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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. At the moment I use official companions only on PoTD: Me (chanter, Drake's Ambassador build), Kana (also), Hiravas (Batsh!t Crazy build), Pallegina (mix of Engineer/Commendatore), Aloth (Hurtstacker light) and Sagani (Stormcaller). I'm currently lvl 9 in the White March (Durgan's Battery) and it's ridiculously easy. 2 * The Dragon Slashed + 2 * Come Sweet Winds + Combusting Wounds + Expose Vulnerabilities (Aloth's Golden Gaze) + Returning & Relentless Storm + Stormcaller just rips everything apart. Ituumak has not even a chance to engage. I really don't know what will happen if Pallegina gets Sacred Immolation. Next playthrough will be Me(barb, Brute Force build), Eder(Lord of Pain build ), Zahua (Juggernautish build), Durance (Painful Interdiction guy), Grieving Mother (Quick Switch blunderbuss build), Devil of Caroc (Dual Retaliation build or Bagdrad's Barricade crit build). I guess it will be a bit tougher. If WM II is out I will maybe use an island aumaua quickswitching blunderbuss cipher myself and take the new barb companion instead. edit: I also used Eder of Pain for the current Playthrough for a while - but Batsh!t Hiravas did fit in better because of DoT spells + Combusting Wounds. Eder will be better off with Durance and barb (Weakaning & Sickening) - his Knockdowns will be crits all the time I think.
  2. All the defensive ones you can get of course. You don't want to be mind controlled - an stun, paralyze and petrify are also bad for your chants.
  3. But with all kinds of vessel minions (including Thaos minions) this sowrd is great. Galvino's Workshop + high level barb = big fun.
  4. Actually it doesn't raise the actual health at all atm - just the max health. Or I just had a bug. I drank a potion and literally nothing happened except that my max health was higher. I will have to do more tests...
  5. Jup - nearly all my rogues used to be hearth orlan. 30% hit to crit conversion when flanking is just too good in early- and midgame.
  6. If you have the ring Sigil of the Arcane (= Spell Binding Arcane Dampener): put it on a char with high ACC (rogue, fighter, ranger) and you're good to go.
  7. Yeah - St. Ydwen's Redeemer also comes in handy for this. Not overpowerly good if your level is lower than theirs, but still good.
  8. Use Arcane Dampener or Deprive the Unworthy to remove the immunities. Found out too late that this works. Also works on Concelhaut, Thaos and dragons. At least with 2.03. Don't know if this is still the case with 3.0.
  9. LOL for the mushrooms. It applies if your enemy is "Badly Injured". You can easily see that if you hover over him. Another hint is that the enemy only has two green dots left. It is somewhat useful if you combine it with Bloody Slaughter and a huge AoE, low damage ability like Carnage, The Dragon Slashed, Chill Fog or something like that. It will not overkill a lot but kill the remaining foes quicker. Sometimes that's really important - sometimes it's just not necessary. Depends how hard the fight is. If you combine it with Bloody Slaughter, Shadowing Beyond, Backstab, Deathblows and Finishing Blow it makes a nice, satisfying overkill finisher for really tough bosses (aka dragons).
  10. Well... that's a really good question. Although I played this game for thousands of hours this question never came to me nor do I know the answer. I would think that it has his own stealth value that isn't raised by anythin but stealth auras from items (Lilith's shawl for example)but I can't be sure. Damn! Now I also want to know the answer...
  11. There's np precondition here, but your reputation changes instantly to Cruel 1 if you were neutral before. (nice if you want to do the Effigy's later without effort) Oh really? Nice. I always chose this when I already had points in cruel. Good info!
  12. Killed him once on lvl 10 PotD with divide and conquer (and lots of reloads). But I always thought that the fight in the room with the animated wepons was way harder. Maybe it's because I like to apply a lot of CC and those wepons are immune to nearly everything.
