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Alvin Nelson

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Everything posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Ha, he's my favorite character, by far. Plus, his e-mails... classic
  2. If you only knew what his original song was.
  3. what difficulty are you playing on?
  4. ha, if only i was a forum moderator. Glad that i could help though!
  5. I noticed a post on the youtube page: have you tried this yet?
  6. Well, not a huge huge deal, its just not what I would have hoped. Regenerating armor means that there is less consequence for breaking your cover -- you can get into a firefight with three guys say, kill them, take a bit of damage, and this damage has no consequence for the rest of the level because in a few seconds it is magically repaired. This is an easy, imaginative, and less enjoyable game mechanic that one that is more complex and more RPG than action-game based. Say, for example, your armor has a rating against penetration damage and resistance, so your armor can make you avoid hits to your health, or reduce the amount of damage done to your health. Or some other system. In direct response to your comment: for myself anyways, I'd much prefer to die if I made some huge tactical errors, or screwed up my gun play so much that I got shot extensively. I'd much prefer dying to magically recharging armor. Having a bigger penalty for errors, and a chance of dying , makes a game more fun for me. It's not fun if the game is too easy that making a mistakes don't really matter. I find it fun to be challenged and overcome bad odds. And ya , early reviews are saying the game is pretty easy. And not that I think games should be too realistic, but it is almost immerision breaking for me to have your armor regenerate -- doesn't make any sense. I hate to say it but I think they just did this because it was used in Mass Effect -- but which in M.E, at least it made sense in the game world, because shields could feasibly regenerate... but its not like a kevlar vest can repair itself. This isn't as a big of deal as health regen in Deus Ex 3 but ugh, I'm just not a fan of the system. Sorry -- end of my off-topic gripe. Sup. You have an Endurance bar that regenerates - it just so happens that Armor contributes to this Endurance bar. Armor gives you a better ability to shrug off injuries as blunt trauma/minor annoyance and when your Endurance is out, then injuries hit your health (lasting damage). So yeah, your armor doesn't regenerate, it just contributes to your fast-recovery life bar. Make sense?
  7. I think the difference is that you buy a silencer for pistols and then they're silent (duh), whereas ARs use subsonic ammo which has to be constantly replenished, ergo you use up money that could be invested in something else. Nail on the head.
  8. I just want the achievements on the 360...
  9. That should only be available for pre-order. How were you able to download and play the game?
  10. Read E-mails. Matt MacLean did a great job on those. I laugh each time i play through.
  11. Now i'm super intrigued...
  12. June 1st can't come soon enough. I just perorder the ps3 verison So is sega handling the ps3 version or is obsidian Alvin? I'm not a developer, but I guess answering to you would be quicker than letting you wait their answer (nice guys developers, but also pretty busy) : all the three versions of the game have been developed in-house at the same time, which is what you were asking I guess, so no port done by some SEGA's company or anything like that. Thanks for the answer.
  13. June 1st can't come soon enough.
  14. Certain Skills cost more, because they are "more powerful". The stealth skills can really give you an edge at times, so they will cost a bit more than others.
  15. Sorry. There's no way to max out your character. Though, if you beat Recruit Mode and play it again as a Veteran, you'll get a bit more AP and should be able to at least max out more of your skills. Does that help?
  16. Saudi is indeed counted as one of the hubs.
  17. I think that everyone should be the "super tool" in our game at least once. It's pretty freaking funny. Me, i like to play a bit of stealth, with my AR and Pistol, and put some points into Martial Arts so that i'm pretty rounded. Also, I always want to be Brayko's friend, no matter what play style I am going with.
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