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Alvin Nelson

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Everything posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. The slash sound is temp as well as the monsters coming at the player. The player is uber strong and kills all the enemies in one hit.
  2. We were playing a short demo, so it's a bit more linear. The final game won't be nearly as straightforward. Can you explain a bit more what you mean about stiff animation transitions?
  3. Treasure is going to be everywhere. I'm not sure if we have any more shirts at the moment...
  4. Can't answer most of these, but i'll go with the items that we've already announced: 2. Si. 8. The demo you saw there was pre-alpha, if that helps. 9. I'm pretty excited about it myself. The last fun co-op games that i played were Dark Alliance 1 and 2, and the Ultimate Alliance games. It's been a good while since i've had a game that i could just sit and enjoy with friends. I'm not big into games like Gears of War or Army of Two, so this game is right up my alley.
  5. 1. We were playing on the PC. 2. I was playing the female character Anjali. 3. Let me know what you'd like to know from the presentation and i'll try to answer the questions.
  6. It's hard to demo and play at the same time...
  7. We were really excited to be able to show the public the game. I think they really liked it. Side note, I need to lose some weight...
  8. Thanks! We can't wait for you all to play as well. It's been a blast working on it so far!
  9. Is JR really working on our game?
  10. I would have taken it, except that i couldn't fit it in my bag from Germany...
  11. alright funcroc, you got your cred back. I was worried when someone posted the gameplay trailer first.
  12. It's strange that they are judging our amount of loot off of a demo.
  13. I've been working here for almost 5 years now. I've gotten good at this.
  14. We at Obsidian attempt to use smiley's in as many places as possible. You should see our design documents.
  15. I had never seen his webcomic. Thanks for the find Funcroc!
  16. Have you guys seen this yet with Feargus? Didn't find anything on it on the forums (though maybe i missed it) http://www.incgamers.com/Videos/1538/igtv-...3-dev-interview
  17. Who told yo- oh wait, you just guessed.
  18. Alvin likes this thread.
  19. You can switch between the two modes though IIRC the top-down view is the only camera mode you can use with co-op. QFT
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