alright damage, and since it doesn't have an ACC malus built-in like the arquebus the eothan priest should shoot just as well as a magran one. doesn't matter anyway in the end is'a ll about the spells!!
  6. i did this just now, literally just now; i began trial of iron/potd/expert mode w/ custom party, so i made sure to go grab the plate from the backer NPC standing near the starway down into the temple. 1) that one i just mentioned is no. 1 loot grab 2) second grab-stab is in the second floor of the black hound inn. The only way to do it right is to enter thru the upper story door, and make sure to pet the dog/animal so that he doesn't render you unable to stealth. cram your character/party/whatever inside the little hallway dead-end the Pet was in, and have someone stealth-shoot/aggro the very first NPC,i.e. one of the npc's talking to the guy in the plate mail. lure them into your dead-end and get to it. if using custom party, no problem, if using eder/aloth spam slicken and and make sure to flank them. at your lvl 1 on potd you could very well lose! 3) but wait, there's more! one of the npc's you just murdered, one of the friends, has a FINE LEATHER ARMOR. i repeat. YOU CAN GET NOT ONLY 2 PLATES WITHIN 10 MINS of arriving at GV, BUT ALSO A FINE LEATHER ARMOR. Oh my lucky stars! freaking won the lottery you just did! plate for your pc and a plate for eder, and a fine leather for aloth if you don't mind him losing the overseeing, and you are ALL SET to embark on your epic journey. PS: i mention this 4th loot stab-grab because SOME ppl don't know about this one: after u kill the bear go and confront nonton and his wife, and KILL THEM. why? because nonton has a guaranteed drop of +5 deflection ring. 100% guaranteed. never... EEEVEEERRRRR let them live! you'll get nothing. PSSS: finally, to finish up the early game grab-stab FAQ: besides The Disappointer pistol in the tutorial the absolute most earliest pistol you can get is in Mahdmer Bridge. It's carried by the fire godlike standing by the bridge. For whatever reason the other 3 npc's near him never even bat an eyelash whenever i make a beeline for him, so feel free to consider it a gift from sawyer himself. if you hoarded the disappointer and enchanted it now you have 2 pistols for your (probablly) upcoming assault on raedric's keep right before heading to DB.
  7. try playing bg1 lol that game's pathfinding issomething else why go through the tunnel when you can go around it hahaha
  8. i always used to give durance his arquebus as it is p. much Magran-ordained, but i realized i'm sick of the long arquebus reload animation messing up a spell casting when i need it, so i've been having him use crossbow. btw, i finally figured out why the game has both aloth and durance with wnads/rods when you meet them: no reload animation to interefere with spell slinging, i.e. implements = caster gear.
  9. i just had a Triple Crown Solo run end i was running a Aumaua/Towering Physique Chanter with INT dumped to 3, and every other stat at 15. (love that math!) I've been doing some experiments with come winds of death and, strangely enough with the cross-class talent that lets fight unarmed, i forgt the name. novice's suffering? at level 3, which is when i died when i accidentally aggroed a bunch of forest trolls on my way to east, in the map to the right of magran's fork; anyway with the stats i mentioned, 15 everything 3 int, and novice's suffering, i was punching fools for 10 dmg on a graze and 13-15 on a hit. i'll try to explain in another post why exactly that ability is "under the rader", but the fastest way is just whoever wants to see just fire up the game, and either create a merc and pick novice suffering or console in the talent and punch a few fools. the damage output is beyond ridiculous! i wish i'd gotten further, this was my my first trial of iron potd solo run, but i think this was the most fun i've had since the first timei played it. solo chanter punching fools while summoning ghosts lol hella fun. seriously that talent is too cool for school, check it out before it gets fixed. i have a suspicion it'll out-scale the actual monk's fist dmg, same as the cross-class fighter recovery talent will out-scale by max lvl the actual fighter's recovery. edit: oh, the point of the build is the combo of full-plate + novice's suffering for super-fast, super-good crushing dmg + chanter summons + permanently-on winds of death stacking on top of itself. the unit would punch an enemy, i'd see a red 11 float up, then i'd see a red 3, then a red 1, then the second punch for a graze of 6, then another red 3 from winds... it's insane. winds of death scales with might and it's ACC is based off PER, and it can graze and it can crit and it can freaking interrupt.
