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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I'm just thinking: Is it melee only? Edit: yes it is. Would have been nice to open the fight from stealth with a sundering shot and then still have two sunderung blows left. Maybe you could do that with very high stealth?
  2. Thanks for the find. It seems there is just no reliable source online.
  3. That works. Sometimes I just shoot him myself with a Wounding Shot when he has no wounds. That's also a nice trick... if you don't use an arquebus. What also works is to "round up" the enemy (it's hilarious): In open field, you sneak away from your party and start the encounter - then you chain movement commands (shift+klick) around the group of enemies. You can do, let's say, 5 rounds around the mob. After that they are totally clumped together and hinder each other while they are constantly trying to follow you (oh poor poor pathfinding). Now you can cast a nice aoe spell (or other aoe abiliy) from outside and you will hit them all - while Fulmineo is still running around them shouting "Come get me! Come on, do it! Do it!" Best thing is: most of the time they won't cancel the chase and will not break out to attack the real danger. It's really cheesy - but it's also fun! :D
  4. An Island Aumaua, Kind Wayfarer DPS Paladin with Arms Bearer, Quick Switch, stacked on-kill-effects (Strange Mercy, Inspiring Triumph), tTe Sword & the Sheperd and weapon focus soldier is quite fun to play. Literally explodes at lvl 13 because of Sacred Immolation & all the kills that follow. But also when you need some endurance and want to shoot somebody really badly in the face at the same time that build is for you!
  5. Hi, today I discovered that GameBanshee also has a nice database for PoE: http://www.gamebanshee.com/pillarsofeternity/ As far as I can tell (after a quick look) - they have all the lastest items/talents/abilities/chars/quests etc. covered. Everything has detailed descriptions. I find this way better than the official wiki when I try to plan a new build before I really play it. Navigation is a bit clunky but the content is great. What do you think? Edit: Oops - some items are missing. E.g. Badgradr's Barricade.
  6. Sundering Blow is nice - but I would like it if it would cause lower DR bypass (5 or so) and had a longer duration instead (maybe 15 sec?). The short duration of 8 sec only makes it interesting for fast hitting fighters. Ok, LoP is fast - but we have to think of others, too.
  7. Glad you're happy. I finished a two-ranger playthrough the other day and really became a fan of the class.
  8. I made a mistake while copying the stat points from game to the forum: I still had a +3 PER resting bonus. I edited the first posting - the stats should be correct now. Sorry for the confusion.
  9. Whoop! The LoP is a really nice dragon killer, too! I just killed the Alpine Dragon with her. Used Drake's Bell instead of the BotEP - and a Paladin tank to distract the dragon. With the bell and Ryona's Vambraces you accumulate 16 points of DR bypass. Together with Scale Breaker that's -22 DR for the dragon. Ouch! :D
  10. Alpine Dragon is way more difficult. Mainly because his cave is so small.
  11. Right - I forgot to mention that. I also like that one. Most of the time I do my own ones (The Gimp + pictures from deviantart.com). But this one is really nice. Edit: my custom portraits so far (sorry for stealing and blemishing the pictures of others, but is was for a good cause ): https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/bOMZLjSc05WUHOmgHQJoa4CLXweWKRF81jMWAEZuQip?ref_=cd_ph_share_link_copy
  12. There's a cheesy way to kill the Adra Dragon: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/82620-an-easy-and-reliable-way-to-kill-the-adra-dragon-even-with-low-level-parties/?hl=%2Bkill+%2Bthe+%2Badra+%2Bdragon
  13. I'm a little sleep deprived - but I'm also glad that you like my idea. But honestly: I also would like to see a unique whip (flail) in WM part II. Aaaaand I have a name for it: "The Gay Weeper"...
  14. Your're right about the 3 wounding shots. Also works with a Paladin's FoD. Sounds all good. You can get that vicious club "Dîal Ewn Dibita" quite early. It does bonus damage when you flank and stuff. That will be most of the time. Until you get Blesca's Labour that might be a good choice. Or you go for Weapon Focus Soldier and shoot with arbalests/arquebuses (ouch!) and swing a hammer. Shatterstar is really nice. Annihilation is always good for a high PER char and the additional engagement slot may result in some nice diseng. attacks. I would like to see you post that build if you like it and when it's polished. Sounds fun!
  15. A whip would be so nice. Why don't we get whips in PoE? Could be handled as flails. I want a whip for my soul whip! With a shocking lash! But not a whimpy one! A whopping soul whippin whip with a withering lash - sounds fair. New build coming: Whiplash! Of course. And meet his enemy Iron Man (basically a monk with Iron Wheel in plate and with Iron Skin Potions). And then comes the priest who casts Ironic Projection...
  16. Just use another sabre. Purgatory would be nice - I mean the name alone fits like chalk and cheese.
  17. I'm so sorry - still had a resting bonus from the stronghold when I looked up the stats (+3 PER). I corrected that. Now you see that the Grieving Mother can indeed adapt this build without problems. No wonder she's grieving - all that spanking she gets. Made the same mistake while posting Fulmineo - damn. Embarrassing... No - my Bittercut is glowing green and dripping green stuff - but I put on a corrosive lash, maybe that's why? Buit when combat starts and soul whip is activated it all gets violett/green... urgs. Maybe you accidentially equipped your secret weapon Buttercut? That has a burning lash as far as I remember. Cuts through butter like a hot knife... through butter...? I'm using Ubuntu by the way - some things look different for me. E.g. I can't see capes.
