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Elric Galad

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Everything posted by Elric Galad

  1. Carnage is around 50% bonus damages per additional ennemy in range at max PL so I won't discount it that fast. Sure it is not single target DPS but still. I would suspect that Berzeker is the top multiclass for a damage dealing spellcaster due to its on-kill effects (Bloodthirst/lust) + Frenzy + Lion Sprint (positionning + insta acc buff). +2PR / + 3AR is no joke. (helwalker being another serious candidate, especiallly if one goes DoT. But it comes at the cost of lots of additional damages taken) Plus pure barb may ultimately cast 1-rage proning shouts which can quickly degenerate into permaprone + tons of damages as soon as you start getting killls. And that is only if you don't want to abuse Heart of Blunderbuss.
  2. I like people with ~25 posts on this forum who pretends to know one of the most iconic poster on the forum. If you had been been there for long enough and truly paid attention, you would know a couple of details about his family and job that shows that IRL Boeroer does not seem to have any personal issue. And even in this case you would not be a "friend" of him or someone who actually knows him. ​Writing a thread title in SPIRITCAPSLOCK mode is usually not a sign of wisdom. ​This thread is fated to be closed by moderators anyway. So let's end this Madness with a stupid joke then : Do you know how it is called when you copy one of Boeroer's build and suddenly feel like if you had +20 Acc and +20 All Def ? It's called using Boeroer's Instinct.
  3. It should be fun to go full Healing and DoT now. Without health system and with less scary CC effects, it might even be the safest way to play now. I agree that Druid looks like the best healer (and Con buffer... AoE Robust on PL3 is crazy). And there's still people complaining that they aren't as good damage dealers as Wiz.
  4. So, what is exactly the amount of healing provided by Unbending ? I've never been sure. It's base value is 25% of damage received. As it provide healing over time, I suppose Might and Intellect are taken into acount. In addition to Unbending duration, does PL also affects the amount of healing per tick and the total duration of regeneration due to 1 single attack ? Do % Healing stack additively with Might ? Based on formula for similar spells, I would expect : Total % of damage regenerated = 25 x [(1+%Int Duration Bonus) * (1+0.05 x (PL-5)] x [(1+%Mig Healing Bonus + %Healng Bonus) * (1+0.05 x (PL-5)] Within a duration of [(1+%Int Duration Bonus) * (1+0.05 x (PL-5)] x Base Duration for each attack. It would be useful to target the right number for 100% healing. Does it also work with self inflicted damages such as Mortification, Take the Hit and Sacred Immolation ?
  5. Wizard are currently considered as arguably best class. I doubt your suggestions would be supported. One may consider that swapping grimoire is their trademark. And it's a very very very strong feat.
  6. After this patch and these new Ranger Abilities, I think the whole class system is pretty close from well balanced (which is great given the potential complexity of a system with multiclass options). In my opinion the only semi-big issue left is the low ressource pool of Martial Single Class. With this, some of them feel a bit UP, or more exactly not very sustainable for long fights. Not to say the Devs can't find a completely different way to address this, but according to the following thread, this opinion is well-spread : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/105895-the-martial-single-class-pool-poll/ Sorry for the whining. Respect for the job done.
  7. There's a compromise : use the other upgrade of the scimitar (complete refund of phrase cost). Then you can cast empowered eld nary at the beginning and then use the weapon summoning invocation. Sure, you won't be able to do it each fight since you don't refund the empower point but you can still do it when it matters. So if we're speaking about raw power for a Single Class Chanter, that's probably the best solution Sure it is a bit less fun for common fights. Oh well, I'm whining a lot but what I'm really thinking is that the game is quite close from "perfect enough" Class Balance. Which is really impressive considering Obsidian had to cope with Multiclass balancing.
  8. The Single Classes above don't belong to the bad Tier, but to the meh Tier. And they don't belong there because their abilities are bad but because their ressource pool is so low that they can't use them more than a couple of time. I think the low ressource pool is a consensus. I actually like ranger abilities. Twinned Shot is cool, Whirling Strikes is one of the best melee ability of the game (probably the best if Heart of Blunderbuss is not counted), the new Heart Seaker Shot is great too.
  9. Top Tier Single Class : Wizard Monk Good Single Class : ​Priest Druid ​Okay Single Class : Cipher ​Chanter ​Barbarian ​Meh Single Class : Fighter ​Rogue Ranger ​Paladin
  10. I agree with this. Single Class Casters are also stricly worse at level 1 than their multi counterparts. Not very fair. A couple of additional casts of lvl1 spells would be sufficient, for example. Won't change much on high levels. Some low-level goodies for single class ciphers and chanters would be nice too, for the same reasons. I simply don't think it's that important. I can live with the "low level wiz are weak" trope since their endgame (and midgame) is good. Still it feels weird that multis start plain better. Well, it is sure that Paladins, Fighters or Rogues Tier 8/9 could be improved a bit. But still, I feel they would have enough abilities to build around with more ressource and their current ones. Single Class Fighters could spam unbending and clean Sweep with good PL and feel good enough for their purpose if they had a little more Discipline. Take the Hit and Sundering Blows could be added for greater versatility. Penetrating Strike with PL10 would do the Single target DPS job. Black Jacket Clean Sweep with various debuffing modal is already great but empty Discipline quickly. Single Class Rangers can easily swing from AoE DPS (Heart Seeker/Whirling Strikes) to Single Target (Marked Prey/Wounding Shot/Twin Shot). Added Bond would allow pet buff in addition to this, so they can sit comfortably at the top of "summoners" role. Single Class Paladins are basically life insurance. If they die, they come back (3 zeal cost). If an ally die, they gain 2 and looses 3 for bringing them back. Yeah 1 zeal rez. Add a bit more zeal and they can add just a bit of Fire Lashes or Inspired Beacons. Single Class Rogues have Gambit. More Guile is all that they really need... It's not to deny that Buffing high Tier Abilities would be good, at least to give them more options. But I don't think it would be hard to justify to include any Single Class in a party. That's why I say there won't be major balance issue between classes. (except maybe Empowered Meteor and Empowered Inner Death...) Without ressources, all these nice abilities simply can't be used together.
