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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. 1. Acuan Giamas 2. Munacra Arret/Spirit Spiral 3. Swaddling Sheet 4. Little Savior 5. Aila Braccia
  2. Merciless Hand does nothing for DoTs, including Dragon Thrashed. Crits add duration to Dragon Thrashed (which is more powerful because it's multiplicative), not base damage - so Merciless Hand is a bit of a waste for a passive chanter with Dragon Thrashed. Second Skin seems to be the best pick. If you want to try something different for Pallegina then you can try Forgemaster's Gloves which summon Firebrand and pick any two hander as backup. Firebrand works with any weapon focus and if you crit with FoD the damage is really nice.
  3. Sure, that's no problem Well some of it is simple facts. You can agree or not, they stay true. I have not turned a blind eye on that. I adressed it by saying that they fulfill different roles. You could also compare a cipher to a wizard and say ciphers are boring because they have a smaller spell selection. I just wanted to compare two melee guys with each other. For example you said that you like barbs - but they have less active abilities. One could argue that this is more boring than a monk's broad variety of active abilites (I don't say that, I like barbs - but it's a valid argument). So that comparison would make sense to me when it comes to a discussion about boredom. I could totally understand one finds chanters boring - there are some mechanics in that class that can lead there. But why monks? It can't be their mechanics, that's what I'm saying. Yes. Pretty obviously. Still a comparison should make sense. They are flavored with martial arts animations and unarmed combat. But that doesn't make them boring from a mechanics point of view. Because they are not bound to it. Name one ability besides Transcendent Suffering (which you get for free) that only works unarmed or is mechanically "centered" around unarmed combat. No, not some of them. All of them. There are only the Sandals of the Forgotten Friar that have anything to do with unarmed combat - and they are not monk-exclusive. Anybody can wear them and use them to boost fists' damage. They were interoduced in WMI because fists fall behind in the mid game and especially when you get Durgan Steel. Blood Testament Gloves work with weapons. There is no robe that has anything to do with unarmed combat. There are robes that have monkish lore and it's obvious that some monks in PoE like to wear them. And why not? Monks are associated with robes in a lot of cultures. That has nothing to do with unarmed combat though. It's also "canonical" to use quarterstaffs (See Greenstone Staff) or hatchets or clubs - if you want to stick to monks from our history - which you don't have to. I still see no reason to think that PoE monks can't wear other stuff if you wish so and if you find your perceived classic monk outfit boring. Several npc monks in PoE are wearing Padded or Hide armor by the way (Ulmar, Eorn, Foreman Ismey, Grynde and so on) - not very kung-fu-like. But just let's assume that most monks in PoE's lore fight unarmed and are wearing robes: why should you do the same if there's no reason other than self-restriction? If that was the case (can't remember, maybe you can find the quote) then it was either before WMI came out (no durgan steel nor immunities to crush) or I meant early to mid game. And even if I used to think that: I totally can change my mind when someone presents some good arguments and examples - or if the framework conditions change. Like you also can: not long ago you said that barbs are useless and rogues are the most powerful class - while in this thread you paint a different picture. It's not a bad thing to be sensible. I respect that you don't like monks - for whatever reason. I just wanted to understand why you find them boring. You pointed that out so much. Especially because I consider them to be one of the least boring classes in PoE - due to the potentially high micromanagement and also the bigger versatility than other melee guys have. I asked you if you mean boring in a way that the whole "monk theme" is boring to you (and thus you don't even care for the mechanics becausethe class is spoiled for you). Because that I can understand.
