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Everything posted by Oralaina

  1. Wow, thanks to Obsidion, the devs, and you Cant! This is wonderful; ever since I got here I've wondered how to find the modding community - sure I could find mods on the nexus, and the nice folks from IEMod post on the forum, but there's likely more people out there with stuff to share! Can't WAIT to see what's available! "Happy as a witch in a broom factory" - with credit and many thanks to Geico, and their ad folks!
  2. Aw, Torm - I did almost my whole first group playthrough without realizing that.... in fact, I even thought my PC ranger's stats were totally whacked somehow, and went to respec her. Fortunately the game autosaved before I started, since as soon as I got it done I realized what the issue was. Boy did I feel dumb! So you're certainly NOT alone!
  3. Yeah, if you read the note you get off her body, it mentions Raedric, and is signed by "O". And I also have the definite feeling that animancers as a whole are totally unconvinced that a god has anything to do with Waidwen's Legacy. So of course, in the back of my mind is "hmmm.... when you prove it's the Leaden Key, where does that leave everyone?" And since I haven't finished the game yet (waiting on WM part 2), don't tell me, okay? I already wound up knowing a bit more than I really wanted to, since some people can't seem to understand NOT spoilering in the General Discussion forum, AND they also don't know how to use simple spoiler tags....
  4. I off her too. For one thing, she sends out "harvesters" you run into in - hmm.... Magran's Fork maybe? I never play evil, so wouldn't do anything but kill her ever.
  5. This is how I go about it now. I do think he had way too much "help" from the manipulator....
  6. Eh.... I subscribe to the belief system wherein a mage knows what she knows because she's lived her bread and butter since she first realized she could manipulate life, the world, and everything simply by concentrating. I don't actually have any particular issue with any given game in re mages and casting. Though I must say that I've never fully agreed with the artificial limits placed on mages in the later versions of AD&D.
  7. I haven't found that to be the case at all. I don't have the premades as companions though, if that might make a difference.
  8. Steam was 1.8 (almost 1.9) gig. How would I know about gog? I don't have the gog version.
  9. On the steam version, there's just one. Dunno if that helps you, sorry.
  10. Not in my experience. It seems that once the ranger goes down, the pet is down as well. Too bad too....
  11. Eh, I've been playing SPMR games since 1985. Only ONCE have I ever experienced a game dev who was.... retaliatory. Unfortunately, he's still around today.
  12. Glad to hear it. Hope you have unlimited fun in future!
  13. I will be perfectly happy to provide any files anyone needs, through dropbox. Everything works fine for me; anything y'all need, just say so.
  14. Not sure about frightening away supernatural threats, but undead kitty seems more than a match for Itumaak (at least according to Sagani). Okay, that's hysterically funny. Because I've never picked up ANY of the premades, but my ranger told her wolf virtually the same thing! Slightly different words, and it's all RP in my own mind, but gosh. Two minds with but a single thought....
  15. This is the path in my install: C:\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle And that's where it was in my windows steam install (with the necessary changes to path to account for steam's setup): that is - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle. And no, I'm not experiencing the same issues on steam as y'all are on gog.
  16. Oh, thanks! Hmm. I wasn't able on my other play through to climb back up.... maybe it will be different this time. I don't remember if I had a grappling hook on the other one....
  17. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwzxmpgrptwiadf/draining.unity3d?dl=0
  18. I don't have an opinion one way or the other on this change as yet. But what I DO want to know is why a dev of this game does not announce a change of this nature ON THIS FORUM. I have no clue what that forum is, and I'm not about to mess with ANOTHER forum in addition to this one. *boggle*
  19. How do you get to the matron without killing any ogre? I've been trying to do that, and can't find a way....
  20. Yeah, that's true. And no way in HELL would I volunteer to provide a VO for a barb fem yell (since I sound like a 2 year old having a tantrum) - but surely there should be someone out there who could provide a clip that would work.
  21. Eh, the problem is (from my PoV) that I play the entire game with my own party of PC plus 5 customs - and I also play the entire game with roleplay of my own - OUTSIDE the "story" the devs produced. So voice-overs don't ever fit what I'm doing in my own mind. Therefore I don't want to hear them.
  22. Well, I don't use any of the voices, because that sort of thing drives me NUTS. But there does not seem to be any way to get rid of the voice-over for the barb's yell - and yes, it's more than annoying that my female has a male voice yell. I don't do males. Never have, never going to. So either the yell needs to be gender specific, or there needs to be some way for me to turn it off. Short of muting the entire game of course.
  23. Right. Don't complete the "main story line".
  24. When you leave the Caed Nua map, move the world map "up" and you'll see a diamond shaped icon labeled White March. Click that, and you'll see Stalwart in the next map screen, click it and be prepared to deal mayhem.
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