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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. Any party RPG that's beatable with a whole party set at 13 13 13 12 12 12, is too easy. A good game frame make the decision to mini/max a question of risk versus reward. Do you want that glass cannon that can DPS like no one else, but definitely will die in the more difficult fights, or do you want to play it safe and go with a balanced character? Can you build a team that can run with only five party members (as back up for when the glass cannon enviably goes down) and is it worth it?
  2. Wow. First the "hooking fades to black" thread, then the "yay, dwarves!", and now "level cap too small". Do crucifixes and holy water work put revived threads down for good?
  3. Every party member does need a means of handling pressure, but a tanky character can deal with a good portion of that pressure head on through good fortitude, deflection, and damage reduction provided by attributes allocation, equipment, talents, and abilities. The difference between a tanky ability and, say, escape for rogues is escape is entirely character specific and does nothing to actively help the rest of the party (aside from the character living to fight another day).
  4. I still need to use a third party script extender exe, an anti crash plugin and an unofficial patch compilation before New Vegas will deign to load a 2 hour old save game (an UNMODDED save game at that). And it was released how long ago? Bugs are not exclusive to Obsidian but they sure have a reputation for being extra buggy. The fact that they keep introducing new bugs to POE with each patch isn't helping with my perception of them. Best, worst bugged game ever: Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines. I somehow managed to get the game to start and played it all the way through (by never leaving the game screen), and haven't been able to do it since, even with mods.
  5. The bugs might be annoying, but bugs long after release aren't an Obsidian exclusive problem. DA:I came out nearly a year ago, and it still has lots of bugs--especially image bugs--, and I think BioWare said they're not going to patching it any further. At least Obsidian is still trying to fix bugs.
  6. A good general rule is to always have three melee units in a party, even on easy. Since Defender got nerfed, there isn't an effective PURE tank build anymore. Usually what you have are hybrids (tank/DPS, tank/CC, or tank/support). However, most classes can be made tanky (fighters, paladins, chanters, priests, druids, monks, and barbarians--the only classes that can't reliably tank are mages, rogues, cyphers, and rangers). You need a crowd control tank with your back row to lock down the shades because they will b-line for companions with low deflection.
  7. When your fighting a group of a higher level you need four tanks. I would either bench Durance or move him to the back row. (He has high resolve, but low constitution making him a poor tank.) Spread your group out. Use your two tankiest companions to hold the lurkers, and your other two tanks close to your back row (shades spam Escape to hit the squishy guys, so you need to keep them nearby).
  8. I played FE:A last year on 3DS. Good game, but the 3D was really bad. I had to turn the 3D off because it hurt my eyes.
  9. About the dungeon: Clearing out the dungeon does nothing to stop attacks. The attacks come from outside the stronghold. About willingness to maintain upkeep on stronghold: Even if you don't want anything to do with the stronghold, it will still take a bit of your money from time to time, but ignoring it completely is a valid option. About the shades and lurkers: it sounds like their a little too high a level for you. I would hire some guards to take care of it for you, at least until you've leveled up some more. IF you insist on upgrading the stronghold, to avoid more attacks (but not all of them) focus on building structures that add to your stronghold defense first.
  10. With a ranged fighter you can't get the amount of damage you can with a rogue or ranger. You can't CC, AOE, or buff/debuff like spell casters either. There's nothing wrong with it, but from a tactical standpoint the best role would be a second row tank, catching any mobs that make it past your front line. Keep him at range with an arbalest and switching to either a weapon and shield or two handed weapon when mobs get close. His main job would be protecting the squishy casters in the back row.
  11. Who says that? The only people who think the two games are even remotely comparable, quality-wise, are Bio fanboys/fangirls who think anything BioWare produces is the best ever.They were fanboys. Specify, I saw two different YouTube reviewers come to the same conclusion that both games are almost equal. I love DA:O. For years it was my favorite game so it's not like I don't understand their love for the world, but I thought DA:I was at best pretty good while The Witcher 3 is my new favorite game.
  12. I've been playing The Witcher 3 since May. Played through the whole game, including side quests, four times. Can't wait for the DLC in a couple of weeks. (As a Dragon Age fan, I can't believe all the people who say there isn't much difference between the quality of DA:I and the Witcher 3. From my perspective it's a world of difference. The Witcher is what DA:I wished it could be when it grows up.) MGS:V is next on my to - play list.
  13. I'm not even a fan of Star Wars or George Lucas, but if good versus evil is so boring than how does one explain why there have always been stories using that same theme in every human society, all over the world throughout the entire history of the human race (for as long as we've been sapient, anyway)? Just because an idea has been explored doesn't suddenly make it worthless. Certain basic themes resonate with people regardless of how many times they may have seen the same theme.
  14. So adjusting the difficulty on a dragon encounter would only change the number of adds spawned and nothing else?If you change the difficulty BEFORE entering that area. If you don’t, it's the exact same even after turning the difficulty down; that is, until you enter a new map. There's quite a difference in the number of mobs between difficulty levels. As you kill beasts of a certain type you fill out your bestiary. I might have to go through several maps to fill out an entry on Easy, but completely fill the same entry in a single map on Hard.
  15. Dwarves, cattle. They're both subterranean herbivores bred for their prowess in crafting and tasty flesh.
  16. The difficulty level change between Easy and Hard only change the number of mobs, not the AI or their stats. Since you can't lower the difficulty level of a Path of the Damned play through this question doesn't apply in that situation. So, lowering the difficulty level after entering an area doesn't make the extra mobs in that area disappear.
  17. This is what Aloth says and I take it to be cannon. It makes sense if you think about it, if each species evolved independently members of different species wouldn't be able to produce offspring. Even with closely related species like donkeys and horses can only produce one generation of offspring because the children are sterile.Well, some mule mares actually are fertile, and breed true with a horse or donkey sire. It's exceptionally rare, but it happens. Not that this is in any way relevant. Presumably elves and humans have greater chromosomal incompatibilities than donkeys and horses, since elves live hundreds of years. In my defense, I grew up on a cattle ranch, not a studding farm.
  18. PoE2: Dragon Hate: Origins? An army of mindless Woedica worshipers attempts to taint all of Theda . . . er, Eora. I'm sorry, the title was just asking for it.
  19. Perception is more important than dexterity. Dexterity alters action speeds, while perception effects accuracy of both spells and attacks.
  20. This is what Aloth says and I take it to be cannon. It makes sense if you think about it, if each species evolved independently members of different species wouldn't be able to produce offspring. Even with closely related species like donkeys and horses can only produce one generation of offspring because the children are sterile.
  21. Somebody else on this thread already suggested it, but I like the idea of keeping the plus two engagements and deflection penalty of Defender and changing Wary Defender to add damage to fighters' disengagement attacks. That way disengagement is possible for the AI but you can punish them for it.
  22. Just throwing this out there, but DA:I is a perfect example of a stronghold done poorly. The developers tried to make it central to the plot but it becomes nothing more than a place to do your crafting and talk to companions after finding it.
  23. Come **** Me. It's a turn of phrase for tall stilettos. Don't mind me, I was just wondering if this conversation was as awkward to participate in as it is to watch. No, wait, yes it is.
  24. Do paladin auras stack? Having 6 melee paladins with 6 different buffs would be fun, powerful, and low maintenance.
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