  18. I honestly don't know if Swift Aim works with shield bashes. It might. When you execute a bash, there is a special icon of the shield in your recovery bar - so it's not considered a normal melee attack but a special attack - maybe that's why two wepon style doesn't work. Badgradr's Barricade - or it's Thrust of Tattered Veils - profits from Penetrating shot (who knows why). Maybe an island aumaua melee ranger with Quick Switch, Penetrating Shot, a Blunderbuss (Lead Spitter), a Pistol (Fellstroke) and Blesca's Labour (nice one) plus Badgradr's Barricade would be really nice. Opens up with two quick devastating wounding shots and switches to tank mode when the enemy reaches him and his pet. Then does his hit/crit thing. Edit: But I also still like the idea that he automatically wounds the foes for his pet with the "Drawn in Spring" dagger.
  19. You can try that, sounds solid. I didn't need Interrupting Blows because he hits so fast that the enemy is basically stunlocked without it. And he uses Force of Anguish a lot - no need for Interrupts. The Mosquito has draining - so that might be nice. I wanted to go for maximum speed - an there are only two weapons in the game that have speed, are one handed and use the same weapon focus - and that's Sword of Daenysis and the March Steel Dagger. I evolved the whole concept and style around these weapons.
  20. You can skip it. I didn't have it in my first iteration and took the duplicates instead. But then I wanted to do something different and not take the obvious abilites. And it's just frustrating for your superfast friend when you can't get past an enemy line - like in doorways or other narrow places. Then Flagellant's Path is golden. You can dash through the pack and then you storm the field from behind (where all the casters are). It's also nice if you need to escape quickly if you're getting too many hits. And it does nice aoe damage. You can use Torment's Reach instead - but that's a lot of microing and I wanted to avoid that. And it just fits - thematically I mean.
  21. Thanks a lot. I also think that a Stormcaller ranger and a Spiritshifting Druid (Wildstrike shock) make a great team (a monk with lightning strikes also gets an invitation ). Not only because of all the crazy dps, cc and all that stuff, but also because of the background, the lore and style. I like it when the builds also cover style. I was thinking about an unarmed (Novice's Suffering) but tanky druid with Sandals of the Forgotten Friar (which boost unarmed base damage a bit). I know that Novice's Suffering doesn't work for spiritshift weapons, but when your Spiritshift expires you can still do some nice damage. And maybe the sandals also boost the spiritshift weapons - have to test that.
  22. Hehe The ranger with twin arrows, stunning shots and driving flight is really (I mean really really) good when you give him Stormcaller. Since it's special attack (Returning Storm) triggers on 10% of all hits and crits, you want to generate as much hits per attack as possible. Driving Flight lets all arrows punch through the first enemy and travels to the next - in a not to narrow arc. And it covers a longer distance than I thought it would. So when you fire at the nearest enemy, he will get hit twice, then the two arrows will travel to the next enemy and also hit twice. So the chances to trigger Returning Storm with four hits from one shot are a lot higher than with a single arrow that stucks (before: 10%, with skills: 35%). After two shots (8 hits) it's about 56% (if I'm not screwing up the math - I hate math). After three shots ~70%, after four shots it's 80% and so on. There were times when Returning Storm triggered two times from one shot. And we know how awesome Returning Storm is: it does lots of aoe shock damage and stuns in an aoe. On top of that you have the shock DR reduction of stormcaller that also applies to all enemies that were hit with one shot - and it lasts long enough that you can refresh it over and over with your fast bow. Once again: Ryonas Vambraces are your friends if you want to damage the really hefty dudes with tons of DR (pierce AND shock DR - Stormcaller can do both). Shock damage will have 11 DR bypass (14 with Ryona's V.) - remember that Returning Storm also does shock damage - pierce damage (in case of immunities or high shock DR) will have 5 DR (8 with Ryona's). Then come the stunning shots: when you hit the enemy that your pet is engaging the enemy gets stunned. And if that's not enough: after the latest improvements to the animal companions they do tons of damage (when properly skilled - more than the LoP per hit - although they hit quite slowly) while being sturdy enough to tank two foes at once. They can bring down even the best armored foes. So - I think a stormcaller ranger is one of the most powerful builds there is atm. A bow ranger without that bow is also good, but not that good. I also tried a bow ranger with Persistence (wounding), to automatically trigger Predator's Sense. It worked perfectly well - but the stormcaller guy stole the show. By the way: a tanky melee ranger with Drawn in Spring (wounding) and a shield plus a dps wolf will be my next build after I finsh the other...3? that are in the pipeline. There's an ability that gives a bonus when the ranger is engaged in melee - that would be always. Maybe he also gets Badgradr's Barricade.
  23. Before that it's just a regular, sturdy melee cipher build. Nothing special to be honest.
  24. Yes, but in some battles the sacr. imm. runs out after a while - and there are still enemies alive. Then it gets very tedious to kill them all manually with your crappy melee dps. By the way - two Paladins with Sacred Immolation are even better - they heal each other's raw damage (they suffer from their own immolation) with the other immolation. That's a win-win-situation.
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