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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I sense the answer's right here... No, that's the answer to the question "Why Versus Evil?", not "Why not Paradox?". A girl breaks up with you and later has a new boyfriend. When asked why she chose him she says "because he's sooo handsome". That doesn't mean that you look like Sloth from The Goonies and that this was the reason why she broke up. Maybe you just had cheesy feet...
  2. For me no doubt Stormcaller. Take Swift Aim + Driving Flight and later retrain from Swift Aim to Twinned Arrows.
  3. What do you mean? It works with any weapon focus, but you need to take one if you want to get +6 ACC. You could also take WF Adventurer and use a war bow until you get Stormcaller. But if you want to stick to a hunting bow until you find it then WF Peasant will be your best pick. Edit: those ninjas these days...
  4. Na. Always this duplicating. I would take Tall Grass and then Llawran's Stick (has speed) with shocking lash (just because it fits) and Durance's Staff as backup for when you meet crush resistant/immune foes(two damage types). Llawran's stick is really fast if you combine it with things like Frenzy, Swift Strikes or Swift Aim. A barb is also not too bad with Jena's Lance. Grazes with Carnage suck and the lance prevents some. Also the +1 CON stacks with every other CON bonus.
  5. Yes, 4 is a bit messy indoors. 3 is my prefered number of (non reach) melee guys. 4 or more can be nice though if you like to spread out.
  6. Yes. And Devotions + Zealous Focus stack with Inspiring Radiance. You can also cast Dire Blessing (+20% hit to crit rate). So it's possible to get a great crit rate even on a paladin on PotD. Also, if you use FoD (+20 +1 ACC per level) and then Sworn Enemy (+15 ACC) you should be able to generate some crits without the help of others in every encounter. Edit: well it's enough if the priest with Little Savior stays in the second row (casting) and uses his herald-aura on the frontliners.
  7. Depends. If you want to take out certain enemies quickly, then the rogue is better. "Escaping" to your target and killing it quickly while having +25 deflection can be very good. If you want to grind down whole groups, then barbarian is better. Both can be very effective with Tall Grass. The barb has the advantage of being a lot meatier after some levels - while the rogue does crit a lot more often which can lead to perma-prone. Actually now, after I wrote about it, I desperately want to try out a Slicken + Adept Evasion combo in my party. Why on earth didn't I think of this ealier...?
  8. Isn't Gimli a barbarian? I mean the only thing he's doing with his axe is cleaving around. And he gets thrown at his enemies (aka Dragon Leap). He's a messy eater as well...
  9. Don't forget stuck: -20 to reflex and deflection. Comes with your beloved Mental Binding as well.
  10. Huh? What paralyze effect in the early game? You mean Fetid Caress and Mental Binding? Well, maybe only Mental Binding, right?
  11. Well - why not? You can attack enemies with afflictions with your rogue abilities - and when there are no enmies with afflictions you can use your FoD to deal damage. It's more like balancing things out instaed of adding them up, but it's maybe not too bad. It's not great either I have to admit though... I wonder if the second talent of the paladin orders will still be in as pickable option? Like Strange Mercy, The Black Path and stuff? Would be a pity if not.
  12. May I ask why not Paradox again? You may choose the [diplomatic] dialogue option.
  13. Look at the description. It says how much damage Chillfog will do. That's the amount of freeze DR you might want to have. MIN damage will always go through though. But the problem with Chillfog is not the freeze damage but the blinding. You'd need very high fortitude to avoid it - or immunity via the Crossed Patch. Rhymrgand's Mantle will give you DR but the healing part doesn't work on your own Chillfog (last time I tried). Against Slicken you can use the boots of stability and Coastal Aumauas with Weapon & Shield plus high reflex. That alone should be enough I guess. Blaidh Golan armor (Brackenbury Sanatorium) and Pike's Pride armor (Copperlane merchant) both have Break Out which lowers prone/stun duration by 50% which gives you a good edge vs the enemies. Because of your high defenses you will only catch a graze if any, and grazes already only have 50% duration. So you would only have 25% duration while the enemy has 50%, 100% or 150% (at graze/hit/crit). This can be combined with preservation items. Irfin Byrngar's Solace (shield, Drake in the Endless Paths lvl 5 after the pit jump) stacks with Blaidh Golan, giving you +100 to all defenses when you are prone in theory. That's a bit buggy sometimes. But it works most of the time. A front line like this would be great if you use it with Slicken. Maybe try a rogue? He wouldn't get hit that often because enemies are prone - and his Adept Evasion ability might prevent a LOT of Slicken hits.
