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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You can make him ok-sturdy with Veteran's Recovery and the draining also helps as long as he's hitting with dmg mods. But his main issue is still health loss. Because his health pool is small. Better than draining weapons only (which also don't work with healing bonuses) is a weapon & shield setup.
  2. Yes, I only wanted to say that (and explain why) I'm not an expert with that item.
  3. The items are mostly for the ice theme. I like spell bindings a lot, but they are not mandatory for this build. So feel free to use different ones. Also the case with the White Spire. It just looks so cool on this build with the rest of the items. Bear's Fortitude helps against nasty afflictions like Lagufaeth blowdarts and banshee cries and so on (if you hane no priest). The whole build's idea was to stack as much regeneration as possible. This way you can be a good tank while having enough offensive potiential. In a party you normally don't need a tank who can survive for ages but can't deal damage himself. Although the weapon & shield version already has high RES. As for the skills: in between the implementations of skills got changed a lot. Nowadays survival can give you several bonuses while camping, athletics will give you Second Wind and so on. THis was not always the case. For example in the earlier days of this game you got fatigue after long travels and athletics helped. It gave no Second Wind. Survial only gave you longer potion duration and nothing else. So the skill distribution of my older builds will be a lot different than my newer ones.
  4. Actually I don't know of any build that is using a quarterstaff. They just lack an interesting unique.
  5. I never used it for long because I either have a priest or use scrolls of prayers once I have access to them.
  6. I said the Redeemer is hilarious with a barb who has Blood Thirst. That's because he will hit multiple vessels with one strike (Carnage) - most likely triggering the destruction of a vessel. That will then set his recovery to zero... and so on. Groups of tough vessels just get obliterated. I also think that the Golden Gaze is the best implement in the game - but still the soulbound scepter is also nice because it's the item with the highest ACC bonus in the game and it has a raw lash which is also great. On top of that it dominates quite frequently if you have Blast - which is a powerful CC effect. And last but not least the: +3 RES stacks with everything, also other gear that gives bonus to RES. With the leather armor Kerdhed Pames for example you can have +6 to RES which means +18 Concentration, +12 to will and +6 to deflection. Not bad for an implement use who likes to get close - like priests for example. And of course it needs no resources.
  7. Why yes, sorry. I misunderstood and was thinking about official companions, not custom ones. Derp. Erm, Messier-31, you know what? Now that I read his post again maybe that's really what he meant and I misunderstood it, not you. Well, now he can pick the answer that's uitable for him. Sorry if I sounded rude by the way, didn't mean to.
  8. Yes, sure - but because of its lower range and low dmg it's just a good backup weapon for anybody who uses hunting bows. You wouldn't pick it as your end-game weapon because of this. At the same time Durance's Staff comes with two damage types, a lash and has no shortcomings so it's viable to use it till the end. That's what I mean.
  9. Perhaps it makes sense, but it's not fair at all. Some companions have good gear on them (see also Kana) while others have nothing special (see Zahua). Ok, Zahua can get Anitlei which is better than an item - but Sagani's bow is a slap in the face.
  10. Too complicated in my opinion. Since pistols are inferior to blunderbusses and arquebuses - especially if you don't use reload - I think it's ok to allow a second shot with them. It's like Twin Sting mechanics. I'm more concerned with dual implements being too powerful.
  11. You don't need to replace them! Just follow the naming pattern with _a, _b, _c and so on and they will be inserted accordingly. In fact the name doesn't matter so much at all - but I guess you want portraits for several "races" to be sorted in the right way, hence the naming pattern like male_human_a and so on.
  12. You mean poison and disease I guess. You have a point because some mean afflictions can get applied by poison (paralyze via Lagufaeth blowdarts for example). The greatest thing is the -5 second duration. By the way: does that stack with Fenwalkers? You'd be the one who knows this. But still: if you already have priest I'd still say that it's redundant. And yes it's true - I consider all abilities/talents that strengthen defenses against afflictions as redundant as soon as you have a priest. That includes Aegis oL, Liberating Exh. and stuff, too. I mentioned this because he has Durance in the party. I think in such a case you should embrace the fact that a priest can make you immune to most afflictions and build the rest of your crew accordingly. BUT of course it's very handy if you are a lazy player (as Lampros says he is ) and/or want to spare spell uses even if you have a priest. So it depends - as always. But good point about the poison/disease stuff. I have to admit I forgot about that because I don't use Right. Soul very often.
  13. I think he meant the reactivity tables that determine all the stuff which you carry over from PoE 1 to Deadfire. Remember that a lot of decisions that you made on PoE1 are supposed to influence things in Deadfire. I guess that's what "PoE > Deadfire" is supposed to mean.
  14. It's redundant if you have a priest with Prayer against Treachery in my opinion. Solo is a different story of course.
  15. No. Only on weapons (Drake's Bell) it will stack. Enchanting a scale armor with pierce-proofed is a bit ineffective because the 25% malus also affects the proofing (you'll add 2 instead of 3). Pallegina's armor (or the enchantments on it) is quite bad. It's not 25% endurance that triggers it but 25% health. And the bonus obviously only works for the DR of the breastplate, not your overall DR. Maneha's armor has the healing bonus which only two other items have (Fulvano's Amulet and Belt of Bountiful Healing). If you want to stack that with survival it's an end game item for me. Great on monks with Iron Wheel I think. Sagani's hunting bow is somewhat pointless in my opinion (ha - pointless!) because it has lower base damage. Don't get why Durance can have a great dual damage variant plus lash on his staff while Sagani has to use a dual damage bow which base damage got reduced. Second Chance is only 1/rest. Meh for me. Actually Kana comes with headgear that gives +1 INT, an arquebus and a fine estoc. Aloth's armor is okish, but Overseeing is not very powerful. For me it's only useful if you have an ability that already has a huge base radius - like chants for example. But for the front line it's too thin and for a backline wizard it's too slow. Usually I look for enchantments like +2/+3 bonus to skill, speed, wounding, spell binding/chance/defense/holding, bonus to move speed, predatory, overbearing, stunnig and such.
  16. Switching adds 2 seconds to recovery. Quick Switch will remove 1.5 from that. There's also a belt in Russetwood that reduces it by 1. So with both you would nullify the penalty completely. It's a ton quicker than reloading, but the max amount of shots without reloading is limited to 4 (Island Aumaua with Arms Bearer). Weapon Focus Ruffian would be my recommendation.
  17. Amulet of Summer Solstice, Sun Touched Mail and Flames of FaƮr Rhian plus Bittercut basically makes you a mini-caster (12 casts per rest).
  18. "Hand and Key" is a breastplate that you can find quite early in the Endless Paths.
  19. It's the best club I'd say. But if you are a Ruffian and want a weapon with two damages types, why don't you use Bittercut?
  20. Then you would have to crit with them. That's really difficult against a dragon whose defense against prone is around 150.
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