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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Sorry, I meant to say a screen shot of the missing cards from your OP.
  2. Hey guys, Thanks for bringing this to our attention and finding the source. I'll write up a report and get it checked out. Thanks a bunch!
  3. Hey guys, I have added your information to an already existing bug report. Can you please give us your save folders so we can take a look? Connect the Android Device to your PC. Open Windows Explorer and open the device Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC Zip and send! (Use Dropbox or anything similar) Thanks!
  4. Hey mightmighttas, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll investigate the issue further and see whats going on. Thanks a bunch!
  5. Hey Frivolimous, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Are you able to tap on Ezren or tap on the continue arrow? Thanks!
  6. Hey KGK, I'll see if we can replicate the issue and get a bug in. If you could remember anything else, that would be great! Thanks!
  7. Hey SSJ4SG2, Could you please tell me your PFID# (located in settings menu at the bottom) so we can take a look at your save? The issues with Quest mode characters bleeding into Story mode is known and should be already fixed in the next patch. Thanks!
  8. Hey Decius, You have to defeat the Rat Swarm by form of combat. If you use an item to defeat the rats, the will still shuffle back into the deck. Hope that helps! Thanks!
  9. Hey guys, Well, if the game created a new account for him, then he would be seeing zero cards instead of a drop of 300 cards. Its something definitely to look into, but it may be a connection issue which is why the issue has occurred. We'll investigate it further to see if there is anything deeper going on. Thanks everyone!
  10. Hey guys, this bug could be related, but we'll take a closer look.
  11. Hey everyone, Yes, these issue will be fixed in the next patch! Thanks for helping out guys!
  12. Can you get us your PFID# (located in settings menu at the bottom) so we can look into your saves?
  13. It appears to a bug, we're looking into it!
  14. Hello Grimbou, Do you recall that last thing you did before the party became unplayable? Thanks.
  15. Hey Llamalot, Looking at your card collection, its telling me you have 10 Beast Skins, 19 Orik's Shields and 6 Giant Weasels in your vault. There were a few cards that didn't go though correctly so I added them to your vault. If you could upload a screenshot of those cards, it would be much appreciated. Cards added: Venomous Dart +2 Demonbane Longsword +2 Force Quarterstaff +1 Brooch of Shielding Lucerne Hammer Paralyze Humanbane Gladius +2 Noble Brat
  16. Hey Pink, Actually, the Legendary border do have extra leafs in it, but due to the image cropping, you can't tell.
  17. Actually, Uncommon = Bronze Rare = Blue
  18. Both of these issues have been fixed in the next patch! We'll have patch notes out soon!
  20. Hey Everyone, In the next patch, we will be introducing 33 new treasure chest cards! Check them out! You may notice a change to our rarity borders. BLESSINGS:
  21. Nice video! Link is missing from the post though.
  22. Is it hot in here or is it just me? Oh, its you.
  23. Hey Bubblecat, The card you were talking about, did it happen to be Magic Half Plate? What other armors are in your hand?
  24. Hey guys, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Sorry about the issues, could you please post your PFID#'s so we can look in your accounts? The ID is located in the settings menu from the main screen at the bottom. Thanks!
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