  14. Tidefall is the melee weapon with the highest damage potential in the game. If you have high MIG then it's one of the best picks for every melee character. The wounding enchantment does get boosted by MIG. The 25% the description mentiones are only the base at 10 MIG. So yes, a Tidefall-Paladin is a good option. BUT: I never tested if Strange Mercy gets triggered if the enemy is killed by a DoT-effect like wounding or if it has to be direct damage. Sanguine Plate + Tempered Helm is a nice addition because of the +4 to MIG. And once this runs out you will most likely kill an enemy and the Tempered Helm will trigger. Also looks good together. Another variant is to use Hours of St. Rumbalt. With FoD you will crit more often (also profiting from annihilating here), then the enemy goes prone and has lower deflection, making consecutive crits with Zealous Focus more likely. Or how about Tall Grass? I actually never did this, but the 10% crit conversion and the %5 of Critical Focus could add up nicely? Maybe try a Hearth Orlan paladin.
  15. I always read "Jack Blacket". Maybe I should combine one with a Troubadour and call the character Tenacious D. Of course they greatest and best chant in the world would be named "Tribute"...
  16. My system is Ubuntu 16.04, Nvidia 555M, 1920 x 1080. I never had any problems. Maybe the Intel graphics is yours. I also have one and sometimes I forget to switch to the Nvidia (hybrid setup). Then I get all kinds of issues like a screen offset of 960 px to the left and weird stuff like that.
  17. Nope. You only get terrible reputation with House Doemenel. Did it just yesterday. Because they force you into a fight if you are too honest and won't take part in thievery.
  18. Turning Edér into a Fighter/Priest of Eothas is actually a very good idea. Thanks!
  19. Since you didn't ask for advice but just stomped in that's totally fine with me.
  20. First I thought monk with Long Pain because it's so much fun to play. But now I'm doing my last PoE playthrough with a mountain dwarf Priest of Eothas for obvious reasons. Turned him into a tin can with large shield and I am only wearing Eothasian stuff where possible: Cloak of an Eothasian priest from the Temple, Pilgrim's Lasting Vigil as helmet, Sun-Touched Mail of Hyan Rath, Gaun's Pledge as ring and Gaun's Share as weapon and so on. I guess I will not multiclass him in my first playthrough in Deadfire but leave that to companions. But who knows... Priest of Eothas/Kind Wayfarer or /Troubadour might be a thing. My first playthrough usually is without optimized chars, more RP-style. After that comes the tinkering.
  21. With a high DEX/very high INT chanter in thin armor you can actually perma-paralyze at a certain level via Killers Froze Stiff. You can also perma-buff yourself and the whole party with +5 to all stats (Bride/Bridesmen invocations). Both of course after you build up the phrases at the beginning of the fight. It's very beneficial to pull enemies to the party where the chanter waits. That way he can use his invocation right away when the enemies arrive.
  22. Mind Control with very high ACC through priest, paladin and Tactical Meld works quite well in those bounties. They'll cast their nasty sunlances on each other.
  23. You have difficulties with that reading mumbojumbo, haven't you? Nobody wrote raw damage. I wrote burn damage. Maybe you messed up the terms DoT and raw damage - or you think that every DoT effect is automatically raw or something. Can't say what your brain did there - only that it's wrong. Nobody said CW is all powerful. I just said that it's good with a lot of hits in a short time and that it doesn't matter how weak those hits are. I corrected my initial typo of 300 damage to 30 damage and left the 300 in while I stroke the last zero so that everyone can see that I made a typo and corrected myself. It's even in your quote. You just need to put on your reading goggles I guess. If you are trying to "be real" then maybe try to "really" read the stuff you want to be real about. Else you are not going to be real but unintentionally funny. Edit: the 4 blunderbuss shots will usually be aimed at different targets that are affected by CW (which has an AoE), not all on a single target. I thought that was clear but I didn't mention it. Every enemy will get +180 burn damage (vs 0 DR) if all pellets hit. That's what I meant when I said it's more powerful than Flames of Devotion. Of course you can also shoot then into one enemy if he has that much endurance... The combo of DR bypass and reduced DR via Expose V. makes the blunderbuss a good choice even against mid-DR foes. Edit 2: Again you are dismissing stuff that you haven't done by yourself. It's ok to be sceptical though, no problem with that. Edit 3: Torm51 has been around for a long time. He's no newb nor semi-noob or whatever.
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