  10. if only we could edit the abilities without having to implement our own code... such a waste
  11. it would be... madness!!i think 2 priests, 1 cipher and 3 fighters/monks is probably the most ridiculously OP setup right now. 1 priest spamming beacon, the other traps, the cipher spamming amplified wave, and the 3 martial units doing their thing.
  12. the fix to this is so simple i simply can't believe it hasn't been implemented... the no. 1 complaint about afflictions, either coming at the player or coming FROM the player; due to the graze/hit/crit system " difficult" battles become Charm-Wars, with the victor being whoever out-CC's the other. Instead of making up a bunch of new **** simply go through each CC spell and freaking put a -10 or -15 ACC penalty on it, there, problem alleviated. That should result in more frequent Misses, and more frequent Grazes and obviously much less frequent Crits. there is absolutely no reason slicken or repulsing seal should have inherent +ACC modifiers, and there is no reason why a Dank Spores innate Charm-Spit can't be altered and nerfed a little bit by applying a -15 ACC malus on it. The annoying Spore will still spit-charm players a lot, but it won't be EVERY SINGLE TIME because it "grazed". ETC, ETC, ETC.
  13. lol i thought i did mention it. perhaps it is because it so obviously OP i just forgot! shining beacong is actually 60 percent of the reason i decided to have only durance along, and kick out aloth and hiravias. i take GM along sometimes cos ciphers are cool. my bounty fights in TWM went like this: my 4 martial-type units hold the coming wave of enemy mobs, that is step one. step two: watching a completely naked durance spam shining beacon as fast as my finger can click!!! the 6th unit, usually GM or Kana, are literally standing guard for durance, to prevent anyone messing up his beacon-spam. :D :D :D priests! love 'em
  14. time to test dat alpha! good job man
  15. interesting points. afflictions and mental assaults are indeed legit. in my first two full potd playthroughs the second i got wiped by some dank spores at the bottom of stormwell gorge something snapped in me, something PRIMAL, so i made every single party member in that playthrough AND the following potd playthrough aftewards take the 2 talents body control AND mental fortress. i also for the first time since playing the game on normal, and then hard, and now on potd i actually stopped and ready bestiary entries and started planning ahead my defenses to certain afflictions. it was the "magic moment" i realized potd is how the game is truly meant to be played; all of the game mechanics either shine nova-bright or implode, everything's out in the open for the player to digest and assimilated. normal and hard barely require the player to pay attention to what dmg type their sword does! so yeah, dat playthrough i was ready for the endless paths fampyrs very well: every unit had body control andmental fortress, PC had Murrica Arret for the +12 will and serel's ring of 2 resolve, plus orlan's bramble ring of freedom, the belt of sturdiness from prone and the boots of fenwalking. earlier the paths you also fine a kick ass breastplate unique that has +20 versus charm and dominate.however if the unit you equip it one dumped RES... there is no point then. i like RES as a stat very very much. it might a psychological thing lol but i like figuring out what is MOST important, taking a reductioninst breakdown of the systems and their correlatinos, and in PoE deflection is the most important stant. there's no real valid way to argue that it is not. even nerfed post-2.0, it is STILL 100% viable to build deflection tanks or deflection tank hybrids. ni fact, THOSE are the most mathematically "optimized" units anyway! although not necessarily the best at specializing or doing a specific thing.
