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Everything posted by nikolokolus

  1. I just want interesting companions that feel fleshed out. If that includes the weird then awesome.
  2. I'm still holding out hope for smell-o-vision http://theweek.com/article/index/216494/smell-o-vision-tv-coming-soon
  3. Simply put I won't install Steam or any other "distribution service" to play a game and I don't have windows on any computer I own so I'd like to know if those of us who are Linux users will have an installation option equivalent to what windows users that choose the DRM free GOG option. I'd just like an explanation of what the PE team and Obsidian consider "Linux support". There is no guarantee any 'doze program will run in WINE so while some may point to that it's really just a potential option at best. Thank you. You'll probably either get a .bin file that can installed in bash or maybe they'll distrubute a .deb or a .rpm file? In any case they've promised a DRM free option at the time of release if you don't want to use Steam (which is coming to Linux) or if GOG.com doesn't yet have Linux support at that time. Why are you sweating this now? It will sort itself out.
  4. You know what sounds a lot better in theory than in it is in practice? A spork. "hey look, it's a spoon and a fork rolled into one!" You know what? You get an inferior fork and crappy spoon that way. I just want Obsidian to build the best fork they can and leave the spork to somebody else.
  5. Well, I'm definitely not cool enough to be in the "right circles"
  6. I don't think you're far off the mark ... if it ever became public knowledge there would be some backlash. You might not be alone, but I suspect you are in the minority of people who actually backed the game.
  7. I guess that's my point on the last page about being more willing to back a project with a larger budget, than a shoe-string project. the 25K they asked for seems low because it is low ... they were probably afraid to ask for more, fearing that they wouldn't meet their funding goal, but maybe they should have been more willing to face failing up front (not meeting a funding goal) where nobody loses anything than lowballing themselves and leaving no margin for error?
  8. A reason I considered Obsidian a somewhat safe bet, is that they already have the infrastructure in place to develop a game. Programmers, artists, developers, modelers, etc. in house. When a KS has a "garage band" vibe I worry that they may not know what they are getting themselves into and how to manage all of the things that can impede and derail a project. Weirdly, I am more reluctant to back a KS project with a 50K goal than I would a 500K goal ... small budgets imply not a lot of margin for error.
  9. They do some touch-up in a photo-editing suite (like photoshop) but all of the heavy lifting is done in a 3D modeling environment.
  10. Ummm ... you realize that they have to build the environment in 3D and then "bake it" into an isometric 2D perspective right? Just because your computer isn't rendering the environment in real-time 3D doesn't mean that are creation is done in 2D
  11. I don't see how Unity is "older technology from the days of IE games". If anything, they're using new technology with visual tricks to make it look older. I don't think that screenshot they released looked older, it just had an old-school aesthetic. If anything being able to render an environment in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks is going to speed up the process of building things too, which also reduces costs.
  12. Just a quick point of order, they're not using IE tech, they're using Unity, which is a modern game development suite In any case, the main reason costs are going to be lower than a big budget title comes down to a variety of factors, including reduced costs associated with marketing , distribution , manufacturing/printing, license fees and less overhead (publishers have big buildings with large numbers of people on staff, etc.). Also not having to simultaneously develop for consoles or building, debugging and balancing multi-player features reduces development time and costs considerably. Bottom line: it sounds like Obsidian knows how to budget their resources, else they would have gone out of business a long time ago.
  13. A. They can't add the paypal money to Kickstarter's total on that page ... but they can probably add it to the project page "here" B. The mega dungeon is 15 levels not 14 ... *ahem* ... anyway, Feargus was in the comments section of the KS page (yesterday I think?) and he said they will update the dungeon image, but they're mostly taking the week to take stock. C. In the future I'm guessing the majority of their effort will be spent on the project's official web page ... which is a lot more important in my opinion.
  14. Are you asking for "integration" or consistent internal logic?
  15. How 'bout Verbeeg? And lest we forget Ummmm ... scary huh?
  16. Anybody remember the Orz from Star Control 2? Yeah, something like that.
  17. One way to bypass the constant cycling through loot upgrades is to have items with lore and powers that only gradually get revealed through long use and research. Get rid of identify spells that reveal every known fact about an item, but only partially reveal history and properties and they could deeply enrich and characterize magical items and make them personal to a character. This could be used in conjunction with special materials to make items varied but save true magic for the really powerful items in the game. I did this with PnP games I GMed and most players responded really positively.
  18. Bathos? Someone please 'splain to an unhip old fart.
  19. We have five? I thought they already said that the characters in the concept art weren't all necessarily companions, just that they were important to the story. Regardless, I don't really care what class/race the companions are, just so long as there is enough of a cross section overall to help me get into the dynamics of the the cultures and races of the world, and enough variety mechanically that I can have distinct game play experiences on multiple playthroughs
  20. It's on the project home page for anybody else who might be interested in still donating. http://eternity.obsidian.net/ Just remember if you want add-ons you just donate the required amount over your chosen reward tier and they send out a survey in a few weeks or so asking you what want to spend the extra amount on.
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