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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. This is exactly my thoughts too. Spells are just like abilities and whole game looks like watercolor. The art direction are kinda "cartoony" instead of how it looks like in PoE1
  2. Please do not remove options. I like the ability to fast forward and slowing down the combat like in the first PoE. I do found that even the slow-mo is actually too fast in first PoE.
  3. update 42 the visuals looks really good. only gripe for me is character inventory screen. it seems it's very big now. hoping UI can be rescaled.
  4. hope everyone can share more insights and first hand experience. i watched ellohime stream and.. he seems pretty clueless about the game.
  5. I live in a country with bad currency too but i cough up $65 USD though. that's quite a huge amount here.
  6. Segregration of talents wouldn't that limit build flexibility? Of course will wait for everyone's feedback as i'm not a backer beta though.
  7. Perhaps i didn't word my meaning properly. It doesn't make sense global if the other corner of the map where enemies/NPCs being buffed for no reason. I would say perhaps "Active" while in combat would be a better meaning.
  8. In the character screen and preview of the character. The background seems an empty vacuum. But it would be great if we actually see the background of their current position. Otherwise put some nice preset background for character preview will be great. Another thing i like if we can actually change the color or skin of the character sheet. It's currently yellow but it will be great if the color can be changed or there are certain skins to beautify the yellow menu note book. Or they can follow the same theme skin like the main screen? (Ellohime stream)
  9. Yes, there is a slider, and it's shown in the video. Oops i was actually commenting while watching the video. Thanks
  10. The first thing i notice is that characters actually talk/shout alot during fights. Is there a frequency slider for that?
  11. I'm not sure if this has been asked before. But will there be set items in Deadfire? Also i like a transmog feature where you can change the look of your armor. For example i really like the stats of Angio's Gambeson but i found Wayfarer's Hide looks better. I would like that my Angio's Gambeson looks like Wayfarer's Hide instead.
  12. Sorry for necroing. Currently in Whitemarch. I been having Durance picking every Mechanics at skill level up and the highest he has currently is level 9. It's so frustrating i can't disarm the trap and Mechanics gloves from random drop? Seriously Obsidian what are you thinking? In Flames that Whisper, there's no way for me to bypass the trap other than triggering it and get knock out? I have 97 Reflex for god's sake.
  13. @Boeroer "So if you have an interrupt value of 48 you will interrupt Durance with nearly every second attack." Why would you say it will interrupt nearly every second attack? Are they cumulative? If i have 48 interrupt and Durance concentration of 103, it means i must roll 55 and above. Considering taking average of d100 it's not likely that 2nd hit will interrupt. The issue i have with interrupt is that on POTD there are so many mobs that taking interrupt is not a good skill pick. WF would be a better choice as +6ACC will increase the probability of crits which the build is all about. As for Brutal takedown, with only 2/encounter investing it in isn't a top skill pick as well. Unless if they make brutal takedown as a passive and works without the takedown then it would have been much better. Bear in mind 20 crush damage is really mediocre comparing with said Dragon Thrashed. Yeah i have a priest. In all my PT, i must have Durance, Aloth and Hiravias. For me these 3 are really "key" companions . I did pick Ogres for my chanter though. Really many thanks Boeroer!. I can't believe you are still around and still playing with over 4K hours of playtime. Do you play other games? XD
  14. I'm kind of confused on how i should pick my 10th level ability. Is Interrupt +15 a good pick? I'm not sure about how inflated enemies stats were. If i were to pick Interrupt.. my ranger will has 48 Interrupt. Bearing in mind that Durance alone has more than 100 concentration, is picking Interrupt useful at all? Also, due to enemies high DR i find ranger really difficult in penetrating their defenses although having high rate of fire and ACC. Should ranger get the Penetrating Shot? If not mistaken that's a modal and level 13 we have twin arrows? How do you normally bypass enemies high DR with a Ranger? Should i really just go with WF for more ACC? Also for Chanter.. normally you go for summon Ogre or Revive?
