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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Xard

    But, but... but Sturmovik has its own game! :'(

  2. I was talking about that.
  3. Eh?
  4. Nor the gameplay
  5. WTF you are talking about? What post?

    Oh, if ye mean teh

  6. From the big four (Dark Side of the Moon, Wish you were here, Animals and The Wall) I think Animals has always been weakest. Damn good still, but not good as others. Pink Floyd - Mudmen
  7. Dreamcast was true success But seriously though, it had some very good games
  8. I have Red Orchestra and it is EXTREMELY reralistic so to speak. I prefer America's Army to be honest though It's very realistic too, but "funnier" (or something) to play than RO
  9. Pink Floyd - Childhood's End Obscured by Clouds definetly is most underrated Pink Floyd album ever.
  10. That was lame =/

  11. George! George! What has become of you? *in tune of Pink Floyd's Vera
  12. You should download Child patch + U.S 1.02 patch if you haven't already instead of UK 1.02 (aren't all Nordic copies of game UK ones?). I haven't touched any others though
  13. It' still MMORPG, not CRPG in "traditional" sense
  14. Irwin Goodman - Poing poing poing
  15. It was your last sentence that annoyed me. It was... biased so to speak
  16. 2 "mediocre" RPG's? KotOR 2 = without being rushed this would've been at least good as original one. NWN2 = Despite it's problems there's no way this could be "mediocre". For generic "let's beat this ultramegabadguy" narrative was damn good, character were interesting (HUGE props for Khelgar, Sand and Ammon Jerro. Shandra also is one of the few characters in games who feels like real person), combat system is awesome (well d'oh, it's DnD so this really isn't OE's merit) and although fights were mostly bit easy in OC they were fun mostly. New UI is ten times better than horrible Radiant Menus of NWN1. Oh, and The Trial. Especially The Trial. It has it's downsides too. Technical problems, too railroaded from time to time, multiplayer problems, AI problems, stupid death rules (which exist because of the nature of campaign), but AI, multiplayer and technical problems (and other sort of tweaks) are handed all the time by patches. In last patch we finally got multi-selecting, yay! Both games have their short-comings, but mediocre?
  17. Yes, few hundred times
  18. Man, I love fanboyism <3
  19. Congrats! And I agree with mkekru. Football = good good good
  20. I'm sure Accept can provide that
  21. Hahahaha!
  22. Living: 1. Obsidian 2. Bioware 3. ???? Dead: 1. BIS 2. Troika 3. ???? Overall: 1.BIS 2. Obsidian 3. Bioware 4. Troika 5. ???
  23. Jeff Husges also posted in that thread. After the prologue, none of the companions are required. Yay!
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