  16. finally guys, i found a proper video hatchet used by a guy properly. hatchets ARE a defensive tool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDFpiw3Ijd8
  17. I have never rolled a custom priest! I've been reading the wiki's data on the favored deity abilities and spells and two jumped out at me: priest of eothas [on level able to select talent which gives priest +10 ACC w/ Great Sword and m'f'k'n MACE BAB] immediate superficla thoughts are: there are a ton of extremely good GS's in the game, and most can be gotten early and two of them even have prone on crit. this would make the priest have 25 base ACC with his great sword or mace, before PER modifer and gear, on level 1, same as a 10 PER lvl 1 pally or 10 per lvl 1 chanter. NOT TOO SHABBY. the problem of course is priests base 15 deflection which seems insurmountable to overcome and if the great sword calls to me because i want a bad-ass melee priest then i have to accept it's gonna have to be a shield user, but the second weapon is the MACE, which has Rending -3 DY bypass, which is EXCELLENT for a mace + shield combo. don't have to sweat over the shield nerfing my spell ACC either, because i'm a priest baby, suck itttt i get 13 sec prone spell with +40 acc modifier suck ittt aloth suck it) so yeah, initial reaction is that i'd get to play a mace-and-board priest with obviously a backup ranged weapon but his focus would be as an off-tank/hybrid-off--by-the-side caster-flanker. or something. the abysmal priest END/HLTH and atrocious deflection will still be a huge downer on PotD especially, ain't no shield that's got enough enchantments to make a priest a martial class lol however! for the very first time ever i would actually have incentive to buff myself with the Priest-only buffs Durance always has lying around but no one EVER uses because why would you either buff/heal/DoT/debuff/CC or have durance shoot from ranged. always. no need to cast some whatever spell that raises durances might, perception and resolve in a tiny 1 m zone for example. what for, an extra 10 pts of dmg on his next probably MISSED ranged attack? no, now it's not magran priest, it would be a priest with good ACC with great swords and mace. and horrible everything else that related to melee combat. so now i see reasoning for these priest-only buffs. and also now i understand that brilliant radiance mutation of a talent that eschews healing for buffing only the priest's stats. what kooky priests do you guys sometimes roll with? is the skaen priest worth it? how good is a sneak attack priest? is there some crazy synergy from some obscure priest spell everyone forgets to use that greatly enhances a type of priest-build w/ specific deity? etc. --btw, i love the fact the two deity weapons are all from two different groups always, because that +10 ACC is no joke, bumps priest base ACC to 25-- and the second one that piqued my interest is Skaen, granting a passive 50% sneak attack (!!!!!!) and on level up priest can choose to take talent which gives +10 ACC to Stilettos and to
  18. i read this thread. i empathize with the OP; brings fond memories of when i imagined fantastical outcomes to game states before finishing it and realizing that nothing ever lives up to what you hope for. be thanks for your PotD experience: it sounds like it was hella fun!!! dungeon crawling takes HARD WORK lastly i wish to randomly point out that on potd level 4 of caed nua has a total of 21 Troll enemies, and a TRULY inspiring 34 oozes of various types. Way to go Obsidian! TRULY these paths are ENDLESS indeed. I can only hope their area designers and combat implementers are at this very moment enjoying life and sipping a fine win becasue these heroes are the veneer of dedication. a single-minded and never ever! questioned desire to stoke the primal and atavistic spark only beginningto embre in the PoE player as he or she descends these ENDLESS paths by posing them with a masterful narrative that is as old as time: to be or not to be. yes, such a quandary of being, of states, of value creation both internal and external. they achieved this through the incessant and almost draconian repetition of of ENDLESS paths and halls that lead the player through their journey of getting from one circular room where they must duel wits with hideous manifestations of their fears, i.e. actual trolls that exist independantly from them! wow! inspiring subversion is not often seen like this, my friends. each of these trolls, and be wary for as i mentioned before they are truly ENDLESS in repetition and and also in their approach! each time the hero, ever on his way down these magnificently ENDLESS flights of starways and and cramped corridors that serve both to enhance the spiritual significance of the journey itself; for what is life? the ENDLESS repetition of man's venture from one small room where he bested wits with 5 trolls and thrice as many spores by going to them and engaging in a philosophical debate of a puzzling nature: questions of fire and piercing steel, but would result in a curious outcome to the imaginary observer with every single one of the ENDLESS encounters with these repeating every floor in greater quantities and with even smaller corridors and the hero accepting the inevitable fate that awaits the man who seeks englightment and thus engage every one of the ENDLESS amounts of ENDLESS enemies in ENDLESS corridors and ENDLESS use of kiting. IMO endless paths are p. boring. too many trash mobs and super lazy design. 10/10 would play poe again.