  4. It's ok to find monks boring, but at the same time it is a very subjective and also irrational thing (as you say maybe imprinted because of D&D): PoE monks are better with weapons than with fists. Transcentend Suffering's ACC bonus doesn't work for Torment's Reach and also not for Force of Anguish. Fists can't be enchanted with a lash or durgan steel (both important dps features). They only do crush damage. They are good starters and ok backup weapons and that's it. Monks are better off with weapons. PoE monks' abilites are among the most powerful and versatile (of all dedicated melee classes) Their abilites are the most versatile and powerful of all melee focused classes if you ask me. And they work particularly better with weapons as I said above. There is no ability that only works with fists. So they are by no means focused on unarmed combat. The only thing is that the animations of Torment's Reach and Skyward kick look like fancy martial arts kicks. Comparing ciphers with monks is like comparing fighters to wizards. Their basic roles are different. If you compare a monk to a fighter you will see that the monk's abilites are a lot more versatile and also fun to use. His single target CCs are better and they are more plentiful (Force of Anguish, Stunning Blows, Enervating Blows, Skyward Kick), their damage both against single targets and AoE can be better than the fighter's (more speed via Swift Strikes, over 100% lash damage via Turning Wheel and Lightning Strikes as well as Blood Testament - and of course Torment's Reach), they can be build into great tanks as well (reflecting nealry all ranged attacks and also with powerful melee retaliation twists because of the lashes). Fighters have the advantage that their stuff works all the time without preconditions like having wounds - while the monk has a lot more potential. PoE monks are not limited to light armor like robes They suffer no special penalties from wearing heavy armor and there's also no lore that suggests that monks shouldn't wear it. The connection to D&D monks is understandable and I guess also intended (in order to get those players who loved the D&D monks), but if the player can detach himself from that image the PoE monk can be outfitted like any other melee frontliner. But they will always kick people, that's right. The thing about monks is that you have to manage your wounds in order to use most of your abilites to their full potential (although there are some abilites like Stunning Blows and Skyward Kick that work on a per-encounter-basis instead of spending wounds). This usually requires a high amount of maintenance if you want to play them effectively (at least with Torment's Reach and FOrce of Anguish). This is the reason why I first was a bit overwhelmed by the monk when I started with this game (too much to do while I was still figuring out the game). - but once you get the hang of it there is no melee class that is less boring in my opinion. But maybe we use "boring" in a different way here. I mean the mechanics - how you steer and play a monk - while I don't care about the "background" and lore of PoE monks (I just make my own). While I think you on the other hand mean the whole "vibe" of the monk class (influenced by D&D monks) that doesn't appeal to you, because they seem to scream "asian martial artist" (which I can understand: fancy kung fu dragon style martial arts stuff and also anime and Bruce Lee and so on are totally lost on me). Is that correct somehow?
  5. As far as I know the +12 ACC and hit-crit conversion work with FoA's fortitude roll. But I actually never played a one-handed monk. But even if not you will apply weakened more often through crits which will in turn lead to more prone enemies. But I guess you have to test. FoA works well with dragon-slaying. Despite the fact that dragons have high fortitude and +20 resistance to prone on top it's a great way do disable them (all but the flying one can go prone). You only need a paladin marker (Zealous Focus, marking weapon, Coordinated Attacks) and a priest (Insp. Radiance, Devotions). Paired with your own ACC (and the +1 ACC per char level FoA has) it's enough to send dragons to the floor reliably. Solo it's a different story of course. There is no draining stiletto that you can buy. The only draining stiletto I know of is Oidreacht and it sticks in the Giant Spider in level one of the Endless Paths. Maybe you mean Mosquito, the rapier. It fits your description. Yes, that's a good one because it also adds +5 ACC.
  6. No lash damage for draining, sorry. Also healing bonuses don't work with draining. Weapons' ACC bonuses translate to FoA, yes. Unarmed ACC bonus from Transcendent Suffering does not. What about one handed style? +12 ACC and hit to crit conversion might be good for this. Sure, you lose a bit of attack speed, but you generate more crits for FoA.
  7. Consecrated Ground's healing is nice in the early to mid game. But in the late game it's a bit weak.
  8. The Last Blade of the White Forge - because it has speed. Sheathed in Autumn is a nice weapon that comes with superb and looks good with Shame or Glory- but it already has a freezing lash which is kind of a bummer for paladins who also take Scion of Flame. Cat's Claw is ok because of rending but nothing too fancy. I totally like the look of the Darcozzi Paladini's Longsword of In'claene. It looks like the little brother of the Redeemer. Unfortunately it does nothing special...