  13. Well I always go for the Dragon if I have more than one chanter. The reasons are: a) uses no resources b) isn't influenced by DEX d) isn't stopped by anything except stun, paralyze & petrify (and mind control of course) c) works with Predator's Sense d) works great with Combusting Wounds e) same with Recall Agony f) huge AoE - the base AoE is already huge. So every improvement to that in % (INT, overseeing and Voice of the Mountaintop) makes it enormous. Normally you will reach all foes if you're a frontliner g) crazy damage for just standing around: with MIG 21 you will get 80 slash + 80 burn for all foes. If you crit it's totally crazy. It totally makes sense to wear +crit damage items and choose the according talents plus wearing +PER items and Gauntlets of ACC and havin a paladin with Zealous Focus with you. But the lash chant is also pretty great because it also applies to most spells (at least it did). So things like Minoletta's Minor Missiles and stuff also got a +25% lash. That's also superpowerful. But since this doesn't stack with itself you can easily have both: One chanter with The Dragon AND lash chant and the other with Dragon and any other chant (Sure handed Ila for example if you have some bow guys). The first one will have small gaps - so you won't have a lash for 100% of the time - but close (because the linger time isn't sufficient to cover the whole next phrase). With a priest and Crowns for the Faithful you can overcome even that. By the way: many say that the 30pt damage shield of phrase lvl 5 is bad - but I found it to be extremely powerful if you use it with more than one chanter. Before the first one from chanterA get's ripped of most of the time the second one from chanterB gets freshly applied - and the foes has to overcome that again. Also: it's the damage that comes thorugh that counts. So heavy armor and high defenses help a lot to make this really good. I cleared whole Crägholt Bluffs with 3 chanter tanks that used this, The Dragon and Ancient Memory+Beloved Spirits+ Veteran's Recovery + Trollhide Belt (or other regen. items). They couldn't hurt me. Can't imagine what 6 chanters with this would do. Also: the chant that gives you 15% draining also works with spells and all. If you have a very potent AoE spell that deals huge direct damage it will instantly heal you completely. For example the White Winds invocation, cast in the midst of a mob, will heal a chanter completely if he hits a lot of foes (which he usually does). Same with the lvl1 invocation White Worms (if there are many corpses and you hit lots of foes). So it's really a good option if you know how to "abuse" this. a Barb with Tidefall that doesn't get disabled will be unkillable with this too. DoTs only work with the first tick though.
  14. Gift from the Machine (Heritage Hill, top of the tower) - As far as I know you can either bring the captives from the fampyr lady or the little girl from the dargul house/crypt. Preconditions: Cruel 1 Effigy's Resentment: <insert official companion here> (Dyrfort, Temple of Skaen, blood pool) - you can sacrifice one of your official companions that are with you. Depending on your choice you get different bonuses. You can look it up in the wiki - those infos seem to be up to date. Preconditions: Cruel 1, official companion in party You can skip the talents from the Crucible Knights/House Doemenel/The Dozens if you just kill them all without solving the second quest of that faction. I don't know why you want to, but you could. You can then go to the hearings with the support of Dunryd Row - I think there's no special talent reward for that though - other than feeling really badass.
  15. No, I think it's because the duplicates inherit all your talents. Summons don't have that.
  16. You will have to use an implement then. Did anybody try that on a cipher with Dangerous Implement? The Golden Gaze is nice... It's the blunderbuss of implements.
  17. Oh man - that was one of the best I ever read. Still wiping my tears. I thought about a deadly Invocation named "Thunderstruck" for chanters. If they get Wuthering Strike then Rogues should definetly get "Buttercut" - a full attack that ignores DR.
  18. It ain't over till it's Rover?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXB-5MbKBgs For all you iframe blockers: Boooring!
  20. Talents with elemental damage improvement don't work on any DoT effect. Let it be it a wizard's or a druid's spell or a barbarian's fart. And yes, Scion of Flame increases the burning lash damage that you can put on your weapon. It raises the lash damage fom 25% to 30% (25%*1.2). So for this purpose alone it's not worth it. If you also use the lash chant on top of that then it raises your overall burn damage from 50% to 60% (or to be precise: two times 30% instead of two times 25%). That's better. In 2.03 Scion of Flame did not work with the base damage of Firebrand which is burn only. Same with Spirit of Decay/Bittercut's corrode damage and Heart of the Storm/Stormcaller's shock damage. Maybe they fixed that in 3.0. It was in the bug database.
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