  19. i think priests are currently the undisputed best caster class in the game. they have incredible spells that completely control how a battle develops if utilized correctly, and they also hae a very healthy mix of (mostly fire-based) direct-damage spells that always apply a secondary effect after the damage, unlike the majority of direct-damage wizard and druid spells; they have the buffs, nuff said; and the packed is nicely wrapped and sumptuously gifted with their suite of godlike trap-spells. a high-INT priest with average PER will prone fools with repulsing seal for freaking 10-15 seconds. that is legendary. they also have specialty spells like withdraw, which i don't even need to go into detail about as it's applications are well known nowadasy; the obvious heal/revive spells but also extra-special buff-heals like Barring Death's Door, which is often overlooked but is a Fast Cast spell that prevents dying. what the hell more do you want? lol. and that brings me to my final point about the strengths of the priests in poe: casting times. go ahead and visit the wiki for a moment, or fire up the game, and go directly to your go-to priest spells / wizard spells / druid spells and compare the casting times. out of all the casters the priest is by a very LARGE margin the one with the widest gaumt of utility/buff/damage/disabling spells that are also... FAST CAST. i will leave you with one example of one such spell that is level 1 and is one of the strongest priest spells in the game, useful against absolutely any enemy, including them dragons: Halt. Halt is Fast Cast, targets Reflex (the highest saves *common* in enemy mobs, averaged, are no. 1 their Fortitude saves, in second place enemy Reflex, and third place and obviously the willpower defense. wait, i misled you, on potd the no. 1 saving throw is actually enemy deflection. a good rule of thumb is to not rely on fort-targeting spells on potd, or rely on deflection-targeting CC. of course, guess who has the highest amount of reflex and will-power targeting CC's and nerfs and the like? (such as Halt) mmm the priest once again! and even ones such as the traps which all target reflex, they get a 20-30 +ACC modifier for good measure. thanks magran! addendum: an 18 INT priest with average-to-high natural accuracy (this affects all of their spells, unlike ciphers and wizards and druids that generally have included modifiers on their spells independent of their ACC. the priest does too, like the traps, but a lot of his spells are undocumented in the fact that they rely on his normal ACC) anyway the 18 INT priest's Halt will "Stuck" an enemy mob for upwards of 14 seconds. sure, they can make an attack but they hve to do without moving. Halt is an absolutely AMAZING way to control space in a large melee purely because it is fast cast, targets reflex and therefore tailor-made to halt advancing enemy fighters/martial-types and root them to the spot so you can organize accordingly. and it's level 1. okenough about halt. tldr i reallylike priests
  20. I don't know about the rest of you people but even with auto-slow unchecked every time fights would still enter slow mode when the amount of enemies increased; usually it activated when there were more than 3 mobs, but anyway that's neither here nor there. First few plays of the game i absolutely needed slow-mode but now i don't, and in fact it is incredibly annoying when it activates during an "auto-attack > all" type of encounter. You know the type. In addition to this there is also the annoyance of slow-mode activating whenever traps are found. I assume this is normal and I don't have some super-special super-annoying version of PoE, and that this is universal for players. I type that hesitantly a bit because I've never seen any posts complaining specifically about slow-mode activating due to traps, regardless of battle and slow mode issues. Anyway, hit Win-Key (start menu key on ur kb) + "R", this will open a run box. In the run box type "regedit.exe", without quotes. Everything is without quotes, btw. Don't include the quotes. once your registry is open, without clicking absolutely anything (you can, but just saying you don't have to) press the F3 key to open the Search Box, and type "Obsidian", and/or "Obsidian Entertainment", and it will search