  9. Marking from two different weapons only stacks if you dual wield those weapons. That leaves you with Shame or Glory + Cladhaliath or a clone of them via Helwax Mold. Like two Shame or Glories or two Cladhaliaths. Marking on two different chars does NOT stack. Armored Grace is one of the best abilities a fighter has. Of course you'll take it. You can't have enough Clear Out uses if your INT is decent. So I would keep Clear Out and wear the Gauntlets. If you drop them: Another great thing about fighters: Confident Aim's damage bonus (raises min damage) is one of the few multiplicative damage bonuses. It's a lot better than it sounds because not the min base is raised but the damage after all dmg mods apply. If you combine it with Comtessa's Gage it's a bit like eliminating the damage dice roll (always roll max). I know that from Kaylon.
  10. Sure,why not use two swords - or sword and battle axe (if that's no aesthetical problem for you)? No problems with that. Swords have two damage types and that's good. As Torm said, you can also stack marking. That only works when dual wielding. The Marking of two different chars doesn't stack. The only early unique swords are Shame & G. and Whispers of Yenwood, but later on you can get some decent ones, especially in act III. Or you can use the Unlabored Blade or Steadfast. Both work with any weapon focus.
  11. Ohhh good question - since it's a great use of a dead pet. I don't know but I am also very curious.
  12. Brilliant Radiance is so bad. If you take it I will be very disappointed.
  13. Phew that seems to be all I can add so far. It's your fault - shouldn't offer me those shrimps in the closet...
  14. Lesser Invulnerability Spell Heuristics only exists in the Wiki... At least I never saw that in the game.
  15. Maybw with Overbearing Guard but only one engagement slot you might want to give Shatterstar to your fighter as long as there's no Steadfast. It has guarding and is annihilating which is a good combo for a fighter with Overbearing Guard.
  16. If you still want to use Take the Hit and avoid mind control you can give your wizard The Golden Gaze (more damage than Gyrd because two projectiles = two blasts from each attack) and take WF Noble. Kalakoth's Minor Blights is universal and works with any WF.
  17. Fearless is redundant if you use Steadfast (also gives you Fearless).
  18. Speaking of high INT on a fighter (which I like): Clear Out is amazing with high INT but only mediocre with lowish INT. Dragon's Maw is a nice shield and is also good for Charge because Charge will add an invisible Full Attack with weapon + bash to the target of Charge + additional to the crush damage Charge itself does. In my opinion you have to use Charge with a fighter. It is so good. Instant cast, tons of crush damage which is independent from your weapon, gives you crazy battlefield movement and is very useful to help out friends in need as well as to take out certain annoyances asap.
  19. Take the Hit is very good if you combine big self healing with good INT. But I'm not sure if it works with Guarding Stance? Take the Hit is awfully bugged when you use mind control like confuse, charm and dominate: controlled enemies will transfer half of their damage to the fighter and it will NOT stop when mind controlled ends! If you don't use any mind control then it's a good pick.
  20. If you still like Mourning Gloves (they are nice and the speed bonus does at least stack with Bloodlust) then I would leave Interrupting Blows in. It stacks with the Gloves' increased interrupts. Maybe leave out Greater Frenzy? It's not that awesome in my opinion.
  21. Cloak of the Frozen Hunt + Beast Slayer talent + Beast Slaying enchantment on weapon all stack.
  22. I like FoD + Intense Flames on a paladin, but only with decent MIG and a hard hitting weapon. As somebody else said you can take away RES and pump up the MIG. I love Blood Thirst. You should check out Redeemer + Blood Thirst on vessels: Carnage works with the destroy property and you'll get kill-norecovery-kill... all the time. I always give the Redeemer to a barb if I have one. You can give the paladin another two hander for FoD or even two battle axes because of the FoD's Full Attack (both weapons will strike). You don't need Two Handed Style for that,doesn't do anything for FoD. After FoD switch to Shame & Buckler. I also like Barbaric Blow + 2 annihilating sabres on a barb. The Full Attack with the enhanced crit damage (+150% instead of just 50%) is great when you use it on disabled crowds (like after a Shadowflame). But that's maybe just me..
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