  11. I think monks are a special case because they have 2 ressource pools, so you don't feel the lack of ressources that much. That and Empowered Inner Death is enough to justify Single Class anyway. But the question may be asked in the opposite way : would monk become more overpowered with additional ressource ? Whispers of the Wind use Wounds, and Empowers are limited to 1/encounter, so my opinion is that it wouldn't change that much.
  12. I don't disagree with this because it would avoid power creeping. Maybe it is part of the solution, but reducing the use of active abilities would not be very fun. Not sure about reducing ressource for Multi Class Casters. They have too many spells per encounter, but that does not make them especially strong compated to Single Class Casters, simply because the later have enough cast. Maybe they should also reduce Single Class casts too then. But I'm not sure about this either.
  13. When I compare Single Classes to (the very popular) Multi Classes, I think the former have a ressource problem more than an ability problem, especially when it comes to martial classes. Martial Multi get 18 ressources. Martial Single Class get 11 and actually requires more for their top tier abilities. This is a really Huge Gap. I get why Multi should get more points, since their abilities are weaker, but I think the current difference is too much. Single Class Multis simply don't have enough ressources to use their high tier abilities more than a couple of times. And in order to do that, that have to focus on them and totally forget their low tier ones. You're not rewarded for picking diverse active abilities. There are some way to get more ressources, but even them often provide more benefits to Multi than to Single class (Brillant inspiration, Devil of Caroc Breastplate, and even Empower refill). In short, I believe there would be no more major issues with any single class if their ressource pools were significantly buffed. I would like to know if my opinion is shared. Furthermore, if you agree with the previous point, I would like to know how many additional points would be sufficient. I think +2 at creation and +1 with Prestige would be perfect (for a total of 14 points vs 18 points for Multi Class). Multi Class are basically strictly better than Single at Level 1 (2 ability points and 2 “level 0” ability such as Carnage or Sneak Attack which are quite strong). So +2 Ressources at creation would correct this. Prestige is currently more rewarding for casters. +1 ressource would correct this. It is a Tier 9 ability so it makes sense to make it strong. Another option would be to allow Empower to fully renew Single Class ressource. That option would have the advantage to avoid buffing monk too much (Empowered Inner Death would come at a cost).
  14. It deserves to be noted that since everyone start with proficiency with unarmed, Devoted don't get penalty to use them. Then even get their Devoted bonus with fist since it applies to everything you're proficient with. Therefore monastic training is an excellent talent for Devoted especially if they want to specialize in a weapon with single damage type (pierce or slash, crush being covered by fists).
  15. I think the easiest way would be to introduce "Veteran Levels" which wouldn't change PL. You may keep gaining +3Acc / +3 All Def / + HP / +Skill. Nothing more. Too complicated to balance otherwise and it would still be a bit rewarding. Alternatevely they can add a God Challenge that decrease XP gain.
  16. A pure barbarian can essentially becomes a ranged fast caster at lvl 19 with driving roar. Not convenient till there but at least you'd feel optimal at some point.
  17. Anyway, I'm complaining but to be fair I don't really care. If the ability isn't strong enough it might be buffed. If I don't like how it works, I can simply avoid it. Ranger has a lot of nice low level goodies such as this wonderful disenchanting shot (uncle Keldorn would be proud). Ranger needed a couple more Tier 8 & 9 and that what the patch gave them. So that's perfect I am quite happy.
  18. The great return of the Drizzt trope has already been celebrated with a parade of whirling striking dervish with dual sabers. I guess some Riptide brought them to PoE.
  19. I would have preferred if Hunter's Claw worked on any Hit on the initial target and that using the ability caused on another race would reset the counter. Resting would not cause reset. To counterbalance this, the Bond Cost should be raised to something like 4 Bonds. It would still be suboptimal to use it for one single battle but still usable against boss.
  20. Hunter's Claw is great concept and flavour. It's really hard to figure how strong it is in game, especially because the word "race" is vague. +20 Acc (never enough Acc) and +20 defense passive is extremely strong even if it requires a setup. How complicated it is to set it up in real condition is hard to figure but I suspect that the initial effect is too low.
  21. Do you have to recast bonded fury if your pet gets killed ? Probably yes. ​I'm not sure Ghost Heart gets the most benefit from Bonded Fury. I think Ghost Heart are awesome to "spam" your 1-bond cheap pet which is a bit contradictory with spending 3 bonds on a pet buff. Furthermore, Ghost Heart needs even more Bond. ​And I think I would prefer to save as much bond as I can for Ranger high Tier abilities when going Single Class.
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