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Alvin Nelson

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Everything posted by Alvin Nelson

  1. Play Recruit Hard mode if you dare.
  2. It also aired on TBS during the NBA playoffs, and on the channel FX during Superbad.
  3. Alpha Protocol TV Debut in Tonight
  4. I don't have as much hair either...
  5. When we say you can get through the game without putting any points into skills, we mean you would have to be amazing at both shooting and dodging bullets. Though yes, you could do it, you would probably need something like the Intersect in your head to be able to pull it off.
  6. er, can we not do that? We need him over here...
  7. Blind Grenade throw and Blind Fire are pretty freaking fun.
  8. Just setting the record straight. Way of the Samurai was not our primary inspiration. Matt mentioned it because he was talking about the evolution of choice in games and WotS deserves 'mad props' for what it did.
  9. The reticule is based off of how much skill you have in the gun. For example, as you level up in pistols your reticule will shrink till you have pretty much pinpoint accuracy.
  10. mr. Insomniac is quite correct.
  11. Er...there was no Nolan North in that trailer...
  12. VA is superb, and, all in-game. Other than some of the screen effects, none of that was made for the trailer.
  13. A lot of quick camera movements so you can't see the action, but know that something crazy is going on.
  14. We've been tightening up the graphics on level three.
  15. Awesome. Does the game have one hit kills? On both your pc and npcs? MAybe on hard diffculty? It could be possible, depending on your spec.
  16. We have a different modes in our game to accommodate both the hardcore gamers that like really difficult games, for those who like a bit of a challenge but nothing too rough, and for those who just want to play for the storyline. Have no fear! It's even tough for some devs!
  17. He speaks the truth.
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