for Obs registry entry. The actual entry is: HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3670387330-2473065243-140812072-500\Software\ Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity Anyhoo, click on that and the pane on the right of the list of registry entries will display all of the values that are stored by the game in the windows registry. Since they appear in alphabetical order you're going to spot the entry titled autoslow_h4167171629 pretty much as soon as you glance at the list. Right below that one is the other entry we're going to change titled autoslowEnemyThreshold_f514626336. You will notice both have "values" on the right, under the colum "Data". The lone "autoslow" entry will have a big number, in my case it was 1500 IIRC correctly. After trial and error (experimenting is fun!) I found out that the number actually refers to the slowness of the slow-mode. Higher values make it slower, and lower values make it faster. In case you're wondering: yes, obviously this is how the speed features in the IE Mod were implemented. Anyhoo, unless you actually want to change that slow-mode number and try out even slower or whatever, just click on the autoslow_h4167171629 entry to highlight it, and hit ENTER. in the box that will pop up simply and only hit the number ZERO, "0", and replace whatever number was there be it 1500, 3000, etc, with a big ole 0. This... obviously means the speed of the slow-mode will be a speed of zero. a speed of zero is no speed. Success, you have disabled slow-mode! The second entry which is conveniently underneath the one you just changed is the autoslowEnemyThreshold_etc one, and yep, it means exactly what you think it means. In my case it had the number "3", which seemed about right from my playing. You can put bigger numbers, in order to have slow-mode begin when there are only 12 mobs, if you want, or use the number "1", to have it ALWAYS activate in every single encounter (oh god, nightmares sooooo slooooow can't stand it). obviously click that ****, hit enter to open the entry, and in the box change that 3 to a beautiful ZERO. And you're done! Feel free to go over the entire list of PoE registry entries, as there are a few very interesting ones in there not available in the in-game options menu. And don't shy away from doing whatever the hell you want either, you can always just re-install if you mess it up. This in no way, shape or form touches or has anything to do with your save-games, so there is no worry. There is a registry entry for fullscreen exclusivity, btw; i know a lot of ppl ask about true fullscreen. If you have IE Mod installed (lucky you) all of the IE Mod options/settings will appear there as well. Say no to slow mode!
  21. 2.03's undocumented roll-back to beta build engagment threat zones sizes is bugged the **** out. i just reported it in the tech support forum w/ a video i took of gilded vale non-hostile villagers hitting me both from when i would move past them (DISENGAGEMENT ATTACK! SURPISE!) and also randomly walking and receving a Dis-Atk from off-screen. LOL the reason i know this is not something new is because of sensuki's video efforts. i can't believe sawyer is so defensive of his alcohol fetal syndrome-baby, engagement, that he doubled down on it and slipped it in 2.03 undocumented! and to top it off... the same bugs related to his changes from the BB have come back! amazing really. people! now more than ever before the ie mod is needed. engagement has to be disabled!
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh579zSqt1Q this is not a new "bug", this happened in beta builds when the threat zone for engagement was bigger. they made it bigger again now in 2.03 and i just was party to the gilded vale villagers randomly starting to turn on me and produce a disengagement attack on my party whenever i walked past a villager. it was quite funny. i started running away from them, and towards map exit and that was when i started receiving the disengagement attacks, from the VILLAGERS remember, the VILLAGERS, from half the length of the town away!!! in addition my party members also "engaged" the villagers and "disengagement attacked" them just as equally whenver my units ran past a villager NPC. i'm going to record a video today, as soon as i am able.