  15. I like to talk about group buffs and auras. I think it should be global and has no area of effect. Take for example Paladin's zealous aura. It covers a small area of effect. This limit combat flexibility and encourage you to group all your companions together to ensure you get the aura. This goes same to Chanter Sure Handed Ila and Priest buffs. I kind of think it makes combat less interesting as you are not encouraged to split your companions further apart. And what this mean is that devs constraint it that way so you may eat up all the nukes the enemies are targeting you as part of artificial difficulty? But i agree certain powerful buffs should still have area effect. Bear in mind this is about auras and buffs not debuffs. Debuffs should definitely still have area of effect. With enemies very fast movement speed, engagement and the number of mobs (i play all my games in POTD) i find myself often at disadvantage in spreading my companions and has far more micro management.
  16. I love Eder as a companion. Unfortunately from all my playthroughs i have to abandon him. Durance and Aloth is a good pick. The other one essential character i must pick would be Hiravias. I would say Kana > Eder like real hard.
  17. Is there bug with the display of Brutal Take down? In the character level up screen, it shows 25.4 crush damage. But from wolf UI it shows 20.0 crush damage. If just 20.0 crush damage for 2 takedowns, is it worth getting this talent for my wolf pet? Otherwise it seems Faithful companion is a better skill pick. Currently level 9 and i chose the level scale difficulty. Take quite some beating in Russetwood hehe. I was over confident. The lagufeths are tough but when i approach it was not fully rested and don't have Relentless Storm. Going to approach them again with fully rested party. Then the Fampyr encounter. For once i have to take Snowcap for everyone except my wolf pet. Without it seems impossible. When any of my character gets charmed, and Kana's Dragon Thrashed pretty hurts . I managed to take them out unscathed with a half par party (without high level abilities). Also.. how much skill would you invest for said Ranger? I have 10 hard pumped levels of Survival, 4 levels of Stealth, 5 levels of Atheletics. Is 10 survival enough? As per the guide suggest at level 10: Marksman or Weapon focus. Why would you pick Marksman over Weapon Focus? First WF add +6 ACC regardless of distant or near enemies. Plus Marksman only add +5 ACC?. If i'm taking WF i would be having +84 ACC.. is that enough or over? Should i be spending it on other skill instead? Another question.. does Scion of Flame affects Dragon Thrashed? ... I'm also abusing spear.. did anyone abuse it? With spear equipped it seems you can pumped the +ACC skyrocket high. So i'm having Chanter equipping Spear+Shield. Sparta anyone?
  18. Hireling payday. Total wages paid 900cp! Wow how did that happened? Glanfathan soulhunter - 100cp per day Doemenel Thief - 20cp per day Goldpact Knight - 10cp per day Mercenary Mindstriker - 10cp per day Orderless Disciple - 10cp per day Vagabond Skald - 10cp per day Valian Shockmage - 10cp per day Warden of the wilds - 10cp per day If you total it up at most it's 180cp per day. How did that total wages 900cp happened? And it seems to happen everday!.
  19. Not quite. Those digital stuffs like novellas, OST are not. Also.. many publishers like THQ Nordic gave me TQ Anniversary when i only has the vanilla version. Obsidian are looking big on money and not about good reputation with players. Look at CDPR giving out free DLCs.
  20. Yeap i did . Burn damage as Damage OverTime. I can't wait for more news on Deadfire
  21. Does Deadfire Elemental and DoTs work the same as Pillars? For me i would have like that Burn, Freeze, Shock, Corrode are DoTs and Fire, Ice, Lightning and Acid damage are pure damage types. It would be nice if the secondary damage types have different effects like Slow for Freeze, Terrified for Burning, Stun for Shock and Armor Reduction for Corrode damage. Was wondering if it will work the same for Deadfire just like Pillars?
  22. do owners of the base game + all DLCs get the definitive version for free? well maybe obsidian isn't that generous like THQ nordic i guess.
  23. Yeap.. after watching Thor Ragnarok.. i do want Mjolnir.. If there's chain lightning spell then it wouldn't be hard for Deadfire to have one. I cant wait for such a build!. By the way... is there a way to disenchant weapon? I didn't know i couldn't disenchant.. I need to return Resolution back to Pallegina and it was enchanted with corrode lash.
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