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Alvin Nelson

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Everything posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Plus, Avellone's job allows him to take a look at all the projects that we are working on. He gives input on most things here.
  2. It's true. I do play a lot.
  3. We already miss him. Glad for him following his dream though!
  4. I don't think Jon Burke is a Junior Programmer.
  5. Not sure, actually. Figured I could at least answer that question. I'm not on that project.
  6. Eric is indeed working on this. And he did work on the Fallout DLCs as well.
  7. Sorry, he already moved.
  8. Wish we could too! Though, I thoroughly enjoy the speculation as well.
  9. Have you played the original campaign first? There is an issue where if you install the DLC before the OC the DLC will not work. Can you try un-installing the DLC, installing the OC and then installing the DLC? Let me know if that works out for you. EDIT: I believe that the important file is the Game Data that is installed onto the PS3 when you first install the game. I'm also speaking to our representative for additional information.
  10. Jean-Eric is an artist, actually.
  11. I think I forgot to mention that my consulting/tip wasn't free. You guys owe me one of those cool NCR t-shirts If I had more, I'd send one your way!
  12. It is pretty freaking fun.
  13. Crap! I'll get it taken care of right now!
  14. for a long time, only one of our PRODUCERS (not even our QA) was able to beat the boss.
  15. We'll miss you JxE!
  16. We increased the difficulty of the whole game, I believe. And the endboss of the DLC on Hardcore is, well, hardcore.
  17. Posted to the main Obsidian Page. Thanks so much!
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