  23. rogue gets almost no benefit from pumping INT. same situation that happens with any percentage-based relationship between abilities and modifiers in PoE: the shorter the clause (i.e. the rogue ability or whatever that has a duration) then the proportionally less impact each point of INT will have modifying it. The LONGER a duration then the proportionally bigger margin of the modifier. one simple example, using the Fighter: - 18 INT Fighter has a 7 second Knock Down duration. - 3 INT Fighter has a 3 second Knock Down duration. i have done extensive playtesting and build-testing in regards to the most optimal way of min-maxing stats in the current version of PoE, which is not the same at all as the day 1 PoE, and realized quite a few surprising things about durations, percentages and other stuff. A lot of people already "knew" this mathematical caveat in the game systems since day 1, although almost no one makes the direct correllation that exists with INT as well; sorry, what i mean is since day 1 players broke **** down and figured out the game's percentage modifiers for damage, such as a Rogue's reckless assaullt, or the universal talent savage attack's 20 percent; all those damage modifiers DO NOT LINEARLY AFFECT THE DAMAGE. 20 percent dmg mod on a dagger will yield 17% increase in DPS, whereas the exact same 20 percent damage mod on an Estoc will yield an increase of 33% in its DPS. this imaginary build then has to plan ahead and know that it will not benefit his end-damage the way he wishes if he takes X-talent, because he's already decided he's going to dual wield stilettos. instead he does some research and comes to the conclusion that instead of the 20 percent damage mod talent he should probably go for one that increases his speed, which (once again) benefits more the 20/20 frames of dual-wielding than it would benefit the 60/60 frames of a two-hander. the entire game is like this. the reason behind this is to enable a balanced swath across the entire map of the game. it is basically impossible to nerf a build, as even a 3 INT paladin still emits an aura big enough to cover 4 people! the 3 int paladin's aura does not magically "disappear", instead it is PROPORTIONALLY REDUCED by a margin of the PERCENTAGE. FYI: i always roll 3 INT melee classes
  24. step 1: use your mouse to click on Aloth step 2: use your mouse to click on the spell Slicken step 3: repeat steps 1 and 2
  25. i agree with your general conclusion regarding RES and its relationship with core class function of casters; i.e. unlike the multiple examples i provided concerning the game's martial classes and their questionable relationship with the INT stat from a reductionist approach to the mechanics, the RES scenario i began to debate isn't the same thing at all; the type of correllation i'm referring to doesn't exist with casters, and most definitely not with RES stat. obviously it is INT the one and only stat casters need, but I stand by my original statement concerning stat-dumping with non-martial classes: "casters can't dump ANY stat". there is a very valid reasoning behind dumping RES with a caster, and also CON; i agree wholeheartedly that those two stats do not serve the caster classes core design and application. casters are in a much more interesting situation stat-wise in regards to specific "player-builds", or "player goals" if you will, since they operate entirely on the strength of one single stat, INT, but also draw varying benefits and modifications to their presence as a game unit acting and reacting. it's a much more complicated and convoluted thought exercise this attempt of finding stats to dump for casters because the honest truth is they can can use them all for one thing or another, or for one PLAY STYLE or another. i will concede that out of all the stats, the one i would dump on a caster if forced to at gun-point would be constitution. i would dump con on a wizard because of arcane veil, and his many defensie spells, and on the druid for similar reasons albeit knowing full well that he lacks a hard-counter to deflection malus like arcane veil. it is the priest where i would struggle most as he really can make use of every single stat, and of the 3 core caster classes it is absolutely no coincidence that his starting deflection of 15 and starting acc of 20 (5 less ACC than the druid, but 5 more than the wizard, and 5 more acc than the wizard and equal acc with the druid) and the design decision to implement deity abilities/traits that can completely shape the priest's play style and choice of stat distribution among all the other things. nowadays i almost exclusively roll with a posse of all martial classes and 1 priest, cos he's the ONLY caster class i find truly fun and interesting to use in the game. i.e. i love spamming shining beacon keke
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