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Everything posted by Xard

  1. :sad:
  2. "HAHA! :D

    fruntimmer = flickor/ girls. :D hahahah!"

    Now that's analogy I could've never concluded.

    I thought "timmer" was plural for timme.

    Fruntimmer... Hah! :D

  3. It's :sad: nowadays
  4. Monty was ignorant bastard in that operation
  5. Well that's pity :sad:
  6. Okay If you ignore Troika that is
  7. Friend tripped, fell on his face = lots of blood, fell unconscious and lost part of his teeth. =/
  8. Beth is still in lead
  9. lol but some Beth mod deleted the original votes for Bioware and Obsidian here: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=681655 see? Originally Obsidian was first ,Bio second, and way behind was Beth after the extinct Troika I did a screenshot. Any more cheating and I'll report it to the admins. Could you post it?
  10. Hmm... this is turning out extremely kinky ;)

  11. Xard

    Sturmovik is Russian anti-tank plane

  12. http://www.netgeeksnudelivecams.net.au

    So far... awesome. Then it appeared to be false link! :(

    I'm very, very disappointed

  13. Omelette: I easily understand other parts of Accept's dirty little monkey language, but I really don't know what "frun" means. And I'm not going to check some bokks for that. It COULD mean "freetime" or "freehours" to be exact. That is if frun means "free" :S

  14. I saw my first little flashs of Star Wars year 95 Lightsaber fights in OT are awesome. No ADHD addicted duracell bunnies
  15. Gah! WTF is "frun"? >_<

    X-Files is one of my favorite shows ever. :)

  16. Awesome news, hopefully we learn something about Obsidians third project.
  17. Ah, yes... indeed is one of the best openings ever "Out the window Sam. There's nothing but strangers out there."
  18. It got good reviews in finland gaming media
  19. I'm sorry for what I'm going to say now... That rivals even OPG's posts in sheer stupidness
  20. Yeah. It can't be diminished as pure child's game. Many adults have enjoyed it too And it's best thing LA has published since... well, K2
  21. That's what I thought. Since the Romans did evolve off the Spartan form of warfare (not to mention improve the phalanx and hop-like warfare in general) I always thought that the Mandalorians were like the next step in evolution, leading them to be what they are today. I just saw more Roman characteristics in the Mandalorians than simply a specific profession society. When Mandalore gives his little speech and such, you can see the "camera" panning over the various other jobs. They have technicians, etc. I just see them as Romans, IMO. But I just like reading this thread. It's very interesting. QFE Anyways, the Romans had completely different formations to the phalanx, considering that the Romans lacked in spears in the early years and were based on cohorts consisting of swords and javelin based combat. The Phalanx was spears and only spears with the first 3-4 rows of men with their spears out horizontially, and the next row just higher.. and so on so it formed like a porcupine. Anyways to think off the top of my head one of the Roman formations without acctually researching it, because its late and I cbf, the Testudo was nothing like the Phalanx. Considering that the Spartans played their role about 500-200 years before the Romans, and the Romans were believed to been decendants from those at ancient Troy, not Sparta. Everyone now is like ZOMG SPARTANS I WANA 6 PACK AND PWN SOME PERSIANS COS I SAW 300! LAWL!!11one Edit: Anyways, Mustipicon? (I certainly do hope I spelt his name right, or ill be put to shame) pwns you all with his ancient history knowledge, ah yes good old Rome Total War ps. I got a leet Spartan skin mod so they dont just have those lousy red robes You really should download Rome Total Realism Mod - pure blast to play
  22. What, there's still people in internet not exposed to Holy Goatse?
  23. Xard


    Unhealthy addiction to fire and AoE spells + Artificial Stupidity + D&D Hardcore difficulty =
  24. What seriously surprised me was that poll about combat. "Turn-based" absolutely crushes other opinions. Either: A) There's huge amount of old skool players there when compared to others B) "generic beth fanboy" is "better" person than is commonly thought I guess it's A
  25. Xard


    I never found Qara being suicidical. But she was extremely dangerous for other party members
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